Star-source Legend

Chapter 1521: Under attack

"Haha, good luck, it turned out to be Yunxia from the Heavenly Dao Sect. I haven't seen the other one very much, but from the previous name, should it also come from the Divine Dao.

If I meet a few other super geniuses, I don’t think I have a chance yet. However, although Yunxia is a super genius in the same class as Zhang Fan and the others, her strength is just the peak of the early stage of the Taoist realm, and the other one is estimated to be the most. It is the realm of Daosheng.

Moreover, looking at the payment, the two have trial tokens in their hands. In this case, for the trial token, I'm sorry. "

At the same time, Randy, who had been waiting in place, was very excited after seeing Yunxia and Peng Jun through the mechanical dog.

The whole person also speeded up in an instant, rushing towards the location of Yunxia and Peng Jun.

"call out!"

At the same time, hundreds of miles away, the moment Peng Jun saw the mechanical dog, the heavy hammer in Peng Jun's hand was thrown with all his strength and smashed towards the mechanical dog.


The intruding attack smashed the mechanical dog to pieces in an instant.

"Senior Sister, let's go quickly."

After catching his hammer, Peng Jun also hurriedly said to Yunxia. At this moment, Peng Jun's whole figure seemed to have changed, his expression full of determination.

Without hesitation, Yunxia nodded, and she and Peng Jun continued to move in the other direction.

"No, hide!"

However, the two had just run less than a few miles, and the strong sense of crisis made Yunxia couldn't help but speak loudly to Peng Jun. After that, the two of them dodged toward both sides in a flash.


In the next instant, as a violent explosion sounded, the terrifying energy was like a raging sea of ​​anger, drowning Yunxia and Peng Jun.

In an instant, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and blocks the size of millstones splashed around. When the dust dissipated, at the location where Peng Jun and Yunxia were just now, a large pit that seemed to be at least tens of meters deep and a diameter of ten miles in diameter also appeared In place. Farther away, the ground cracked directly, radiating hundreds of miles in radius, and many ground cracks were several meters wide. The power of this blow can be imagined.

"Ahem, hem, senior sister, senior sister, are you okay?"

With a violent coughing sound, in the next instant, a figure suddenly stood up and shot away in another direction, looking very anxious. This person was Peng Jun.

At this moment, looking at Peng Jun’s situation, many of the clothes around his body are fragmented. On his body, there are more than a dozen wounds, large and small. His whole body seems to be rolling in the dust, even his face is full. I can't see clearly, but the blood flowing from the wound on his body at this moment shows that Peng Jun's injury is not light.

However, at this moment Peng Jun can't take care of the others, his only concern is his senior sister Yunxia.

No one knows more about the importance of Yun Xia to Zhang Fan, his good brother. Therefore, even if she died, Peng Jun did not want Yun Xia to be harmed. This was the only thing he could do for Zhang Fan.

"Peng Jun, I'm fine." In the next instant, as a familiar voice came out, Yun Xia's figure also appeared in front of Hong Lie. It seemed that Yun Xia's whole body had not changed, even her clothes were intact. No damage, however, its veil disappeared at the moment, leaking the beauty that would make any man feel suffocated.

However, Peng Jun didn't care about this. He clearly saw the blood traces at the corner of Yunxia's mouth that had not been completely erased, especially her pale face, which was obviously also seriously injured.

The attack just now was something that the two of them had never expected. When they noticed the crisis, both of them directly mobilized all the forces in their bodies to defend, but in the end they were swept in by the terrifying explosive energy. Fortunately, there is no danger to life.

However, being able to have such a terrifying power, obviously, the side that shots is very terrifying.

"You deserve to be a disciple of the Dao Sect of Gods. Under the circumstances that I launched such a powerful blow, the strength of your Dao Sage Realm's initial strength to successfully resist it is really beyond my expectation."

It was also at this time that a sound that sounded relatively mechanical was also heard, and then, a person of the mechanical clan who was four or five meters high appeared in front of Peng Jun and the others. It was the mechanical clan’s. Randy.

Just now, after the electronic dog sent by Randi locked the positions of Peng Jun and Yunxia, ​​Randy launched his own powerful blow, the star cannon in an instant.

It can be said that if this is placed outside, this star cannon is enough to completely destroy a huge star, and the power can be imagined.

Even if it was because Qi Yunxing had been suppressed by a tremendous amount of power, the power of one shot still burst out a very terrifying force. If Yun Xia had not suddenly sensed the crisis, it is estimated that the two had already lost the ability to fight back.

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