Star-source Legend

Chapter 1574: Powerful ancestor

At the same time, on the huge cylindrical platform in the plane space, Zhang Fan at this moment looked at the terrifying white thunder that was bombarding him, his complexion also became very solemn.

Earlier, Split Sky and Xing Lao had told Zhang Fan a lot about the experience of breaking through the ancestral realm and what to pay attention to. Among them, the interview that caught Zhang Fan's attention the most was the response to the power of thunder.

Because he himself is a fusion of Star Source Fragments, he is equivalent to being one with the origin of the universe to a certain extent, and the power of thunder looks mighty to him, but in fact it is not as great as imagined.

However, this is only Zhang Fan's own guess. At least, for now, the first power of thunder requires him to face it seriously.

Fortunately, there are layers of defense outside this plane space. After Thunder is weakened, the power that can be applied to Zhang Fan is also very limited.

According to Zhang Fan's estimation, it was at least after the Third Transformation Ancestral Tribulation that Thunder was able to truly pose a certain threat to him.

As the huge white thunder fell, the thousands of meters long thunder looked very shocking from a distance, as if a **** was holding a white spear to pierce the sky, especially at this moment from top to bottom. , This feeling is very strong.

However, at this moment, many powerhouses at the ancestral realm level did not seem to be very worried, because they themselves clearly knew the particularity of this plane space.

It can be said that as long as it is not an ancestral robbery with more than three ranks, then relying on the super defense of the plane space, coupled with the layer of defense on the huge platform in the space, it can basically be passed safely.

However, everyone is also aware that an ancestral calamity actually affects the tens of millions of miles of the 10,000 yuan immortal emperor's emblem, so the talent of the person who crosses the robbery is absolutely beyond imagination, and the chance of a robbery with more than three ranks is very high. Big, even with the weakening of the defensive formation, it is estimated that the power of Thunder will exceed the robber itself, and it will be really dangerous at that time.

At this time, as expected by the ancestral realm powerhouses, when the thunder bombarded it, a huge light blue mask that seemed to cover the world also emerged.

In the end, although the Thunder still penetrated it, compared with the previous intensity, the Thunder at this moment also consumed a lot of energy, shortening it to several hundred meters in length and one meter in thickness.

In the end, Zhang Fan thought, and suddenly, a golden tower-like thought power weapon also emerged, which became countless times larger directly under Zhang Fan's control, and hit the bombarding thunder, destroying it in an instant.

And this Nianli weapon was also the Pagoda that accompanied Zhang Fan for a long time, and it was the first Nianli weapon in the true sense that Zhang Fan himself had obtained.

However, since it is an ancestral robbery, it will definitely not leave a lot of time for the robbers. At this moment, as the first huge white thunder falls, and after that, the huge thunders seem to be destroyed. The world is ordinary, bombarding down continuously.

From a distance, it looked like the next meteor shower, but only Zhang Fan, who was in the center at the moment, understood the horror of this so-called "meteor shower."

It can be said that just one thing is okay, all the 108 thunderbolts are bombarded, and the combined power makes Zhang Fan also have to constantly control the Buddha Tower for defense, which eventually consumes a lot of mental power. .

Before he could think about it, Zhang Fan also moved his hands at this moment. Suddenly, many pills and precious resources were stuffed into his mouth without money, all of which were prepared in advance to restore mental power.

Under Zhang Fan’s devouring power, his mental power was almost completely restored. This is also because the catastrophe did not consume much for him. Basically, relying on the Buddha Tower can easily deal with it. , The mental power is only exhausted, and the soul body is not damaged.

However, Zhang Fan did not dare to relax at this moment. The sense of crisis he felt was not a joke. This time, Zhang Fan estimated that the ancestral calamity he had to face would definitely exceed three revolutions.

At that time, if the method he had thought of before did not work, it would be really a tragedy, so, in fact, Zhang Fan himself was a little uneasy at this moment.

"My God, just with this kind of intensity of thunder, any one. It is estimated that I will be seriously injured or even worse if I resist with all my strength. As far as I know, this is just a turn of the heavens. The second and third turns are said to be The increase in power is not just a little bit, I hope Afan can persevere."

In the outer area, Hong Lie and the others also followed their elders and approached the surrounding area where Zhang Fan’s Tribulation was located. At this moment, through certain means, they could also see the scene in the center. As for Zhang Fan’s figure, they couldn’t find it. , But the bottom of the thunder bombardment must be where Zhang Fan is staying at the moment.

Feeling the huge destructive power, Hong Lie couldn't help but shocked at this moment.

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