Star-source Legend

Chapter 1613: The mystery of the earth

"Hehe, I also found that this place on the earth is very unusual. It can be said that as long as it is a strong person who has stepped out of the earth, his cultivation talent is basically not bad, and it is even comparable to the real super genius of the universe.

Just say Hongjun, when I first saw you, your strength was only in the ethereal realm. However, it took less than one million years for you to break through from the ethereal realm to the ancestral realm. Time, afterwards, reached the peak of the ancestral realm in less than tens of millions of years.

Had it not been for the lack of star sources that the rules of the entire universe were not complete, I think you would be enough to walk in front of everyone.

It can be said that, besides Afan, you are currently the strongest person who has reached the pinnacle of the ancestral realm.

You are at least more than 100 million years younger than Split Sky.

And these few of your disciples, and even the disciples of the entire Shenxiao Taoist sect, it can be said that the time required for each level up is ten times shorter than others.

This point is very exaggerated.

After that, Afan even found several pieces of star source fragments on the earth, which are enough to explain the particularity of the earth.

Of course, the weird thing is that for such a large earth, we people didn't even pay attention to it or even knew any information.

This makes me puzzled until now.

Many times, because I stayed by Afan’s side, I also have a little guess that this earth, which is probably the origin continent of a universe in the chaos, was eventually transferred directly to our universe by the strong with its own super power. .

Or maybe the earth is a super-existence specially created for experimentation.

In general, as long as the people on the earth can truly reach above the Star Lord realm, there will be an explosion period directly. "

Xing Lao also directly spoke out his guess at this time.

And hearing what Xing Lao said, everyone was in shock at the same time, they were all lost in thought.

Because what Xing Lao said is indeed true.

Anyone who has stepped out of the earth or has the blood of the earth, as long as they reach the star state, their achievements will not be too low. They are absolutely one of the best in the entire universe at the same level.

One or two are so unexpected, all of them are like this, which proves that the earth is extraordinary.

And Zhang Fan felt that what Xing Lao said was very reasonable at the moment, and at the same time, he also decided that when he saw Tianyun next time, he must ask what it was because of it.

"Senior Xingyang, your guess is that I think it's really possible. As far as the Star Source Continent back then, it can be said that anyone who was born in the Star Source Continent will be compared with the current Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor. Huixing is much stronger.

The earth, probably a whole original continent, was directly transferred by people with powerful force. And the time that the chaotic black hole appeared was after the Star Source Continent broke apart.

The existence of the Origin Continent is the foundation of the universe. Once there is a problem with the Origin Continent, the consequences will be unimaginable. And the Earth is likely to be used to compensate for the existence of the Star Origin Continent, so that the entire universe cannot be reunited at the Star Origin temporarily. At the time, a factor that was maintained.

Specifically, after the earth is restored to its original state, I think a lot of things should surface. "

At this time, Splitting Sky also said immediately, he also very much agreed with Xing Lao's guess.

"Hehe, if this is the case, then before Afan has reached the realm of the Universe Venerable, he can establish a branch on the earth and conduct some experiments.

See if there is a difference between a newborn baby on earth and a baby born in Wanxian Shengdi Huixing or other regions. If it is established, then the earth can fully bear the pressure of the entire universe, and the probability of the birth of the strong human beings in the entire universe will also increase a lot, thereby enhancing the power of the entire universe.

Of course, all of this needs to be done after this catastrophe is successfully passed, otherwise, no matter how beautiful the fantasy is, it will be defeated by reality. "

The ancestor Hongjun also spoke at this moment.

When everyone heard what your ancestor Hongjun said, they nodded with heavy expressions.

Of course, Zhang Fan's parents didn't know much about the so-called catastrophe, and they didn't know much about what everyone discussed. However, judging from the looks of everyone, the two also knew that there was a greater crisis in the entire universe.

It also means that Zhang Fan and the others, who are currently at the top of the scale, will bear tremendous pressure.

"Actually, what I am most looking forward to is the offspring of Afan. With Afan's special circumstances, coupled with his terrifying talents, and the children born to Yunxia and the others, as long as there is a little bit of Zhang Fan's advantages in all aspects, they are all Enough to shock the entire universe.

Afan, there is a long way to go, you have to work hard. "

At this time, Cracking Sky also looked at Zhang Fan expectantly and said, making Yunxia and the women feel a little shy.

"Hehe, I don't have any requirements for future generations. As long as they are healthy and safe, this is enough. Xiaogu, how long will it take to reach the earth?"

Smiling, Zhang Fan also asked directly.

Although Xiaogu is in the process of transformation, Zhang Fan also arranged it in the entire spaceship in advance, which is considered to be a temporary addition of an intelligent clone to control the entire spaceship.

"It will take about 53 hours to return to Earth."

The relatively mechanical sound is also directly transmitted.

"It deserves to be the top-level spacecraft. It must be at least a thousand times the speed of light. There are still more than two days left. If you feel tired, go back and rest first.

Of course, many predecessors are here now, so you can ask for advice on what difficulties you have in cultivation. This is a rare opportunity. "

Hearing what Xiao Gu said, Zhang Fan was also shocked by the speed of the spacecraft at the moment, and at the same time he watched Hong Lie and others reminded him.

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