Star-source Legend

Chapter 1575: Titan's Promise

"Hong Lie, what you see now is only the first turn. After that, if there is no increase in the turn, the power is doubled. With Zhang Fan's talent, it is not difficult to get the first turn in the past because his combat power lies in There.

The first round of Ancestral Tribulation, after being weakened, the power that can erupt is at most comparable to the peak of the Dao Sage realm.

However, after the second turn, even if it is weakened, its power has at least reached half the ancestor or even half of the initial power of the ancestral realm, and it is a hundred and zero continuous.

With Zhang Fan's talent, it is inevitable to exceed three ranks. When it comes to the back, I think, even if all the defenses of that plane space are activated, it is not certain whether they can survive safely.

Your own bloodline is also approaching the supreme level. The ancestral calamity that you need to face at that time is definitely more than three revolutions. The reason why you are brought here this time is to let you feel the power of ancestral calamity in advance, so that you have a Prepared mind.

Moreover, Ancestral Tribulation is not so simple. Thunder bombardment is only a part, and the Heart Tribulation afterwards is the most important thing to be careful of.

Because if you don't pay attention, when you become weak, your own weaknesses will be exposed, especially the flaws in your heart. Unless your mental state cultivation reaches the requirements, you will face an attack from an extraterritorial demon.

For countless years, no matter whether it is us humans, monsters, or even mechanical races, many powerful people have died under the catastrophe of the heart, making people hard to defend. "

At this time, looking at Hong Lie, Titan Invincible also reminded.

"Yes, patriarch, I know. Afan told me before, under any circumstances, don't let your strength go ahead of your mental state cultivation base, always keep your mental state beyond your own realm requirements, then face Everything will be a lot easier.

This is why I pay attention to the improvement of the state of mind.

It can be said that if the mood cultivation base can keep up, the improvement of strength will not be a problem at all. "

Hearing what Titan Invincible said, Hong Lie also spoke directly at this moment.

"Oh? It seems that Zhang Fan is much more powerful than I thought. Unfortunately, there has never been a real meeting. Speaking of which, Zhang Fan is still one of the elders of our Titan clan, waiting for him to pass the ancestral calamity this time. After that, you invite him to visit the Titans.

Although with his current status, there is nothing missing, but the King Kong divine water of the Titans has several powerful sets of supernatural powers, I think he must be interested.

Especially I know that Zhang Fan is good at using war spears. If he comes to the Titans, I will personally take the shots and unite the entire Titans to forge a top-notch war spear for him.

You know, many years ago, a very respectable senior named Xingyang used a weapon called the Star Spear. That was the first patriarch of our Titan clan to gather the whole clan in person. The power, spent a lot of magical materials and finally created it, and the most terrifying controller Shenbing Mie Shenjian is listed as the number one weapon in the universe. I believe he will be very interested. "

From Hong Lie’s words, Titan Invincible also felt Hong Lie’s trust in Zhang Fan, and it was the first time that he understood why Zhang Fan was impeccable in all aspects. He said that he let his mind walk in the realm. The previous point is not what most people can think of.

For many people, as long as their own strength can be improved, their mental state cultivation can take their time.

However, only when they reach their level, will they finally understand the importance of mental state cultivation.

If a person’s mood cultivation can be raised to the peak of the ancestral realm, what he has to do before the peak of the ancestral realm is to absorb as much energy as possible. It is enough to reach the peak of the ancestral realm in a short period of time, and not There will be any hidden dangers.

At this moment, Titan Invincible is also looking forward to seeing this younger generation who has caused countless shocks.

"Really? Haha, I believe that Afan will be tempted to know this news. Moreover, he is not going to the Titans, but because he has no time.

It can be said that from the selection battle of cosmic geniuses to the present, he has basically been in the cultivation retreat, and he has just caught up with the trials of the three races when he just left.

This has been more than 50,000 years, and he didn't even have a chance to see his parents and his wife.

After the ancestral tribulation, I think Afan can rest for a certain amount of time. When that happens, he will definitely come directly to our Titans, especially the conditions of the patriarch you just mentioned. I believe Afan will never refuse. .

"Also, speaking of it, your generation has high hopes. When you get something, you will naturally lose something.

Normally, we don't want to force you to improve, one step at a time is the best.

However, time does not wait. The terrible catastrophe will come. This time, the catastrophe is much more terrifying than the Era. It is said that it will sweep most areas of the chaos, and our entire universe will be affected.

In my opinion, if we can't have the existence of the sage of the universe before the catastrophe comes, then what is waiting for us will be destruction, and even the entire universe will truly cease to exist.

You are the hope of our Titans. Once there is any unfavorable situation at that time, we will send your best geniuses to make a living in the Chaos area, which is a kind of fire. "

At this moment, upon hearing what Hong Lie said, Titan Invincible also nodded and said that he agreed. However, thinking of the unknown catastrophe, his expression is also full of worry.

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