Star-source Legend

Chapter 1570: smoothly

"Well, since you have all made a decision, the Star Source Fragments in my hands and Xiao Ran can also be provided. As for the remaining Star Source Fragments, I think you should be clearer about the situation of the two of us, whether it is me, It was Xiao Ran. Although their respective strengths were number one, many things needed to be decided through consultation.

In my opinion, the Star Source Fragments we currently provide should be able to elevate Zhang Fan to the pinnacle of the Ancestral Realm or even higher. As for the rest, when his strength meets the requirements, naturally no one wants to obtain it. Opinions, we can do things more easily. "

Hearing Hongjun's decision, Jin Yuan also spoke at this moment.

When this happens, Jin Yuan is naturally unwilling to lag behind others.

Not to mention Zhang Fan's talent, just the appearance of Xing Lao surprised Jin Yuan.

As the first person in the universe, it can be said that even if the old Xing has not fully recovered, the experience of entering the half-exalted realm is still there. If you give them a little pointer, they can all give them five strengths. Promoted.

When it comes to the strength of Jin Yuan and others, it can be said that any slight increase in their own strength is a matter of great importance. For this reason, as long as the price is within the acceptable range, then it will definitely not Any questions.

"Teacher, there is no problem on my side. If necessary, I can temporarily provide all the Star Source Fragments. If anyone wants to object, I don't mind to solve them directly.

To be honest, each of us, as the master of the holy land, sometimes decentralizes too much, so many people subconsciously think that we can contain each other.

Especially the Sky Splitting, your strength is very powerful, but whether it is Leng Tianqiong or your first guardian, these two people can actually divide the entire universe alliance with you into three parts. In my opinion, it is better to attack strongly.

After solving Leng Tianqiong this time, then take a shot to take back part of your first guardian's full strength to ensure that your own words are imperial edicts throughout the universe, so that you don't have to be so fearful when doing many things. "

At this time, Xiao Ran also made a decision with a firm face, and at the same time looked at the cracking sky and said.

"Well, I used to be busy with my own cultivation and didn't care so much about external things. However, now that Senior Xingyang has recovered, coupled with the existence of Afan, some things have to be done.

I haven't taken a shot for many years, and it's time to take all the rights back again.

Although I don't need the Universe Alliance to be one word, but at this moment, one word is absolutely necessary.

Those who follow me prosper, and those who oppose me die. I will never show any mercy this time. "

Hearing what Xiao Ran said, Leaping Sky also said with a serious face at the moment, and a flash of light in his eyes also disappeared.

"Hehe, since that's the case, it's easy to handle. After Afan gets a breakthrough, you can provide the Star Source Fragments. This is the top priority at the moment.

After that, we need to resolve the uncertain factor of Cold Sky Sky as soon as possible. "

Old Xing also said with a smile at the moment.

After that, everyone discussed how to solve Leng Tianqiong before finally leaving to prepare. In the entire hall, only the old Xing and the cracking sky were left.

"This time things seem to be going smoothly. It seems that the unknown crisis has caused them not to think too much. You need to observe more during this period of cracking sky and cold sky, and it is best to find A time for him to go out, otherwise, if he starts his hands in the Cosmic Alliance, too much movement may directly destroy the entire Cosmic Alliance.

In order to ensure that it is foolproof, I will directly refine a Suotian Great Formation. When that time comes, as long as I work with it, I can directly surround it, at least to ensure that it cannot escape.

However, the only thing I worry about now is that Leng Tianqiong may have reached the realm of half deity.

For the Chaos God and Demon, as long as it has enough resources and a powerful energy body to swallow it, then it can always increase its strength steadily.

As the deputy leader of the Universe Alliance, I think there is no shortage of resources at all. From the past to the present, it has been 300 million years. For such a long period of time, if Leng Tianqiong is really seized by the Chaos Gods If you don’t, its strength is estimated to be no worse than my peak state. This is something we need to be very careful about. "

At this time, Old Xing also looked at Cracking Sky and said.

"Well, I didn't expect Xiao Ran to have such a relationship with you, Senior Xingyang. After all, we have known each other for more than 300 million years, and it is the first time that we have seen his true face.

For a long time, we have always felt that Xiao Ran was just like me, who had been pointed out by seniors.

However, it is precisely because of this level of relationship, coupled with the soul blood oath, that Xiao Ran can be excluded from the fierce beast, and at the same time, things are going very smoothly today.

What can be guaranteed at the moment is that after Afan breaks through, he will at least have 16 pieces of star source fragments in his hand to swallow and fuse.

In addition to the ten yuan of the Shenxiao Taoist gate and the eight yuan of the shadow pavilion, this is 32 yuan, plus Afan is already a combined five yuan, which is more than one third of the total amount.

I think that with so many star source fragments, combined with sufficient resources, it is enough to raise Afan's strength to a very exaggerated level.

With such an overbearing technique in "Xuan Tian Ling Zhi Jue", it can be said that there is no need to worry about any hidden dangers. "

Hearing what Elder Xing said, Cracking Sky also nodded and said at the moment. Regarding how smooth today is, even Split Sky himself did not expect it.

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