Star-source Legend

Chapter 1470: Advantages and disadvantages of space transfer

After that, Guo Xiaotong returned to his residence. Early the next morning, under the leadership of Yunxia, ​​he took the spacecraft of Shenxiaodaomen to the primitive universe.

As for Situ Zhong, on the second day, he once again returned to the secret realm of the sword.

This is the secret realm built by the emperor of the gods, and it can be regarded as a holy place for cultivating swordsmen. It can be said that if you want to enter it, you must get approval from the emperor.

And Situ Zhong, because of his extraordinary talent in kendo, was eventually accepted as a named disciple by the Emperor of Heaven. If his strength can finally reach the late stage of the Dao Sage realm, then he can truly become a direct disciple of the Emperor of Heaven.


There is no time in cultivation, especially in comprehension.

Before he knew it, Zhang Fan had already been comprehending the Star Source Fragment for three months.

In these three months, it can be said that Zhang Fan's own real gain is absolutely beyond the imagination of others.

Because he himself had merged five pieces of star source fragments, when Zhang Fan approached the star source fragments, he would default to thinking that Zhang Fan himself had a homologous relationship.

Even if it can’t be swallowed and merged openly, Zhang Fan’s perception of the power of the great avenue contained in each piece of star-source fragment is definitely faster than anyone, even the most powerful person in the ancestral realm. Comparable.

In three months, Zhang Fan successfully integrated the information about the space avenue contained in the two pieces of star source fragments. While making his own spatial avenue more stable, it is also in the process of steady improvement.

According to Zhang Fan's own estimation, within a few years, he will be able to further perfect his own space avenue.

At this moment, because of the improvement of his perception, after Zhang Fan himself swallowed some training resources, his own strength was further improved, and he moved step by step towards the later stage of the Dao Sage realm.

"Haha, Afan, you are really punctual, saying that three months is three months, not bad." As soon as he reached the exit position, the guardian elder Hu Ying said with a smile while looking at the bill.

"Hey, this is because the elders said that every time I practice for three months, I would stop for a few days to digest my own gains. I naturally have to keep it in mind at all times, because elders, you must have your own truth in saying this.

By the way, elder, did my junior sister come to the primitive universe?

Speaking of it, it's been three months. I wonder if anyone took him to Senior Du Ming's place? "

Zhang Fan answered with a smile at the moment, and then asked immediately.

"Hehe, as early as the second day after you entered into the Star Source Fragment this time, your junior sister was led by a little girl named Yunxia to the primitive universe.

Before, I personally took your junior sister to Du Ming for an assessment.

The final result can be said to have surprised us all. Your junior sister can be said to be rare in the talent of God Cook. If it is placed in the same level, no one can match it.

This is Du Ming's original words.

When she passed the assessment, Du Ming had officially accepted your junior sister as an apprentice. For these three months, she had stayed in the aftertaste fast and kept learning. "

Hu Ying also smiled and replied when Zhang Fan asked.

"I knew Xiaotong would definitely be able to do it. You know, when I first saw her, I was less than a few dozen years old, but I was already self-taught and became a three-star god. kitchen.

I think that in the profession of God Chef, there are few that can match Xiaotong, otherwise I would not directly ask Senior Du Ming to accept Xiaotong as a disciple.

That elder, I will come back in a few days. For the time being, I will go to Huiweizhai to see the situation of my younger sister. "

Knowing that his junior sister was successfully adopted by Du Ming as apprentices, Zhang Fan was relieved in his heart, and the whole person was also very happy for Guo Xiaotong.

Because, entering the sect of Senior Du Ming means that his junior sister will be further away from the dream of the nine-star chef in the future.

"Okay, go."

Hu Liang waved.


Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan immediately disappeared where he was.

At this moment, in order to speed up, Zhang Fan couldn't help but use the ability of space teleportation. This is a powerful means of movement that only martial artists who understand the way of space can begin to learn and master.

Previously, Zhang Fan directly marked his own space imprint in the aftertaste. Therefore, even if the distance is relatively long, it takes less than ten seconds before and after, Zhang Fan has crossed the unknown space and successfully came to the aftertaste. Before fasting.

This is also Zhang Fan's first attempt. It can be said that Zhang Fan also has a new understanding of his spatial ability.

With this method, in the future, as long as Zhang Fan has the space imprint left by Zhang Fan himself, Zhang Fan will be able to cross each space at the fastest speed and reach the destination directly, even faster than the teleportation array.

Of course, this is actually a certain risk. I just started to move in space, and the space channel built is not as stable as the teleportation array. If you don’t master the distance, it is easy to be involved in foreign space or space-time storms. Among them, that one is in trouble,

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