Star-source Legend

Chapter 1558: Puzzle

"Wait, Elder Xing, Master, what is an extraterritorial demon? Also, are the chaotic demon and extraterritorial demon the same thing?

At this time, Zhang Fan also asked immediately.

"Haha, Afan, I have never talked to you about this situation, so you don’t know much about the information about Chaos Gods and Demons and Extraterrestrial Demons. These two are actually different and powerful. biological.

Among them, the Chaos Gods and Demons are creatures that exist in the forbidden area of ​​Chaos called the Black Sky Territory. It can be said that there is an absolute forbidden area of ​​the entire Chaos Region. Even the existence of the Universe Venerable can not enter the Black Sky Territory. Among them, even if you enter, the probability of being able to come out is infinitely close to zero.

Because of the chaotic gods and demons in the black sky region, the weakest ones are comparable to the peak of the Taoist realm. They are considered to be in their infancy, and some of them are powerful. It is estimated that even my master and your master are not opponents. There, there are many kings of the Chaos Gods and Demons who are comparable to the Venerable Universe, and even some are stronger than the Venerable Universe.

These chaotic gods and demons have only one purpose, and that is to swallow chaos, return the chaos to nothingness, and then enter the next cycle.

Of course, these are also some basic information I got when I contacted the source of the star. No one knows what the specific situation is. After all, the Black Sky Region is in the center of the Chaos Region. Based on our strength, it is estimated that the Chaos Region is connected. The periphery is unable to pass completely.

As for the outer demons, I think you have heard of the inner demons, right?

The extraterritorial demon is the substance of the heart demon. Generally speaking, the extraterritorial demon exists in a special plane space connected to the universe. Once a certain powerful person has passed various catastrophes, these extraterritorial demon will appear. Create an environment to paralyze each other, and eventually swallow each other.

It can be said that for countless years, I don't know how many people died in the heart because of the relationship between the external demon.

Compared to the Chaos Gods and Demons, the threat of the Outer Territory Gods and Demons is actually relatively small. As long as the mind is firm, there will be no problems in general. The only trouble will be the Chaos Gods and Demons.

The passage of Gods and Demons that the Shadow Pavilion has always been responsible for guarding is actually said to be a passage to the Black Sky Territory, but it was directly sealed by a certain super existence using a powerful ability, and even left some information on how to repair and To strengthen the seal of the classics, for countless years, numerous human powers have been secretly responsible for guarding this passage of gods and demons, and the first generation of the shadow pavilion’s pavilion is about to reach the realm of cosmic sages. The passage also directly moved the headquarters of the Shadow Pavilion nearby.

For a long time, there are as many as eight existences at the ancestral level that guard the passage of the gods and demons. This is why our human race has never wanted to do anything with the demons. The passage of the gods and demons has restrained us to a certain extent. A lot of power. "

Cracking Sky also looked at Zhang Fan at this time and explained to him.

"There is such a terrifying zone? It is incredible. For a long time, I think that as long as you reach the Universe Venerable, it is enough to be detached. Now, in the Chaos Region, the Universe Venerable is not considered to be The most powerful.

It seems that for me, there is still a long way to go.

However, I think the monster race and the machine race should also have the responsibility to help protect the gods and demons channel? Otherwise, once the seal is lifted and the Chaos Gods and Demons rush out, our universe will be finished. "

Hearing what his master said, Zhang Fan’s heart is not very calm at the moment, because he has discovered a problem that he has not dared to think about before, that is, just like his own guess, the chaotic area really has more It is a much stronger super existence.

At the same time, Zhang Fan also understood how terrifying the pressure humans have been under.

"Humans talked about this a long time ago with the monster race and the machine race, but they thought that our side was a lie made up by the power to contain them.

Therefore, for a long time, the monster race and the mechanical race did not send any strong men to the gods and demons passage. After all, they don't believe in the existence of any chaotic gods and demons, and they think it's nothing. "

Hearing Zhang Fan's question, Split Sky also replied aloud.

"It's really a pig teammate. To tell the truth, if I really have any hope of becoming the Venerable Universe, Yaozu, let them fend for themselves.

For countless years, it is not that we humans have no chance to defeat them, but the relaxation and weakness of one person has led to the continuous harassment and even attack of the monster race.

If my strength meets the requirements, I must go to the area of ​​the monster race and give them a severe lesson so that they understand that the human race should not be bullied, and at the same time, let them learn to cooperate. "

Hearing what his master said, Zhang Fan had a grievance in his heart for the inaction of the Monster Race, and he was anxious to kill the Monster Race directly. This would make the human race more united and reduce the external pressure to a certain extent.

"Existence is reasonable. If we are a monster race, I believe that it is impossible to directly cooperate with one side. The existence of chaos gods and monsters, at least for now, cannot open the seal of gods and monsters. proven.

Of course, this is also because the overall strength of our human beings is not as good as that of the other party. Otherwise, once there is a super strong enough to crush the Four Holy Beasts, I think it is impossible for them to cooperate for the future of the Monster Race.

Therefore, Afan, your top priority is to find a way to improve your strength as much as possible. In this case, many difficulties will be easily solved. "Old Xing also spoke at this time.

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