Star-source Legend

Chapter 1600: Agree to all

Although I know that Zhang Fan will definitely do something, after all, it can be said that even if all the powerhouses on their side unite, it is probably not Zhang Fan’s opponent. Faced with the terrifying attack before Zhang Fan, there is no chaos. How can they do it if they resist it?

However, they did not expect that Zhang Fan would directly and unreservedly put forward this request at this moment, and immediately everyone was caught in nervous thinking.

As for the human side, there is no reason to refuse Zhang Fan's request. However, both the Monster Race and the Mechanical Race are now in entanglement.

If you don't hand over the Star Source Fragments, you would have offended Zhang Fan, and it is precisely that Zhang Fan now is not something they can provoke. But if they handed over the Star Source Fragment, they were not so willing in their hearts. After all, the importance of the Star Source Fragment was self-evident, otherwise it would not have been considered the number one treasure in the universe.

In the end, the many powerhouses of the monster clan and the mechanical clan were gathered together separately, whispering, turning their gazes to Zhang Fan from time to time, looking at the cracking sky and the others, they were secretive.

"Zhang Fan, our Monster Race agrees to your terms." Qingfeng also directly agreed to Zhang Fan's request on behalf of the Monster Race.

"Our mechanical clan has no objection. All the star-source fragments of our mechanical clan have always been carried with me. I will leave it to you now. I hope that through these, the star-source continent can be reproduced again.

The powerhouses of our universe have always been shattered because of the Star Source Continent. After the cosmic avenue is incomplete, the number of powerhouses breaking through is decreasing. Perhaps our previous decisions were wrong. "

Jin Ying, the head of the mechanical clan, also directly handed a storage ring to Zhang Fan at this moment, and then said, her eyes were full of expectation.

These people, it can be said that they have been stuck in the pinnacle of the ancestral realm for too long, no matter what Zhang Fan will use the star source fragments to do, but they are definitely used to improve their own strength.

And as long as Zhang Fan's strength reaches its peak, it will be possible to reunite the entire Star Source Continent with his powerful strength.

Moreover, if Zhang Fan can be promoted to the level of the Universe, then he can help people like them in turn.

It can be said that in just five minutes, Jin Ying relied on the powerful calculation ability of the machine clan to directly guess hundreds of millions of times. Among them, the worst result was just maintaining the status quo.

Naturally, there is nothing bad about Zhang Fan's request.

Their mechanical clan had the least say, and was able to get a promise, especially since this promise came from the real first person in the entire universe, and Jin Ying naturally chose to agree.

"Hehe, it seems that both of you have made the most correct decision. I do not hide it from you. It is also because I need to use it to improve myself.

As long as there are enough star source fragments, then my strength can be further improved, and I will have full confidence in finally reaching the realm of the universe.

Once I have completed the breakthrough, then I will be able to reverse it and allow the Star Source Continent to reunite again, or even separate the Star Source alone, so that the entire universe can truly return to its peak state.

At that time, with my help, you will also have hope to step into the realm of the venerable. "

Seeing that both the Monster Race and the Mechanical Race had made a decision, Zhang Fan seemed very happy at the moment. Although all of this was expected, the release of the Monster Race and the Mechanical Race allowed Zhang Fan to save a lot of effort in the future.

"Actually, in my opinion, the relationship between the three races of the universe is too stiff. I think you should be clear about it. Together, it is far more appropriate than separating each other.

For countless years, due to the struggle between the three parties, I don't know how many geniuses and top powerhouses have died, and even the resurrection can't be achieved.

Otherwise, the overall strength of our entire universe will be at least twice as strong as it is currently.

Many of my partners were brought over from the earth at the time. Many of them are descendants of your monster race, and they are all very talented.

It's just that because of the view of the portal and the cruelty of the Yaozu, these friends of mine can only stay with us and cannot go to the Yaozu.

Taking advantage of such an opportunity today, I feel it is necessary to directly form a supreme alliance to jointly seek benefits for the future of the entire universe, and to focus on the endless chaotic region outside the universe, rather than what you see in front of you.

What I mean, I think you should also understand.

I don’t know Senior Qingfeng, when will you send the Demon Race’s Star Source Fragments here? Also, I know that many of you have hidden Star Source fragments in private, so just hand them over.

Otherwise, I can find the location of other star source fragments through star source fragments. When the time comes, don't blame me for turning my face and ruthless. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan also spoke directly, full of strength.

"Since the decision has been made, then we will naturally not hide our privates. These are all the star source fragments that we have, and they are all here, plus what you have on the human side and provided by the machine race. It should be about ten yuan short. If it is ten yuan, you still need to look for it, because we don't know the specific information, let alone who else has it."

Since they have already agreed to Zhang Fan's request, Qingfeng and the others will not be so stupid to hide their unique fragments. Now, no one has the guts to offend Zhang Fan.

After all, the two parties were on opposite sides before.

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