Star-source Legend

Chapter 1611: Joint return

This time, it can be said that the host and the host had a great time. After drinking and eating, Zhang Fan also walked into the bridal chamber with the women. Of course, this time, it was impossible for Zhang Fan to sleep together.

Liu Ruyan and her daughters also joined forces, allowing Zhang Fan and Yunxia to stay together alone and enjoy a rare moment of tenderness.

"Yunxia, ​​you are so beautiful."

At this moment, Zhang Fan also slowly lifted Yun Xia's red hijab, and looking at Yun Xia's beautiful face that seemed to be broken by a bomb, the whole person also fell into a sluggishness.

"From today, we can finally be together in an open and honest manner. From the first meeting, my whole heart has been unable to tolerate others.

Afan, treat me well. "

Looking at Zhang Fan who was slowly sitting next to her, Yun Xia also said softly at this moment.

The spring night is worth a lot of money. This night, the two of them were immersed in each other's love, and finally hugged each other into sleep.

Early in the morning of the next day, Zhang Fan took Yunxia to his parents to offer tea. This is also an old rule handed down on earth.

At this moment, Shen Qiong looked at the peach-faced Yunxia, ​​also very satisfied.

In the past, when she first met Yunxia, ​​Shen Qiong was still thinking that such a beautiful girl would eventually be cheaper, but she didn't expect that she would eventually walk with her son and become one of her daughter-in-laws.

"Haha, Yunxia, ​​how was your rest yesterday? Afan didn't bully you, right?"

At this time, Zhang Shun also asked with a smile. However, as soon as he said it, Shen Qiong's ears were caught by Shen Qiong.

"Boss is not young, look at what you are asking?"

At this moment, Shen Qiong was also waiting for Zhang Shun to say.

And Yunxia, ​​when she heard Zhang Shun's question, her entire face turned red in an instant, she lowered her head directly, she didn't dare to look at everyone, she seemed very shy.

"Dad, Mom, I had a good rest yesterday."

Yun Xia also whispered at this moment. After speaking, the head of the whole person is almost completely lowered. At the same time, secretly Yunxia's jade hand also spotted a piece of soft flesh on Zhang Fan's waist, and directly came a 180-degree rotation, which made Zhang Fan couldn't help but take a breath.

"Parents, wait for tomorrow, let's set off. I have also received news before, saying that the chaotic black hole that shrouded our solar system has disappeared, and I am thinking that we have been in the universe for so long, the first stop Just set it on the earth, it's time for us to go back and take a good look.

what do y'all think? "Zhang Fan also looked at his parents at this time and said.

"The chaotic black hole is gone? That's great. I don’t know what the earth has become after being out for so long. Just when you have time, let’s go back. To be honest, many times, for hometown, I and Your dad missed it very much."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Shen Qiong also spoke directly at this moment, and the whole person also seemed very happy.

"Yeah, speaking of the vicissitudes of life, I never thought that your mother and I would have a chance to come to the universe in this life, and even to a certain extent, the two of us are basically immortal.

It's a pity that even if it comes back to Earth, it may already be right and wrong. After all, how to say it, it has been more than 50,000 years. "Zhang Shun is also very happy to return to the earth at this moment, but for them, the earth is at best a place for them to lose their thoughts. Many people they once knew have seen on the earth. Everything, after fifty thousand years, is estimated to have long since disappeared.

"Anyway, the earth is of great significance to us. You must know that a long time ago, the earth was a super planet that was not inferior to the star of the Wanxian Saint Emperor Huixing. I don’t know because of what happened. The size we perceive.

It just so happened that this time when I went to the earth, many of the seniors of the Taoist Gods would go there together, which would make it a little lively, and at the same time, I would understand why the earth would become what it is now. "

Zhang Fan also said immediately.

After eating breakfast, Zhang Fan spent the whole day sorting and summarizing the gifts he received for the wedding. It can be said that Zhang Fan is currently the richest person in the entire universe if we count it.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone had already prepared.

After that, Zhang Fan left the Shenxiao Daomen with a large family, planning to take the super teleportation array first, return to the Shenhui universe first, and then directly return to the earth directly through the spacecraft.

This time, because he knew that Zhang Fan was going to return to Earth, Hongjun, Nuwa, Huangdi, Pangu, Liu Yun, Liu Hui, Situ Zhong, and others, plus injury to the sky and Xing Lao, all planned to be together. Participating in this trip, including Hong Lie, didn't know where he got the news, so he immediately followed.

It can be said that the group of people is very lively. Of course, this is for Zhang Fan himself, for Hong Lie and others, the existence of Cracking Sky and others has given them a lot of pressure, and some can't let go.

After the teleportation array, for nearly three days, everyone finally arrived in the Shenhui universe, and the dragon soul, who had already received a letter from Zhang Fan, was already waiting outside the teleportation array.

When he saw Zhang Fan and his group, the Dragon Soul also looked a little sluggish.

For him, it was the first time he had come into contact with so many superpowers at such close range.

Now, the Shenhui universe is basically the dragon soul in charge, because the lord of the Shenhui Nation Long Yuan, the Baiyang star lord, including Mu Lingzi, are still practicing in the primitive universe.

In addition, the strength of the Dragon Soul finally reached the middle stage of the Dao Sage Realm in the Universe Alliance, so it was finally decided to return to the Shenhui Universe Kingdom, and he could be regarded as the heir of the Shenhui Kingdom Lord.

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