Star-source Legend

Chapter 1620: Reverse time and space

"Sure enough, people's hearts are unpredictable. For their own benefit, sometimes humans can do everything. At the beginning, I left two spaceships to the earth, and all the authorization was given to Pang Lao.

The purpose is to let him take Sun Yan, Wen Quan, and some other acquaintances to join us in the universe as soon as the situation on the earth stabilizes.

It's a pity that things went counter-intuitive. After painstaking training, I was still persecuted by my own people in the end for the benefit.

This time, no matter whether they can be brought back to life or not, some people I will not make them feel better. As long as I have even the slightest doubt, then I will solve them directly, which is very unforgiving.

And these people, I think, should be staying among the flying dragon stars right now. "

After Sun Ning left, Zhang Fan also said with cold eyes.

"Hey, I hope everything goes smoothly. Back then, when we were at Gulan College, the two seniors and Elder Pang Taishang took good care of us, and now we are back on Earth again, we heard such a bad news.

No matter who the murderer is, this time, he will never be let go, even, anyone who has a slight bit of involvement in this matter should be killed.

I don't understand. Before they start their hands, aren't they afraid that one day we will settle accounts after we come back in autumn? You know, whether it is Pang Lao and the two seniors are relatively close to us, these people shouldn't be unclear, right? "

At this moment, Liu Yun also sighed and said aloud.

"How about clear? In the face of absolute interests, there is nothing that can't be done. What's more, they probably already wanted a coping strategy at that time, and they didn't think we had enough strength to bring people back to life.

Everything, after Sun Ning comes over for a while, I will be able to know after resurrecting the two seniors. "

Zhang Fan also said coldly at this moment.

As for the cracking sky and others, they were sitting there without saying a word at this moment, because they knew that Zhang Fan's heart had already been flooded with anger at this moment, but simply endured it.

And they don't know much about the earth, so it's useless to say more at this moment, let Zhang Fan handle it himself.


Half an hour later, Sun Ning returned to the residence again.

Of course, the news of a group of strangers coming to the earth naturally came into the Dragon Pavilion at this moment. Especially after knowing that it was Zhang Fan, some people in Tenglong Pavilion's current senior management were excited and some were uneasy.

"My lord, these are all the relics. I don't know if there is a chance to resurrect with these?"

At this moment, Sun Ning also opened a box, and immediately, several sets of clothing and combat uniforms that were very familiar to Zhang Fan and others appeared in front of everyone.

In the box, the fan that Pang Lao used when he was stationed at the carved ruins was also quietly placed there.

"Fortunately, from these items, you can still feel the breath of the two seniors and the old Pang, which also means that their souls have not been directly annihilated, and their marks are still preserved.

In this way, I can bring them back directly.

Sun Ning, the news that we came to the earth must have received the news from Tenglong Pavilion. After passing the message, I said that no one would disturb me for the time being, otherwise the consequences would be at my own risk.

Liu Hui, Liu Yun, you two can go to Tenglong Pavilion now to investigate and clean up. Hope to gain something. "

Looking at these items, Zhang Fan was also relieved at the moment. At the same time, he looked at Liu Yun and Liu Hui and said.

"Well, well, we also want to see what the current Tenglong Pavilion has become."

The two nodded and disappeared where they were.

In terms of the strength of the two people in the mid-stage of the Dao Sage realm, plus the current earth has not recovered, there is no difficulty in direct space transmission.

For Sun Ning, this is very shocking.

At this moment, he also understands how it is possible to be an ordinary person if he can be with Zhang Fan. Among these people, it is estimated that any one shot, the whole earth combined is not an opponent.

"Wait for a while. If you want to resurrect the two seniors and Pang Lao, if there is no suitable place on the earth, I will leave for a while and go to the starry sky to resurrect them."

With that said, Zhang Fan put away the box directly, and his whole person disappeared into place in an instant.

In the next instant, Zhang Fan already appeared outside the starry sky. Then, just to be on the safe side, Zhang Fan stepped out a few steps before finally directly outside the solar system.


At this time, Zhang Fan also came to a meteorite that seemed to be quite large, and took out the box. Suddenly, Zhang Fan's whole body burst into a horrible breath.

Of course, under Zhang Fan’s control, this breath did not radiate to the surroundings. However, it can be clearly seen that under Zhang Fan’s breath, the entire cosmic starry sky around it all seemed to be Stay in general.

At the same time, under Zhang Fan's control, Sun Yan, Wen Quan and Pang Lao's clothes all flew directly out of the box.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan also used a powerful time force for an instant. Suddenly, a long river of time appeared directly in the entire void. At the same time, the scenes were constantly reappearing, and they came back to the beginning. The scene when Zhang Fan and the others left the earth paused.

Among them, Pang Long, Sun Yan and Wen Quan also emerged.

And seeing the traces of the three, Zhang Fan also knew that Old Pang was also dead before. Otherwise it is impossible to directly appear in the long river of time.

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