Star-source Legend

Chapter 1532: The man in the dark shows up

"Huh? I feel that Yunxia's situation has stabilized a lot now. It seems that she should be temporarily out of danger, but it may also be that she has used her life energy to recover, so she feels more stable, not necessarily out of danger. Danger.

We are still about 200,000 miles away from where Yunxia is. If we move forward at full speed, half an hour should be enough to get there. I hope everything is in time. "

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of miles away from Yunxia and their location, the two figures are advancing at full speed at the moment. It can be said that if someone with a heart sees the speed of these two figures, they will definitely be surprised.

The two figures are simply teleporting, and in an instant, they will reach dozens of miles or even hundreds of miles away, which is very scary.

And these two people, not others, are Zhang Fan and Hades who perceive Yunxia's danger.

Along the way, with the resources provided by Zhang Fan, it can be said that the two of them don't have to worry about any consumption at all, and they are at their peak anytime, anywhere.

At this moment, while advancing at full speed, Zhang Fan also spoke to Hades.

"Well, anyway, for the sake of safety, we still can't hesitate. Here, after energy consumption, it takes time to recover. Yunxia was in danger before, so even if she recovers at this moment, it is obviously consumed. A lot of life energy, that has a huge impact on her own strength.

Although she has also reached the middle stage of the Dao Sage realm, she was able to encounter danger before. Obviously the opponent should not be simple, at least it is also the existence of the peak of the middle Dao Sage realm.

And this time, among the people who entered Qi Yunxing, there were at least about twenty people who could threaten Yunxia.

In this way, Afan, your strength is much stronger than mine. You go to your destination first, and I will arrive later. Time is running out.

If you understand the power of space, if you didn't take care of me along the way, you might have arrived at this moment.

Now I am fully recovered, so you don't have to worry about anything. "

Nodding, Hades also spoke at the moment.

"Okay, then you can just fly in the current direction, I'll rush over."

Without hesitation, Zhang Fan knew that what Hades was saying was the truth. As soon as the voice fell, the whole person accelerated in an instant and moved in the direction he had sensed before.

At this moment, Zhang Fan's speed was at least several times higher than before, because Zhang Fan at this moment also directly used "Kunpeng Step".

If placed in the real universe, Zhang Fan who used the Kunpeng Step, especially the Kunpeng Step who had already cultivated to the perfect state, would be able to increase his movement speed by hundreds of times.

At this moment, even with a strong suppression ability, Zhang Fan's speed has increased to a very exaggerated level when he uses the Kunpeng step at this moment.

Looking at the front and back for less than a few seconds, even Zhang Fan's breath could not be sensed. Hades seemed very surprised at the moment, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

Of course, Hades is actually quite moved in his heart. Although he and Zhang Fan have known each other for more than 50,000 years, the contact between the two parties is not much, most of them are in the universe network.

And this time, in order to ensure that he can fully recover, even when Yunxia is in danger, Zhang Fan still chose to slow down and accompany him, which made Hades understand why so many people have really gotten along with Zhang Fan. It is to be truly convinced by him. Just this quality is not something ordinary people can possess and achieve.

At this moment, Hades even gave up what he had always compared with Zhang Fan in his heart. He knew that as early as the end of the cosmic genius selection battle, no matter how hard he tried, he would not be able to catch up with Zhang Fan in the end. Many other people who are in the same class as Zhang Fan, including some of Zhang Fan's good brothers, such as Hong Lie, Liu Hui, Liu Yun and others.

Not at the subject, Hades is also speeding up at the moment and heading in the direction of Zhang Fan.


"Let's stay here for the time being to recover, and then wait for Zhang Fan. Peng Jun's injury is too serious and must be stopped, otherwise it will hurt his origin."

At the same time, after Randy retreated, the three of Mia who left the place eventually came to a cave deep in a relatively secret dense forest. At this moment, Peng Jun, who had been carrying his back, was put down, and Mia also spoke directly. Said.

"Hmm, well, I can only stay here for the time being. I hope that the previous match didn't attract the attention of others, otherwise, it would be really troublesome.

My current state is also seriously injured, and it will take at least a month to fully recover. This month, I have to trouble Mia for your help. "

Nodded, Yun Xia also spoke at the moment. At the same time, Yunxia is also very grateful to Mia.

"Hehe, don’t be so polite, it should be, we’re friends, aren’t we? Don’t say more, you two should hurry up and heal your injuries, I’ll go out and make arrangements so that if someone breaks in around us, Can detect it for the first time."

Smiling, Mia also spoke directly.

"call out!"

However, just when Mia was about to leave, for an instant, Mia's whole expression was cold, and then, under Mia's control, a flying sword was energized towards the big tree in front of him. Shot away.

"Hehe, you deserve to be the controller, you are very alert, but unfortunately, do you think that with your strength, will be my opponent? Hand over the token, in this case, I will give you three a happy one, otherwise Based on our hostile relationship, you should know what the consequences are."

Mia's attack didn't work, but it could be regarded as letting the person hiding in the dark walk out.

I saw that this was a young man in a blue robe with a faint smile on his face, and a long black hair left behind his head casually, looking like a romantic talent.

However, when she saw this person, Mia's complexion seemed very solemn for an instant.

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