Star-source Legend

Chapter 1407: Real reason

"Hey, actually speaking, the reason why I led to the current situation at the beginning was not only because of the monster race, but also because of the civil war between the strong humans.

For Xingyuan, even I was very excited, because I often entered the Chaos area for the first time, so I had better understanding of Xingyuan than many people, and at that time I had reached the half-ancestral realm, and my own avenue was already It's about to be fully mastered, so I don't need to integrate them for the star source, but plan to make further contact to improve my own way, and finally let myself become the realm of the nobleman.

The appearance of Xingyuan was also the result of my own efforts. Relying on my own understanding of the origin, I secretly entered the depths of the Star Origin Continent, found the power of the Star Origin, and silently enlightened.

However, this news was also known to others. Suddenly, many people thought that I would directly integrate myself with the star source, and eventually a big battle broke out. All of them were shot and snatched, including those who respected me very much, such as Sky Splitting. All of them couldn't stand the temptation.

Although my strength is good and I am in control of space and time at the same time, in the face of everyone's attacks, I was still affected.

After that, after the Monster Race and the Mechanical Race got the news, they immediately came out and found the opportunity to sneak attack. In the end, there were more than a dozen humans at the ancestral realm level to the powerhouse.

At that time, I faced several patriarchs of the Four Sacred Beasts of the Monster Race alone. Because of my own injuries, I finally forcibly killed the patriarchs of the Azure Dragon and the White Tiger clan, and beat the patriarchs of the Suzaku and Xuanwu clan. Seriously injured, but his physical condition is basically exhausted.

And the rest of the human beings are all constrained by the mechanical clan and other monsters, unable to rescue them. In the end, I directly chose to explode the star. Fortunately, a trace of soul power successfully entered a star. Among the meta fragments, it can be regarded as surviving. The Star Source Continent eventually broke apart directly due to the lack of the Star Source.

It wasn't until you merged the first piece of star source fragment that I reluctantly regained consciousness, and had so much memory loss that I couldn't even remember who I was. "

Old Xing also said with emotion at this moment, and there was a lot of guilt in his expression.

"What? The disappearance of the Star Source Continent is because of the old star you?"

Zhang Fan was also dumbfounded at this moment, and even Xiao Gu was shaking a little at this moment.

This news is simply shocking.

"Yes, I only remembered it after recovering my memory. The Star Source Continent was able to exist because of the influence of the Star Source. Once the star source was missing or disappeared, the Star Source Continent would have no support and Protect the power.

An ancestral realm-level powerhouse is enough to destroy a large area of ​​galaxy completely with a single blow, and the Star Source Continent without power protection is also very fragile.

Of course, the Star Source Continent is very mysterious, and there may be super characters in some forbidden areas. This is also the reason why the Ten Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing finally appeared.

The Demon Star of the Demon Race was actually part of the Star Source Continent, and was preserved by some powerful people in the restricted area who had probably existed for a long time using their own power. "

Nodding, Xing Lao's shame at the moment became more obvious. After all, the source of everything is actually caused by the old man himself.

"Lao Xing, how did you get the "Xuantian Spirit Devouring Jue" and "Chaos Promise"? And why is it so coincidental that only I can practice these two techniques?"

Zhang Fan asked immediately afterwards.

"I got these two exercises when I understood Xingyuan. In my opinion, Xingyuan himself also has a certain consciousness, but it's still in the initial stage.

There is another possibility, that is, there may be a super person who is beyond the level of the cosmos venerable who created this technique, and then printed it inside the star source, which is a special inheritance, only real people of the atmosphere. , Coupled with special conditions, can practice.

I have tried to fuse the Star Source Fragments, but I have tried countless times but failed. Even the last trace of my soul power was almost wiped out, and in the end I found that my soul power was like acknowledging the Lord The source fragments are controlled and cannot be left without permission.

Afan, I think you should understand it yourself, as long as you want, my life and death are between your thoughts.

This is also the reason why I said you were my master at the beginning.

In addition, Afan, your current control over the Star Source Fragments is not so sufficient, so if I want to escape, you may need to fuse more Star Source Fragments to be able to do it. "

Old Xing also looked at Zhang Fan and replied.

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