Star-source Legend

Chapter 1622: Bad news

"Pang Lao, you are like shooting yourself in the foot by lifting a rock. I told you before I left that everything depends on them. Don't seek shortcuts.

I have solved the threats on the earth, and how far I can go depends on them.

It's good for you, but in the end you trained a white-eyed wolf and suffered so much.

People's hearts are unpredictable, and sometimes if you are too indulgent, you will only harm others and yourself in the end.

There are also two seniors. I promised you to stay at the beginning in order to prevent this from happening. After all, Elder Pang may be older, and he will feel much softer in many things.

As a result, after discovering the signs, you still remained silent and were eventually killed directly. No one can blame others for all this.

This time it was taken as a lesson for you. Sometimes, being soft-hearted can be fatal. This is what I have experienced even more deeply after entering the universe.

Let’s go, I’ll take you back first. This time, many people followed me back to the earth. Many of them are my elders, including the ancestor of Hongjun and Nuwa in our earth’s mythology. Pan Gu and others also came back with me.

After everything is resolved, you can go with me to the universe. "

Hearing what Pang Long said, Zhang Fan didn't know what to say at this moment. After all, what happened to the three of them cannot be blamed on others, but because they were not decisive in handling them and were too softhearted.

Back then, Pang Long taught Zhang Fan and others to treat people to things. Sometimes it depends on the situation. You can be soft-hearted, but you must be tough when you need to be tough. As a result, when you change to themselves, there is nothing. The role of it.

At this moment, Zhang Fan also looked at the three and said.


Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan waved his hand directly, and immediately left the place with Old Pang.

In the next moment, the four of them appeared directly in their residence on the earth.

"Here, this is back on the earth? Afan, if I remember correctly, the position we were just now should be outside the solar system, right?"

At this moment, Pang Long also looked at Zhang Fan in surprise and asked.

"Hehe, yes, where we were just now, it should be on a certain meteorite in the Milky Way."

Zhang Fan also replied with a smile.

"Haha, two seniors, Elder Pang, you don't have to make such a fuss. You know, Afan is now the first person in the entire universe, let alone from outside the solar system, even if it is tens of thousands of times away from the courtyard. , In a single thought, as long as there is a spatial imprint, A Fan can return here directly.

Moreover, if you don't have such strength, how can you bring you back to life? "

At this time, Hong Lie also said with a smile.

"The first person in the universe? My God, what a powerful strength that must be."

At this moment, hearing what Hong Lie said, Sun Yan could not imagine the height of Zhang Fan.

"Old ancestor, I didn't expect that I would still have a chance to meet you? It's been more than ten thousand years, and after ten thousand years, I finally survived."

At this time, Sun Ning also came directly to Sun Yan's side, knelt down on the ground very excited and said. At this moment, it looks like a child, where tears cannot stop.

"Huh? Are you a descendant of our Sun family?"

At this moment, Sun Yan also felt the aura of the same origin from Sun Ning. He also seemed very happy at this moment and asked directly.

"Yes, my ancestors, I am considered to be the 19th generation of our Sun family. Because of the incidents back then, the Sun family, the Wen family, and the Pang family were all affected. Today, our Sun family is only in my line. As early as many years ago, the Wen family severed the inheritance. As for the Pang family, some descendants survived temporarily in a small village and barely made a living.

Now that you can come back from the resurrection, my waiting and hard work have not been wasted. "

Nodding, Sun Ning also said directly at this moment.

"What? The Wen family doesn't exist anymore? Lin Tianyou is so cruel?"

At this moment, Wen Quan heard what Sun Ning said, the whole person trembled suddenly, and his face was a little distorted at this moment, which seemed very painful, and the whole person was about to lose his footing.

Regardless of Wen Quan, at this moment, the state of Sun Yan and Pang Lao is not much better.

Although they were murdered back then, each of them still has a family of children. Didn't expect that the three families have reached this point?

At this moment, whether it was Pang Long or Sun Yan, both of them were extremely regretful, regretting why they were so soft-hearted in the first place, and did not leave themselves a way out.

"Yes, when Lin Tianyou killed you, he directly sent people to turn the three of us upside down. Fortunately, the three of us were prepared in advance, and one of our members moved to a safe place.

However, for tens of thousands of years, we have changed our names and surnames, fearing that our identity will be exposed.

Although Lin Tianyou has already left, the pavilion owner of the Tenglong Pavilion is one of his apprentices. He has been searching for the traces of the three of us in secret. Some time ago, the Wen family was also found and directly dealt with ruthlessly. .

Although I am currently the commander-in-chief of Tamron City on Earth, it is of no avail. The real master of the entire earth today is the current Tenglong Pavilion. Over the years, the earth seems to have developed rapidly, but for many people, the Tenglong Pavilion is no longer the first Tenglong Pavilion, but a **** and cruel one. Ground.

Many of Tenglong Pavilion's core disciples are robbing and stealing, and they do nothing, but because of the strength of Tenglong Pavilion, no one dares to resist. "

At this moment, Sun Ning also said with a pained expression, and his heart was full of anger towards Tenglong Pavilion.

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