Star-source Legend

Chapter 1531: Titan Shield

After all, Hong Lie's own bloodline strength can be said to be at the same level as the ancestor of the Titans. As long as it is a normal cultivation, it will eventually be possible to achieve the realm of a half-sage, and it is even possible to directly reach the universe-sage in the future.

And the three-headed dragon monster, although its ancestor was one of the overlords of the demon tribe’s former generals, the bloodline of the three-headed dragon contained in its body is not pure, even relatively thin, capable of Growing up to this point, it is almost reaching its limit.

The life level between the two parties, to a certain extent, Hong Lie is on the higher side.

However, the comprehensive strength of the three-headed dragon at this moment is already close to the powerhouse of the ancestral realm, and Hong Lie has just broken through to the late stage of the Taoist realm.

After reaching the realm of Dao Sage, it can be said that every little bit of improvement, the gap between the two sides is very huge. To a certain extent, relying on their own strength far surpassing Hong Lie, if they really fight against each other, Hong Lie cannot occupy all aspects. To the advantage.

At this moment, Hong Lie directly used the power of activating all the bloodlines, and also wanted to suppress the three-headed dragon for the first time and make it retreat. In this case, he would be able to retreat relatively easily.

However, as a descendant of the three-headed dragon, the former overlord of the Yaozu, coupled with the hatred of the three clans, it can be said that Hong Lie's shock this time is doomed to end in failure.


In the next instant, the three dragon heads of the three-headed dragon looked at each other. Suddenly, it seemed as if there was some power emerging in its body, golden light flickering.

Immediately afterwards, among the mouths of the three giant dragon heads of the three-headed dragon, three golden beams of light tens of meters thick directly shot out at Hong Lie.

Needless to think about it, Hong Lie also knew that this was a unique magical power of the three-headed dragon, called electric light wave, which contained not only the power of thunder and lightning, but also the power of terrifying destruction.

With the strength of his body, if he is really exposed to the electric light waves of the three-headed dragon, it is estimated that he may be seriously injured in an instant. After all, the gap between the two sides is very obvious.


However, in the face of this kind of electric wave, Hong Lie still has a certain degree of confidence to fight against. This is also a new defense method that he finally tried in the cosmic network in the exercise field and Hades. Name it Shield of Titan.

After all, the form of the electric light wave at this moment is actually the same as the beam of light emitted by Hades's celestial eye power, but it is just a different way of power.

In an instant, Hong Lie directly mobilized the energy in his body. Then, a golden shield with a diameter of nearly hundreds of meters formed entirely from energy appeared directly in front of Hong Lie, blocking Hong Lie. Behind.

Although it was formed by energy, the exaggerated weight directly caused the surrounding ground to shake violently when it fell on the ground.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

At this moment, the three electric waves emitted by the three-headed dragon finally directly hit the huge shield. The terrifying energy finally gathered together, making Hong Lie feel his scalp numb. The next moment, the golden shield It was also directly under this energy that the ashes vanished and disappeared, and Hong Lie, also under the force of this terrifying counter-shock, flew upside down.

However, Hong Lie's Titan Shield was broken, but at that moment, it directly bounced back most of the three electric waves, and swept toward the three-headed dragon.

This is the role of Hong Lie's Titan Shield, a rebound.

To a certain extent, although the force just now caused Hong Lie to suffer some injuries, in the end, at most less than about four layers of power played a role, and the remaining close to the sixth layer was offset by the Titan Shield. Bounced back.

Taking advantage of this rebounding force, Hong Lie’s huge body returned to its normal size at the moment it flew out, and then the whole person directly used this powerful rebounding force to flee to the distance like lightning. go with.



And then, as a terrifying energy exploded, it can be said that within dozens of miles around Hong Lie’s location, everything was affected, and everything disappeared under this explosion. Exhausted.

Among them was a loud roar of pain and anger.

When the dust and smoke dissipated, the figure of the three-headed dragon was finally revealed.

I saw three wounds nearly ten meters in size on his body at the moment, bleeding continuously. The breath radiating from his body was weaker than before.

Obviously, the three-headed dragon was in turn hurt itself by the electric light waves it sprayed.

At this moment, the three-headed dragon also couldn't sense any aura from Hong Lie, and in an instant, his eyes became extremely red.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

In the next instant, the three-headed dragon caught in the madness also directly sprayed out energy beams from it. It took less than a minute. It can be said that under the full coverage of the angry three-headed dragon, it has a radius of thousands of miles. The region can be said to have been affected, and there is no grass, and even many local monsters with good strength died directly under the attack of the angry three-headed dragon.

And Hong Lie, who was running with all his strength, naturally felt the movement in the distance. At this moment, the whole person seemed a little scared, and the next moment, he directly accelerated.

It was just the first collision before, and Hong Lie had already suffered some injuries and consumed a lot of energy. Naturally, I also need to find a relatively stable and safe place to restore my consumption and heal my injuries.

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