Star-source Legend

Chapter 1559: Resurrect all

"Yeah, I see, Master, Xing Lao, tomorrow I plan to start to break through the ancestral realm, then Master, you will find me a relatively stable environment.

As long as I break through the ancestral realm, I will be able to further devour more star source fragments. According to my estimation, it will take about 10,000 years at most. I will be able to put the master's hands and the hands of Master Chu Huang together. The six star source fragments were completely swallowed, and the strength was enough to rise to the peak or even late stage of the Ancestral Realm.

After that, when I go to the primitive universe to learn about the star-source fragments and chaotic monuments of several other holy places, to perfect my own space and devour one. I believe that it won’t be long before my realm will be able to compare with Master. There are many things. Naturally, there is no scruples. "

Nodding, Zhang Fan said confidently at this moment.

"Okay, I will make arrangements for you later. Breaking through the ancestral realm is not a trivial matter. It can be said that it is a big event for the entire human race. Of course, in order to keep the secret, you should try your best to start breaking through. Hidden to avoid unexpected situations.

Senior Xingyang, I don’t know how long it will take to recover to the peak state after your soul body merges with your new body? "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Split Sky also nodded, then immediately looked at Old Xing and asked.

"I was talking about ten years ago, but no one can determine the exact time. After all, the integration of the soul body and the new body requires perfection in all aspects.

Of course, at the latest, that is, a few hundred years, it should be possible to return to the peak of the ancestral realm. As for the realm of half-sovereign, it depends on fate. "

Old Star also replied at this moment.

"Hundreds of years, hehe, enough, with your strength, Senior Xingyang, I think, even if you just recover to the peak of the ancestral realm, it will surpass me by a lot.

In this case, the pressure on our side will be much less.

Then Afan, I will prepare everything now so that you can use it to break through. Tomorrow, you will be waiting for me at your residence. The time is not too early. During this period of time in the trial ground, I must not consume my mind. Less, go back early just to have a rest. "

Hearing Xing Lao’s answer, the expression of Sky Splitting was full of excitement. It can be said that if Xing Lao can recover, his pressure will be much less, and the top combat power on the human side is also If it can be strengthened, even if the cold sky is resolved, it will not affect the overall strength of the entire human race.

"Okay, Master, I will go back first."

Zhang Fan also spoke at this time, and then Xing Lao also returned to the Star Source Debris Space and left with Zhang Fan.

"Everything is developing in a good direction. I only hope that Afan can grow up quickly before the real catastrophe comes. Otherwise, I may not really have to leave the universe and go to the chaotic region."

After Zhang Fan left, Cracking Sky also whispered to himself, and at the same time, a very thick look of exhaustion flashed in his expression.

It can be said that as the strongest human being at present, the pressure on the shoulders of Rift Sky is very heavy.

Then, as soon as the figure moved, the cracking sky disappeared in place.


"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

At the same time, in a special area of ​​the Demon Star of the Demon Race, many top powerhouses of the Demon Race gathered together, and there were as many as thirty or forty in total.

And the reason for gathering so many powerful men is also to resurrect the many geniuses who died in the trial before.

It can be said that the existence of the soul mark left by everyone is enough to be fully resurrected.

This time, all the strong were scattered, bursting out with a powerful aura, from the long river of time and space, began to resurrect the dead people of the monster race one by one.


It can be said that the aura of many strong people is mixed together, and basically no one can bear it.

The powerhouse standing at the forefront is the patriarch of the Four Saint Beasts and the other top ten monsters.

In order to ensure that there are no accidents, it can be said that this time the Yaozu has also concentrated a large number of top strengths to resurrect one by one genius.

A long river of time and space emerged, and the figures of the geniuses of the dead monster race were finally pulled back to reality, completely resurrected.

This time, after the 10,000 geniuses of the Yaozu, more than 400 people survived, and more than 9,000 people were resurrected. Many of them have reached the realm of Taoism. It can be said that for many powerful people The consumption is very huge.

Especially Qing Ming, Bai Jun, Xuan Baobao, the younger generation of kings, their own strength has reached the late stage of the Taoist realm, and they want to be resurrected, even with the strength of Qingfeng and others at the peak of the ancestral realm. Need to consume a lot of power.

After all, the more talented people are, the stronger the backlash that they will endure if they want to resurrect.

It took nearly half an hour, and many strong men also resurrected Qing Ming and others first.

After that, it took nearly a month to resurrect everyone directly. At this moment, the many powerful monsters of the Yaozu are all sitting in place and recovering themselves. After all, 30 powerful people, On average, each person resurrected an average of 300 super geniuses. It can be said that many people's strength is almost exhausted.

At the same time, many geniuses on the human side, as well as the machine race, were finally completely resurrected.

Of course, because they died once, the strength of the resurrected people has been greatly affected compared to before, including their respective talents may be weaker than before.

The universe is fair. Since you have died once and want to be resurrected, how can it be possible that there is no price.

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