Star-source Legend

Chapter 1571: Sense of crisis

"Well, there are more than 30 pieces of Star Source Fragments. It can be said that I didn't even dare to think about it a long time ago. Even when I asked to see you, I was in great danger.

After all, more than 300 million years have passed, and people's hearts are unpredictable.

Fortunately, your attitude towards me has not changed in the past. Everything went smoothly, otherwise I would have harmed Afan.

Let's go, go back to your side first, it just happens that I have nothing to do now, just to see if I can help you get further improvement.

Your current comprehensive strength is one step away from the realm of Half-Exalted. What's missing is the opportunity.

If you can ascend to the half-sovereign realm, then many things afterwards will be much smoother. "

Nodding, Old Xing also said directly.

"Well, speaking of it, I have always wanted to ask you to point me to the predecessor. According to my estimation, even if it is understood, it will take tens of millions of years or more to be possible. .

However, with the help of your seniors, this time should be greatly shortened.

Once I break through to the realm of a half-sovereign, you should have almost completely recovered, Senior, with the addition of a promising Afan in the future, the overall strength of our humanity will truly reach its peak.

By the way, senior, can the set of supreme supernatural powers taught to me by Afan be taught to Chu Huang? "

At this moment, Split Sky also seemed very excited, and at the same time asked directly.

"For the time being, I don't need it for now. This is the Xeon supernatural power. You can master it because Afan directly imparted all his understanding to you, which is equivalent to a memory inheritance to a certain extent.

Although the talents of the others are good, without the help of Afan, it is impossible to master the first level in a short period of time, and will even waste too much energy because of this, which will affect their own improvement.

Especially Afan is considered the current inheritor of this set of magical powers. Although you are his master, you can teach this set of magical powers to others without his permission. Due to the mentorship, Afan will not What to say, but I guess not so comfortable.

The reason why you can learn this set of Xeon supernatural powers is also because Afan hopes that you can be stronger, otherwise, he can't tell you about such an important hole card of Xeon supernatural powers.

Everything, wait until he breaks through the barrier before making a decision. "

Hearing what Leap Tian asked, Old Xing thought about it, and also directly expressed his own considerations.

"Yeah, that's right, I think it's abrupt. Too many people know about such an important hole card, but it's not good. Then wait until Afan leaves the gate."

After understanding the meaning of Old Xing's words, Splitting Sky didn't mention it any more, and then the two returned to their residence with Old Xing.


At the same time, in the center of a seemingly endless space of special planes, a figure is also sitting cross-legged on a huge cylinder protruding from the center.

The diameter of the entire column is at least hundreds of meters, and the height is almost a thousand meters, it looks like a pillar supporting the sky, very spectacular.

As soon as this figure looked closer, it was a handsome young man wearing a black exercise suit. It was just that because of the long-term deep-level training, his whole body was covered with dust at this moment, and it looked relatively sloppy.

This person is not someone else, just to break through to the ancestral realm, Zhang Fan who came to the place where the sky was arranged.

This space can be regarded as a very stable and suitable special plane space specially established by human beings to break through to the ancestral realm. After just coming here, Zhang Fan also observed everywhere, and has a foundation for the entire plane space. Understanding.

The energy in the entire plane space can be said to be endless and very stable. Here, the gravity is at least 100,000 times, especially the surrounding space, which is very stable. Even if Zhang Fan punches with all his strength, Unable to break any point.

Especially the huge column he was on at the moment, when facing Zu Jie, he was able to directly activate the defense under his control.

There are a total of three thousand six hundred defenses, and each defense is personally arranged and completed by Master Splitting the Sky.

As long as the Zu Jie is not too exaggerated, then Zhang Fan can easily achieve a breakthrough.

However, for unknown reasons, Zhang Fan has been in retreat here for more than a month now, although his strength is steadily improving, including his body and soul body are undergoing a little bit of transformation.

However, the huge sense of crisis has been looming over Zhang Fan, making him restless, as if he had a pair of eyes watching Zhang Fan in secret.

However, his master carefully surveyed a piece of space in this space, and there will never be another person. Then there can only be one explanation, that is, the ancestral calamity he faced this time breakthrough is likely to exceed Imagine.

Normally, a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Dao Sage realm breaks into the Ancestral Realm, and generally there are only nine tribulations that need to be faced. Each layer contains 108 horrible thunder powers, which is the most common Nine ancestors robbery.

After the entire plane space and the defensive weakening above the column, even the strength of the thunder released by the Ninth Heavenly Tribulation, the strength finally reached the early stage of the Ancestral Realm, and it was basically easy to deal with.

However, the universe is fair, and the more terrifying the talent, the more difficult the catastrophe of the ancestral realm will be encountered.

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