Star-source Legend

Chapter 1612: Past history

"Hehe, Dragon Soul, long time no see."

Once out of the teleportation formation, Zhang Fan also stepped forward to hold the dragon soul at the moment, looking very happy.

"I am also very happy. I have just returned here and you came here directly. However, I didn't expect so many seniors to come together. You don't tell me in advance. If it’s good, my guilt will be serious."

The Dragon Soul naturally seemed very happy to see Zhang Fan, but he didn't expect that so many big people would come this time, and at this moment he pretended to complain.

"Haha, you can just assume that I am conducting a surprise review. Moreover, this time I don't plan to stay in Shenhui City. I will directly plan to take a spaceship to my hometown.

This time, Hongjun seniors also wanted to see what our earth has become now, so they all followed directly. After we have time, we will get together again. "

Looking at the Dragon Soul, Zhang Fan also laughed and said.

"Okay, then you must come to see me when you have time. By the way, congratulations to you and Yunxia. You said that you are too. For such an important matter, you don't notify me earlier. You only tell me the day before marriage. Leave me without any preparation."

Nodded, Dragon Soul didn't say more, and at the same time, looking at Zhang Fan and Yunxia, ​​it was the first time to congratulate him.

"Hehe, it's fine if you have enough of your mind. We have known each other for a long time. This time, many of me did not notify. After all, it would be too time-consuming to toss back and forth.

We will leave directly. If you have anything in the future, remember to contact me at any time. "Zhang Fan also said with a smile, and afterwards, Zhang Fan directly released the top-level spacecraft given to him by the mechanical clan, and then directly activated and headed towards the location of the earth.

The entire spacecraft is considered to be an intermediate spacecraft, with a length of about one kilometer and a height of hundreds of meters. If you look at it up close, it looks like a giant, but when placed in the stars of the universe, it looks very Tiny.

However, the technology of the entire spacecraft has reached its peak in all aspects, and even the starry sky cannon that can threaten the peak power of the ancestral realm is installed on it. Especially in terms of speed, after entering the dark universe, it is better than Zhang Fan’s own master. The Falcon in Sky Split is about twenty times faster.

At this speed, it can be said that a few days at most is enough to return to the earth.

"Several seniors, I have always had a question to ask, but I have never had a chance. Now that we are all staying together, I also want to know, why did the earth finally become what it is today?

According to my understanding, as our ancestor star, especially with so many powerhouses, the original size of the earth is not inferior to the ten thousand yuan immortal holy emperor emblem star.

Are there any unexpected changes in the middle? "

At this time, while riding in the same place, Zhang Fan also looked at Hongjun and the others and asked.

"As you know, the original size of the earth is indeed no less than the Ten Thousand Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing. At its peak, the entire earth can be said to be a star-source continent comparable to that of the past.

The true history of our planet can be regarded as the beginning of this era. At that time, the first thing that appeared on the entire earth was the existence of the demon race that had already disappeared, such as the tyrannical creatures such as the ancestor dragon and ancestor phoenix were all born on our earth.

However, powerful beings are in opposite relationships with each other, and once you start, you should also be aware of the consequences.

After that, I was regarded as the first human race to appear on the entire earth, and at that time, because of the original powerful existences, the entire earth was already devastated. In the end, these tyrannical existences all walked out of the earth and disappeared, and we humans were also able to. Survive.

With the increase of mankind, coupled with the increasing consumption of resources, so hundreds of millions of years ago, I decided to unite the strong among mankind and leave the earth.

In addition, I also displayed magical powers to change the entire earth, which is to create a folding space and hide it, so the earth you see in the end is very small.

All this is to ensure that one day when we return, the earth can be restored to its peak state.

But the consequence of doing so is that the entire earth's spiritual energy is in these planes, but the outside world is very scarce, and eventually the probability of the birth of the strong is getting weaker and weaker.

Coupled with the emergence of the chaotic black hole, we have always been beyond the reach of the earth. The entire Shenxiao Taoist gate is basically the powerhouse who walked out at the beginning, and few members of the earth joined.

This time I will come back with you, and I am also planning to unite the power of everyone to restore the entire earth to its original state. At that time, I will relocate the entire Gods Taoist gate back to the earth. "

Upon hearing Zhang Fan's question, Hongjun also said aloud.

Hearing Hongjun's explanation, Zhang Fan also understood. It's no wonder that even after the entire earth enters the civilization era, there are all relics in space.

Presumably these relic spaces only occupy one ten-thousandth of all plane spaces.

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