Star-source Legend

Chapter 1625: Restore the original appearance of the earth

"Okay, let's not talk about it, Afan, now that the earth looks stable, I think it's time to restore it to its original state. This matter should be done sooner rather than later.

Prior to this, I think the people of the earth still need everyone to take action, first income into the small universe, and after the earth is restored to its original appearance, it will be transferred out.

This time, after the four of us once again felt, the strength has been significantly improved.

Counting it all up, we have gathered a total of seven late-stage Ancestral Realm existences here, and it should be possible to restore the entire earth to its original state.

At that time, you will leave the matter of controlling the power not leaking to Afan. "

At this time, the ancestor of Hongjun also looked at Zhang Fan and said.

"Yeah, okay, let's get ready, let’s get started. Except for some of our ancestors, Hong Lie, Ruyan, and parents, all of you will go and earn income from all over the earth. In the small universe of words.

After the earth is restored to its original state, they will be removed.

This time will probably take at least a month or so, and then you will also give the people of the earth a psychological preparation. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan was also instructing Hong Lie and others at this moment.

"The earth is restored to its original state? Afan, isn't our earth in good shape? Why does it need to be restored to its original state? Does the earth have other secrets?"

But at this time, hearing the dialogue between Zhang Fan and others, Pang Long and the others seemed very confused, and they also asked at this moment.

"Hehe, our earth was originally very huge. The current earth was compressed by Hongjun ancestors and others before it became what it is now.

The real earth is at least the same size as several cosmic nations, and it can be regarded as the original continent of the universe.

This time we return to the earth, the first task is to find the traces of you, and the second is to restore the earth to its original state. I believe that after the earth returns to its original state, it will not be long before this place will once again become one of the centers of the entire universe. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan also explained aloud.

"So, no wonder our earth has so much space for relics. It turned out that Senior Hongjun used a strong force to compress the entire earth.

Then Afan, let's not bother and see if there is anything that can help them. "

After understanding the reason, Pang Long and his group left the place.

After half an hour, everyone on the earth knew the news that the earth was about to make some changes, and each one actively cooperated and was transferred to the small universe of many powerful men.

Many people know that the real big time is coming.

"Well, everything is ready, let's start."

At this moment, seeing everything complete, Hong Jun also spoke.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan's figure moved, and the whole person came directly into the starry sky of the universe.

And Hongjun and others, at this moment, also moved out of the earth.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

In the next moment, a strong breath followed one after another, erupting from everyone.

Because the earth is in a sealed state, what everyone has to do at this moment is to directly input energy to the earth, and finally release the seal directly, allowing it to recover a little bit actively.

What Zhang Fan has to do is to ensure that the planets of life in the void of the universe will not be affected during the restoration of the earth.

At this moment, many strong men are standing in the void around the earth. At the same time, at this moment, everyone has directly condensed their own divine bodies. It can be said that everyone at this moment looks no less than the entire earth.

Immediately afterwards, everyone was instilling energy in the body into the earth.

Suddenly, under the action of these energies, the entire earth, amid Zhang Fan's surprised expression, was also rapidly spinning, and the marks of space appeared one by one.

Immediately afterwards, each space seemed to be pieces of fragments, slowly blending into the earth, and the earth, like a balloon, grew a little bit bigger.

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