Star-source Legend

Chapter 1471: Brother and sister meet

"It turned out to be Young Master Zhang Fan, what do I need?"

Just before Huiweizhai appeared, a service staff walked up and looked at Zhang Fan respectfully and asked.

This waiter was the same person who served Zhang Fan and Long Yuan three months ago.

After Zhang Fan’s inquiries, it was also known that the service staff was named Gaoshan. The group was actually a permanent resident of the primitive universe. However, by the generation of Gaoshan, the bloodline was degraded and inheritance was lost. Nowadays, Gaoshan can still stay in the primitive universe. , But the strength is only in the middle stage of the Xingyang realm.

"Haha, Gaoshan, I came to visit my junior sister, oh yes, Guo Xiaotong is my junior sister. I just left the customs, only to know that he has already successfully entered the door of Senior Du. This time it is also just beautiful. Look at her.

Speaking of it, I haven't seen my junior sister for over 50,000 years. "

Zhang Fan also smiled and said to Gaoshan at the moment.

"The young master turned out to be Young Master Zhang Fan, your junior sister? No wonder the talent is so powerful. It is the first time I have seen a master chef who can pass the old master test one after another. In these three months, it is said that the level of the young master has reached five stars. , Is moving towards the six-star level, making the old master very happy.

I'll take you to meet the old master and them. This is what I ordered before. Once Young Master Zhang Fan comes over, you will directly take it to the old master. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Gao Shan also seemed very surprised, and said immediately.

Originally, he was still very curious about Guo Xiaotong's identity, after all, the old master had not personally accepted a disciple for a long time.

Now that he accepts Guo Xiaotong himself as a disciple, it can be said that many of them have never thought of it. Even the two seven-star chefs of Huiweizhai are only registered disciples of the old master.

Under the leadership of Gao Shan, Zhang Fan finally came to the place where Du Ming now lives.


As soon as Zhang Fan walked in, a figure rushed over quickly, and finally the whole person hung on Zhang Fan like a koala, looking very excited.

This person is no one else, but Guo Xiaotong who came to the primitive universe.

"You girl, still so crazy, come down quickly, in front of your master, you can't be so unruly."

Zhang Fan also touched Guo Xiaotong's smooth long hair fondly at the moment, and said gently.

"Uuuuu, brother, I finally saw you. You are too cruel. You haven't visited me at Shenxiao Daomen for more than 50,000 years. You don't know how boring I was there."

Some reluctantly fell to the ground, Guo Xiaotong was holding Zhang Fan tightly at this moment, crying.

"Haha, didn't we just see it? It wasn't that my senior didn't go to see you before, but I was actually caught in a state of epiphany, and it took more than 50,000 years to finally wake up.

Otherwise, I would have gone to Shenxiao Daomen long ago.

Look, you're both big and big, still crying, and you're not afraid of your master watching jokes. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan also gently patted Guo Xiaotong on the back, smiled helplessly at Du Ming in the distance, and said to Guo Xiaotong.

"Zhang Fan has met Senior, thank you Senior for accepting Xiaotong as a disciple. I wonder if Senior are satisfied with Xiaotong?"

After Guo Xiaotong released Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan also hurriedly greeted Du Ming respectfully, and also asked immediately.

"Hehe, for Xiaotong, I can't be satisfied. It can be said that even I am a little jealous of her talent above God Cook.

To put it bluntly, Xiaotong was born for the profession of God Cook.

Now, my inheritance has finally been accepted by one of my disciples, which is considered to have fulfilled one of my own wishes. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan asked, Du Ming smiled and said that he couldn't be more satisfied with the apprentice Guo Xiaotong.

"Haha, it's fine for seniors to be satisfied. To be honest, at first I was worried that Xiaotong's talent and accumulation would not be able to pass the assessment of seniors.

It seems that for more than 50,000 years, Xiaotong, you haven't lost your craft, and quietly improved. It is also your blessing to be able to worship Senior Du Ming's door.

In the future, you have to be filial to Senior Du Ming. From the moment you become his disciple, Senior Du Ming is your relative. "

Seeing that Du Ming was very satisfied with Guo Xiaotong's apprentice, Zhang Fan was also very happy, and at the same time he watched Guo Xiaotong remind him.

"I know, brother."

Guo Xiaotong also looked at Zhang Fan at this moment, and at Du Ming, nodding seriously.

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