Star-source Legend

Chapter 1604: Legendary man

"Hehe, let me introduce to you, this is the senior Xingyang I mentioned to you before. It can be said that if it were not for the guidance of senior Xingyang, I would not have the strength and achievements that I have now. It is impossible to create a gate of the gods.

I thought that Senior Xingyang might have fallen, but fortunately, the sudden appearance of Senior Xingyang some time ago shocked us.

Moreover, Senior Xingyang's strength had reached the realm of a half-sage, and he was considered the most powerful person at that time.

A Fan, also because of the guidance of Senior Xingyang, was able to go smoothly to where he is now. "

At this moment, Hongjun also introduced the three of Nuwa.

"It turned out to be Senior Xingyang. We told Master a long time ago about your deeds, and every time Master mentioned you, it was always very sad.

It is a blessing for our entire universe to return safely now. "

Hearing his master's introduction, the Emperor of Heaven also said with a shocked look at this moment, and his expression was full of admiration.

"Nu Wa (Pangu) has seen Saint Master Xingyang."

At this time, Nuwa and Pangu also said hello in unison.

As for why it is called "Sage Master", this is also because many of the powerful people today are more or less under the guidance of the old man. In many people's minds, old man is equivalent to Their teacher.

Over time, Xing Lao also won the title of "Holy Master".

"Hehe, you don't need to be so indifferent. The protagonist who came to the door of the gods this time is still Afan. I think you can guess the purpose without me saying more.

In addition to staying with his family and his wife, this time, Afan also intends to officially win Yunxia, ​​otherwise, once again, there will be no time to practice.

The catastrophe is approaching, and many things cannot be consumed forever like this. "

Looking at a few people, Mr. Xing also smiled and said his purpose this time.

"This is great, Yunxia Nanizi, who has also been babbling recently, asking whether Afan has forgotten him, including his three wives, all have complaints against him.

However, Afan, the difficulty you have to face this time is not us, but your parents.

You haven’t been here once since they came to Shenxiao Taoist. Although you are busy practicing, think about how much time you spend with your parents. Even for such a long time, they can only get from others. People come to inquire about your news, and even video calls between you are very limited.

Moreover, there is one thing I have to say, that is, you and Ruyan have been married for a long time, do you at least have children with each of them? This is at least a sustenance.

Your parents are also easier to explain. Marrying a wife and having children has always been the tradition of our planet. For countless years, nothing has changed. After marrying Yunxia this time, I think you have to talk to them. Each gave birth to at least one child, and then was busy with other things.

If you have such a good talent, it would be a shame if you have no descendants. "

Hearing what Xing Lao said, Nu Wa also seemed very happy at this time, but when she looked at Zhang Fan, her expression became more serious.

"Hey, I know all of this. I really shouldn't be a son. This time, after the wedding with Yunxia, ​​I also intend to stay in the Shenxiao Daomen for a while to accompany them more.

For more than 50,000 years, I came to the universe from the earth, and now I have been in the middle of high-intensity cultivation. It's time to give myself some time to relax. "

Regarding what Nuwa said, Zhang Fan also knew that the other party was thinking about himself.

Indeed, in retrospect, Zhang Fan also knew that he owed too much to his parents.

As a child, it is very unreasonable to let his parents fear for themselves for such a long time. Fortunately, Zhang Fan also received news some time ago that his younger brother Zhang Tenglong had also come to Shenxiao Daomen from the Universe Alliance, and his parents would not be too boring.

As for Pangu and the Emperor of Heaven, the expressions of the two looking at Zhang Fan at the moment are also full of admiration. Of course, they are also relatively restrained. After all, Zhang Fan's current strength is far superior to all of them here, and to a certain extent, they can no longer He simply regarded it as a junior.

The so-called expert first, this point has been insisted by many people in the Shenxiao Taoist School.

"Hey, Senior Pangu, Senior Tiandi, you two have always been my idols.

In our legends on earth, Nuwa created human beings, Pangu opened up the world, heaven and so on. It can be said that all people yearn for. I also met senior Jiang Ziya some time ago. It can be said that I can see a real person in reality, not to mention how excited it is. "

Zhang Fan also took the initiative to approach Pangu and the Emperor of Heaven at this time, and said with a smile.

"Hehe, the legend is a legend after all, but you make us people admire it. At a young age, it has reached such a height, the future is hard to imagine.

But in the same way, the pressure that the entire universe is facing now has been transferred to you to a certain extent. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Pangu also said aloud at this moment. The emperor on the side also nodded.

"The so-called pressure is motivation. If it wasn't a coincidence, maybe I would have turned into a dust, let alone walk out of the earth.

In many cases, in the face of anything, I generally choose to take the initiative to deal with it, rather than retreating.

And Suo has always told everyone that the reason why I work hard to cultivate is to protect everyone I care about. "

Hearing what Pangu said, Zhang Fan also replied directly, expressing his inner persistence.

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