Star-source Legend

Chapter 1522: Randy shot

"Randy, it turned out to be you?"

At this moment, after seeing the mechanical clan, Yunxia couldn't help but uttered her voice, her expression full of confusion.

"It's me, Yunxia, ​​to be honest, I didn't expect to meet you. If this is outside, I won't do it to you. After all, the mechanical race depends on the human race to maintain the status quo.

However, in the trial land, even if you are really killed, you will eventually be able to resurrect. Therefore, I do not have any burden on my shots, not to mention the existence of trial tokens in your hands.

This trial is also quite important for our machine race. As long as we have enough resources, then the comprehensive strength of our machine race can be much faster.

Hand over the token, so that I can let you die without pain. In the future, I will personally come to my door to make amends. "

Looking at Yunxia, ​​Randy also spoke directly at the moment.

And when Randy said, Yunxia did not refute, because in this trial place, the three parties are directly opposed to each other, and for the future of her own race, any price can be bearable.

However, Yunxia is very aware of Randy's strength. It can be said that even if she has something to hide, if she counts Peng Jun, together, it is estimated that she will not be able to last long under Randy's attack.

After all, the opponent is the most powerful genius other than the newly-emerged Bruce. Don’t think that the opponent is only the mid-level peak of the Dao Sage realm. If you count the frontal attack ability, you can say that Randy’s strength is absolutely not Inferior to any existence in the later stage of the Dao Sage realm, even if they encounter Hong Lie, they have the power to fight.

After all, apart from relying on its own strength, the powerful modern weapons of the mechanical clan installed everywhere in their bodies are also very terrifying. There are some powerful hole cards that can even threaten Zhang Fan's genius to a certain extent.

At this moment, Yunxia's expression was very solemn.

"Randy, are you sure you want to attack us? You have to be clear about the consequences. After you attack us, even if you successfully return to reality, the consequences are not something you can bear. Your mechanical clan will bear our gods. anger."

At this moment, Yunxia was also a serious threat.

"Haha, Yunxia, ​​I think you have forgotten. In this trial, it is stipulated that all three parties can attack each other, even if one party kills all the people of the other party. After the trial is over, all parties are strong. Those who are not able to shoot, otherwise it would be a violation of his soul blood oath.

Therefore, if you want revenge, you can only find me. However, you are not my opponent now, and you will not be my opponent after your resurrection in the future.

In our generation, I may not be the strongest in the same level, but it is enough to rank in the top ten.

So, it's useless to talk more, and just hand over the token. In that case, I will close my hand appropriately so that the two of you will not end this trial in too much pain. "

Randy also sneered when Yun Xia said, completely disregarding Yun Xia's threat.

In fact, Yunxia naturally knows that her threat is useless, but now she and Peng Jun are both injured. Even if she is walking the way of life, it takes a lot of time to recover. Time, therefore, one second is one second at the moment, so that in the battle for a while, at least there is a certain resistance.

"Yunxia, ​​I know what your plan is. It's nothing more than trying to fight for a while and recover yourself. However, the blow I made just now, even the powerhouse in the late Dao Sage realm might not be able to take it head-on. It can be said that even if the injuries of the two of you are not serious, they cannot be recovered in a short time.

I know that you are following the path of life, but with your strength in the early stage of the Taoist realm, even if it is fully restored, what is the point?

Since you don't take the initiative to hand over the token, I have to ask for it myself.

I'm sorry. "

Randy said right now.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

In the next moment, I saw Randy's two mechanical arms move and instantly turned into two muzzles with a diameter of 30 cm, aiming at Yunxia and Peng Jun, and then there were two laser lasings. Out.

The current distance between the two parties is less than two hundred meters. It can be said that the two lasers came to Yunxia and Peng Jun in the blink of an eye.

"Peng Jun, be careful. In many cases, the attack methods of the mechanical clan rely on their own powerful weapons. We just need to be careful and avoid them. If we can hold on for a while, then wait for the other party. When too much energy is consumed, it is our opportunity."

Dodging for the first time, Yun Xia also directly reminded Peng Jun on the other side.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Although the two lasers did not successfully hit Yunxia and Peng Jun, their terrifying energy eventually exploded, bombarding two huge deep pits on the ground where Yunxia and Peng Jun had been staying.

"Shoo!" "Shoo!" "Shoo!"

However, the attack method of the mechanical clan can be said to be able to reach all-round coverage before the energy is consumed. I saw Randy's back. At this moment, under his control, a rectangular full-fledged three appeared. A weapon composed of ten relatively small muzzles.

In an instant, under Randy's control, these muzzles flew out one after another that looked only about ten centimeters in length, one by one at Yunxia and Peng Jun in the distance.

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