Star-source Legend

Chapter 1621: resurrection




At this moment, there was a low drink directly from Zhang Fan's mouth, and then, as if there were rules to add to the body, the three figures were directly locked.

"Back in time and space!"

After locking the three of them, under Zhang Fan’s control, the original time and space returned to normal. The terrifying rules of the universe’s operation also affect Zhang Fan’s body at this moment, as if ten thousand chains were added to his body, which made Zhang Fan feel too. There is a lot of pressure.

The whole piece of void is constantly trembling at this moment, as if it can't bear it and is about to collapse.

However, Zhang Fan himself had merged the Star Source Fragments, and he was already about to gather all the Star Source Fragments at the moment. Therefore, to a certain extent, the rules of the universe had already regarded Zhang Fan as his own.

Therefore, the feeling at this moment is that the thunder and the rain are small, and there is no real threat to Zhang Fan.

"Give me out!"

At this time, Zhang Fan directly pulled the three of them out of the long river of time and came to his side. After a long time, everything restored calmness.

A few minutes later, the three of Sun Yan also woke up one after another, looking at each other in shock. After another ten minutes, the three of them also directly recovered their memories.

For a while, the three of them were excited at the same time, their faces also appeared very complicated, and there was also an angry color in them.

"Afan, thanks for your hard work, I don't think we will see one day again."

At this moment, Pang Long also looked at Zhang Fan in front of him with emotion and said.

"The two seniors, Elder Pang, to be honest, you are a little disappointed. Because you are too soft-hearted. I told you before I left. Once the earth is relatively stable, then you will directly Take a spaceship and come to Luangyu Star to find me.

But you are better off, staying in the earth, and eventually even died in your own hands.

Fortunately, none of your souls have been exterminated, otherwise I have great means, and it is probably impossible to bring you back to life.

Let's talk about it, what is going on?

Also, knowing the relationship between you and me, why are there still people in the Dragon Pavilion who dare to kill you directly? Even many of your family and friends don’t let it go? "

Looking at the three people in front of him, Zhang Fan was also a bit blamed at the moment, and he also asked.

"Hey, I blamed me for this matter. After you left, I also felt that when the Dragon Pavilion stabilized, I would find a suitable person to be the pavilion master, and then I would lead everyone to follow in your footsteps. Earth, travel to the universe.

After all, our strength at that time was not very high, we were just at the peak of the king, and even the level of the earth wandering immortal was not reached.

Such strength, entering the universe, will only become a burden to you.

Originally, before our end was approaching, we went to the universe. However, at this time, we discovered that the chaotic black hole that enveloped the solar system had disappeared. The Luangyu star also sent people to the earth and gave us a lot of stand by.

With the help of Luang Yuxing, the strength of several of us finally reached the level of the eighth heaven of the Star Lord realm. At the time, the earth was considered to be at the top.

However, the hearts of the people are unpredictable. The pavilion lord at that time was called Lin Tianyou. To be honest, I watched and cultivated him a little bit. The talents and everything are very good, and it has been promoted in more than ten years. The pinnacle of Xingjue realm.

I have always been proud of this.

However, perhaps because of knowing my relationship with you, Lin Tianyou has always been thinking about one step closer, hoping that I can contact you, and that most of the resources Luangyuxing provides to the earth are occupied by him alone, over time. Although many people in Tenglong Pavilion didn't say anything, they still had a lot of complaints.

After that, I just talked about him, but I didn't expect it to eventually arouse his murderous intent.

Because he didn't think I deserved to be his master, he couldn't give him what he wanted. He even helped others to reprimand him in turn.

After that, Sun Yan and Wen Quan still had some people on our side, all of which were directly solved by them. For me, Lin Tianyou didn't dare to be too presumptuous, because he knew my relationship with you.

However, when I was planning to take the spacecraft to the universe, hoping to ask you for help, the spacecraft I was on was already tampered with in advance, and before it flew out of the solar system, it simply lost control and eventually exploded.

Today's Tenglong Pavilion, I don't know what it has become. Speaking of which, I can't shirk the blame. "

At this moment, looking at Zhang Fan, Pang Long also looked ashamed.

Because, if it were not for his softheartedness, if he were not so hesitant, it would not lead to such a situation in the end.

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