Star-source Legend

Chapter 1605: family reunion

"Your mentality is really admirable, and it's no wonder you can achieve such good results."

Regarding Zhang Fan's mentality, it can be said that both of them are very surprised at the moment.

After all, Zhang Fan still looks young in any respect.

"Hehe, you two may not know. Regarding the cultivation of the state of mind, A Fan has already walked in front of all of us, and even if it wasn't for A Fan to spend more time with his family, he could retreat anytime and anywhere. Try to move towards the Universe Venerable.

In many cases, many people think that if you cultivate for a long time and experience more, your mood will naturally be stronger. However, this is not so applicable to Afan.

As I calculated before, Afan is the son of destiny, so anything is possible.

Just this time, can you imagine that Afan's ultimate strength can reach such a strong point? That is the Chaos Fierce Beast, our three races, together, the existence of the late Ancestral Realm level alone has reached close to twenty, but in the end it was unable to do anything.

However, as soon as Afan shot it, he solved it directly, especially the most unimaginable thing is that even the horrible Nine-turned Ancestral Tribulation can be passed through safely. All this is sufficient to explain that many of you think in a state of inertia. What would happen is not true on Afan.

Not much to say, Nuwa, you take Afan to his parents first, and I take the Heavenly Splitting League Lord and Senior Xingyang around. "

At this time, hearing what Pangu said, Hongjun also smiled and said to a few people.

"Okay, let's go, Afan, I will take you to your parents' side."

Nodding, Nu Wa took Zhang Fan to the place where her parents lived.

However, Hongjun and the others accompanied Xing Lao around, and Xing Lao felt very satisfied with the scenery of the Shenxiao Taoist Gate.


"Afan, I won't go in anymore. You and Yunxia have a wedding. Many things need to be prepared. Please take care of your parents and Ruyan. They have not seen you for such a long time. If you want to come, they should miss you very much."

Five minutes later, Nuwa and Zhang Fan also came to a seemingly luxurious manor.

This manor was also built by Shenxiao Daomen for Zhang Fan's parents and three wives. It can be said to be perfect in every respect.

At this moment, Zhang Fan's figure moved, directly and silently came to the center of the manor.

As soon as his thoughts moved, everything in the entire manor was in sight.

"Ah...husband, you finally came to see us."

At this moment, a scream broke the tranquility of the manor. Then, a small purple figure rushed to Zhang Fan's front like lightning, and the whole person hugged Zhang Fan forcefully.

This person is no one else, but one of Zhang Fan's three wives, Soya.

At this time, Zhang Fan also discovered that his chest had been wet unconsciously. Obviously, Saoya did not control his emotions when Zhang Fan appeared.

"Well, I'm still crying when I'm so old, haven't I come back?"

Zhang Fan also gently patted Soya's back at the moment, and said softly, his expression was full of guilt.

It can be said that the time I spend with them is really too short.

"Afan (husband)!"

At this time, Gu Qian and Liu Ruyan who heard the movement also walked out. At this moment, seeing Zhang Fan in the distance, the two women also seemed very excited, and rushed over for the first time.

It’s been a long time since we were married, but the separation time was too long. Many times, Gu Qian wanted Zhang Fan to wash her face with tears. However, they also knew that Zhang Fan was not neglecting them, but he himself took on more important responsibilities.

Therefore, although they felt uncomfortable when thinking of Zhang Fan, they were also very knowledgeable and never asked for anything.

"I am sorry."

Seeing the three women who were about to hug him out of breath, Zhang Fan said softly at this moment.

"No sorry, we all know that you still have more important things to do. As long as you still have us in your heart, that's enough."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, the three women also let go of Zhang Fan at this moment, and Liu Ruyan also said with red eyes.

"Yes, husband, although you haven't been with us for so long, we are very proud every time we see you from other places.

In our minds, your husband is always the best. "

Saoya also said crisply at this time, and the look in Zhang Fan's eyes was full of worship at this moment.

"You brat still knows to come back? Are you about to forget our two old guys?"

At this moment, a familiar voice also sounded, causing Zhang Fan to tremble. Then, Zhang Fan saw that his parents and his younger brother did not know when he had already come not far.

"Parents, my son is not filial, I can't be with you for so many years, sorry."

At this time, Zhang Fan also walked slowly in front of Zhang Shun and Shen Qiong, and directly knelt down in front of the two of them, and said guiltily.

"You kid, get up quickly. We know that you have always been in high-intensity training. It is reasonable to not come back to see us. However, with the universe network, you can have a video call with us anyway.

Had it not been for your brother to tell us a lot about your situation, especially if Yunxia stayed with us for a period of time some time ago, we would have always been in panic and fear. "

At this time, Shen Qiong also hurriedly helped Zhang Fan up, and said somewhat complaining.

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