Star-source Legend

Chapter 1530: Three-headed dragon

"I said you don't move around, or I will burn you directly."

Holding Bai Jun in his arms and seeing Bai Jun's state at the moment, Zhu Xian'er couldn't help but joked. Of course, what Bai Jun got in the end was a very human eye.

With a smile, Zhu Xian'er took Bai Jun to other areas to find the other people of the Demon Race, otherwise, if the delay was too long, her banning ability would not be able to support much time.

For these, Hades is not very clear, otherwise it is estimated that he will feel more comfortable in his heart.


At the same time, after separating from Hades at that time, Hong Lie went to another area, intending to find other people first. Along the way, it can be said that with his own strong strength, basically no one can stop him. In Hong Lie’s footsteps, in just ten days, the number of monsters and mechanical geniuses who died in Hong Lie’s hands reached dozens, and the tokens in Hong Lie’s hands now have as many as ten. Looking at the entire Qiyun Star, Hong Lie's tokens are absolutely one of the best.

However, at this moment, Hong Lie's good calculation is over, because in front of Hong Lie, a huge beast with a body size of tens of thousands of meters also appeared in front of Hong Lie, blocking his way.

This behemoth has a pair of huge wings that cover the sky, and its thick legs look like two towering huge pillars, which is very frightening.

What made Hong Lie grin most was that this giant beast had three heads, and its appearance was no different from that of a dragon.

This made Hong Lie also think of the three-headed dragon clan, one of the overlords of the monster race several epochs ago.

Of course, the three-headed dragon in front of you can only be regarded as a descendant of the real three-headed dragon at best, and the bloodline is not too pure, but even so, the aura erupting from its body has definitely reached the realm of Dao Sage. The peak is even higher, otherwise it won't make Hong Lie so nervous at the moment.

Obviously, this should be one of Qiyunxing's three different beast kings.

In the face of this kind of existence, although Hong Lie is very confident of his own strength, the gap between the two sides is still very large. Thirty-six strategies, the best strategy, Hong Lie does not want to waste too much time here.

It is a pity that the body of this three-headed dragon alien beast was too big, as if it had found an interesting prey, and it immediately surrounded Hong Lie's surroundings, making it impossible for Hong Lie to escape.

Especially this kind of strange beast that has reached the half-ancestral level, although it cannot be compared with the real half-ancestral level of the monster race, but its own wisdom is still not inferior to human beings to a certain extent, from Hong Lie’s body , The three-headed dragon felt a special attraction. If it can swallow the little guy in front of it, then its own strength can be improved a lot.

"I said the big guy, I also had no intention of offending, and accidentally entered your territory. I believe that with your strength, you should be able to understand me. In this way, you will treat me as if I have never been here. Can you leave?"

At this moment, Hong Lie didn't really want to take a shot, so he directly spoke to the three-headed dragon, trying to make him give up taking shots at him.


However, the response to Hong Lie was a roar from the three-headed dragon. Especially from the look of the three-headed dragon, Hong Lie saw the contemptuous color at this moment, and at the same time, there was a stern color covering it.

It can be said that for the existence of the three-headed dragon, it is intolerable to any creatures other than Qiyunxing. After all, its mother died in the hands of some powerful beings in the previous years, even, The most powerful force of the entire Qiyunxing was directly killed or taken away.

This caused Qiyunxing's various alien beasts, but anyone who discovered the three tribes would immediately fall into madness and act desperately.

At this moment, seeing Hong Lie and wanting to let the three-headed dragon let him go is simply a dream. The hatred between the two parties is destined to be that only one party is completely defeated.

"It seems that I can't be kind, I can only do it, and then I will find a chance to see if I can slip away. With my strength, there is no chance to deal with this big guy for the time being. Maybe I can enter Qiyunxing. Of the three races, only Afan’s pervert can deal with it with confidence."

Hong Lie was not a fool, and the other party's roar also explained everything.

Of course, just now, Hong Lie was planning to give it a try. If he could not do it, try not to do it. Otherwise, if too much movement is caused and the attention of the other two races is caused, even if Hong Lie can finally escape, it is estimated that he will be directly interested. Fishing in troubled waters, Hades is already in a state of serious injury, and it will take a long time to recover. If even he has an accident, their highest-end strength will be worse than the monster race. In a short time, maybe As a result, the balance of power on both sides tilted towards the side of the monster race, and might even allow the mechanical race to seize the opportunity, which was not what he wanted to see.


In the next instant, Hong Lie immediately exploded with a powerful aura. At the same time, the bloodline power in the body was immediately activated. Then, among the three-headed dragons with a trace of fear, for a moment , Hong Lie became a thousand-meter-high giant, and his whole person was like a natural **** of war. The natural powerful pressure of the Titans even affected the three-headed dragon to a certain extent.

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