Star-source Legend

Chapter 1572: Full burst

Li Tian and Zhang Fan said that when his senior brother Ling Feiyu broke through the ancestral realm, he triggered a full eighteen tribulations and almost died under the bombardment of thunder.

And he himself, in every respect, can be said to be stronger and more perfect than those of the overlord spirit race several epochs before, especially the one he has cultivated is the Devouring Avenue, which is in the forefront of the Chaos Avenue. According to Tian’s estimation, the ancestral calamity that Zhang Fan encountered this time would reach the 18th level, or even the more serious, the 27th level, or even the 36th level. Use a lot of resources to deploy defenses.

Even outside of the plane space, Sky Splitting directly arranged layers of powerful defensive arrays to ensure everything.

Generally speaking, the Ninth Heavenly Tribulation is called the First Transition Ancestral Tribulation, while the Eighteenth Layer is the Second Transition Ancestral Tribulation, and the Twenty-seventh Layer is the Third Transition. Nine-turned ancestor robbery

It can be said that once Zhang Fan himself encounters the Nineth Rank Ancestral Tribulation, even after the weakening of the big formation, the power of the thunder power that eventually falls on his body is not inferior to the power of the late Ancestral Realm. Full blow.

Even if Zhang Fan's strength is abnormal, it is impossible to survive.

Regardless of whether it is Sky Breaking or Star Older, it is all judged. With Zhang Fan's talent, although the chance of the Nine Ranked Tribulation is very small, the last time he will experience the ancestral Tribulation of three or more degrees.

This is what worried Zhang Fan.

At this moment, after more than a month of preparation, Zhang Fan has basically reached the peak in all aspects. The next step is to directly explode all his power to trigger the ancestral calamity.

After successfully passing through, Zhang Fan will really fly into the sky. Once he fails, if he is not careful, Zhang Fan will most likely be destroyed under the terrifying Ancestral Tribulation Thunder, the real ashes will be wiped out, and even resurrection will be impossible.

This is why many people still need to practice for a long time before they choose to break through after reaching the peak of the Dao Sage realm, because the consequences of failure are not something that anyone can bear.


At this time, Zhang Fan also opened his eyes directly, and immediately, two horrible golden beams of light shot out from his eyes, like golden eyes.

"Xing Lao, I am going to cause Ancestral Tribulation."

At this time, Zhang Fan also directly spoke to Old Star.

Although Xing Lao has left Zhang Fan’s body at present, it may be that as Xing Lao said, he is considered to be the spirit of Xingyuan Fragment Space. Therefore, even if he does not pass the spiritual imprint, Zhang Fan can still communicate with Xing Lao anytime and anywhere. .

"Everything is ready, let me see how powerful Zu Jie is. Anything that stops in front of me, I will directly smash it."

Zhang Fan also whispered to himself after transmitting the sound to the old Xing. Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan also directly got up slowly and stood up.


In the next moment, Zhang Fan was no longer hiding, and his terrifying aura suddenly burst out like a raging sea.

At this moment, Zhang Fan, the "Xuantian Devouring Soul" in his body was running wildly, coupled with the terrifying mental power that burst out from him, the entire plane space seemed to tremble with Zhang Fan's aura. .

If someone at the ancestral realm level comes to Zhang Fan and feels it, you can find that Zhang Fan’s momentum is no less inferior to a true early ancestral realm strong, and even reached the initial peak. The strength of the strong.


"Afan is already preparing to start a breakthrough. To be on the safe side, let's rush over to avoid accidents. Afan just gave me a voice transmission, saying that he has recently felt a huge sense of crisis. According to his judgment, breaking through the ancestral realm this time will not go so smoothly."

At the same time, the old Xing who received Zhang Fan's voice also spoke to the cracking sky on the side, and his expression was full of worry.

"Okay, it shouldn't be too late. Let's go there quickly, just in case. At least, when Afan breaks through, we can't let any force other than Ancestral Tribulation affect him."

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Rift Sky also spoke directly at this moment, and then directly took the Falcon with Xing Lao and rushed to the plane space where Zhang Fan was staying.

"What a terrifying aura, Afan is so terrifying before he breaks through. If this is a breakthrough, it is likely to reach the middle stage of the ancestral realm. Even I am far from an opponent.

This kind of talent is really enviable.

However, the more talented people are, the more terrifying the ancestral calamity they need to face. Looking at this momentum, the third turn is unstoppable. Once the third turn of the robbery is exceeded, Afan will be really dangerous.

Hope everything goes well. "At the same time, outside the plane space, with the trembling of the entire plane space, it immediately attracted the attention of the elder Zilin who had been guarding outside.

At this moment, the face of the elder Zilin was full of shock, but accompanied by it was a deep worry.

Zhang Fan's talent is too terrifying. What he had spent at the beginning was the second round of Heavenly Tribulation, which almost fell, and Zhang Fan would surpass him 100%, and even the third round could not stop it.

As Zhang Fan's "teacher", it can be said that Zhang Fan has been able to grow up to where he is now, and he can see it little by little. Naturally, he is also very worried about the unknown.

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