Star-source Legend

Chapter 1599: Request

And Zhang Fan, looking at the disappearing Tianyun, stood alone in silence.

It can be said that what happened today makes Zhang Fan feel not so real.

From the step-by-step growth on the earth, to the present, even the powerful existence of the chaotic beast has been solved by Zhang Fan. At this moment, after returning to his senses, Zhang Fan also felt a little weird.

Especially the appearance of Tianyun gave Zhang Fan a clear purpose for his plan to take over, that is, to collect all the star source fragments first and merge them all.

The many insights imparted to Zhang Fan before Tianyun left, it can be said to a certain extent that Zhang Fan’s mental state cultivation has reached a new level like cheating. At least, for now, as long as the resources are sufficient, Zhang Fan can be anytime and anywhere. Both are able to begin to try to break through to the realm of the Venerable.

However, he also knew that this was a long process, and Zhang Fan planned to arrange it together before making a breakthrough. Especially with my relatives and friends, it is time for me to set aside some time to accompany them, and Yunxia, ​​I owe Yunxia a formal wedding...

In general, there are still many things waiting for Zhang Fan to do.

Without thinking about it, Zhang Fan's figure moved, and he left the place and returned to the star of Wanxian Saint Emperor Huixing.

At this moment, many powerhouses are still staying in place, and they don't know what they are discussing. When they see Zhang Fan appearing, the many powerhouses on the human side are good to say. However, the many powerhouses of the Monster Race are not so natural.

After all, Zhang Fan's previous performance can be said to have made Qingfeng and other strong people a little afraid of it in retrospect. If Zhang Fan directly settles the balance, then their monster race is likely to be destroyed directly by Zhang Fan.

"Afan, are you finished?"

At this time, Lietian also walked to Zhang Fan's side and asked.

"Yeah, the crisis is temporarily lifted. Moreover, Leng Tianqiong was indeed taken over by the Chaos Gods and Demons 300 million years ago. For so many years, Leng Tianqiong is also trying to destroy the Gods and Demons channel, directly The channel between Heitianyu and our universe is opened.

Fortunately, the seal on the Gods and Demons Passage is very complicated, so up to now, Leng Tianqiong has only been able to weaken it to a certain extent, and has not caused irreparable damage to the seal of the entire Gods and Demons Passage. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also looked at his master cracking the sky and said.

"Sure enough, it is this guy, now that you have solved it, it can be regarded as dispelling a time bomb on our side."

At this moment, after hearing Zhang Fan's words, many powerful people can be regarded as relaxed.

"Hey, this is also because the real Leng Tianqiong was taken away 300 million years ago. In recent years, most of Leng Tianqiong's apprentices were secretly swallowed by it to supplement themselves.

Moreover, many people in our cosmic alliance are indirectly controlled by Leng Tianqiong, and with a single thought, everyone's soul can be directly dissipated.

Including the first guardian of our universe alliance, I don't know when it was also under the control of Cold Sky Vault.

In all, in the entire human and monster race camp, there are a total of fifteen ancestral realm-level existences that are controlled by Leng Tianqiong. Fortunately, this guy was discovered in advance by me and solved it directly, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Before, I also directly lifted the control of these people, which can be regarded as giving them a certain degree of freedom. However, the corresponding punishment is still needed. After all, if they weren't unable to resist the temptation, how could it be directly controlled by Leng Tianqiong? "

Zhang Fan also sighed at this time, and explained to everyone, that many people's expressions changed. At the same time, the first guardian of the Universe Alliance, the patriarch of the gluttonous clan and the golden bull The patriarch of the clan looked extremely ashamed at this moment.

At the same time, many powerhouses felt a little frightened that Leng Tianqiong had the means to control so many ancestral realm powerhouses.

As Zhang Fan himself said, if Leng Tianqiong is given time to react, then the loss of the three clans will be very large, and it is very likely that it will be directly injured.

"Don't say this, I think, should you already be able to sense the unknown catastrophe? This sense of crisis, after I solved the chaos, still has not been eliminated, which means that the crisis in our universe is not The real relief.

For some special reasons, I can’t tell you too much, but now I have one thing that needs all of you to cooperate, that is, to directly provide all the Star Source Fragments that you have, and finally gather them together. I It is of great use. This is not only related to our universe, but even to the entire chaos.

I know that you are definitely not very reconciled in your heart, especially everyone from the Yaozu.

Remember, I am not asking you, but asking. If you agree, everything is easy to say. After the catastrophe in the future, I will give you unimaginable benefits. However, if you refuse, I think you It should also be clear that with the current strength of your monster race, even if they are all added together, it is not enough to fight against me.

The same goes for the mechanical clan.

Next, I will give you five minutes to consider. After five minutes, I hope to get a satisfactory reply. "

At this time, Zhang Fan also waved his hand, watching everyone directly say one of his requirements. At the same time, amidst the silence, a powerful oppressive aura also directly enveloped everyone, especially the powerhouses of the Demon Race and the Mechanical Race, all of them looked shocked at this moment.

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