Star-source Legend

Chapter 1626: Zhang Fan's Divine Body

This is a relatively long process. After all, the original area of ​​the earth is much larger than the current Ten Thousand Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Emblem Star, which is equivalent to the area of ​​several cosmic nations, which is simply endless.

And after so many years of sealing, so many powerhouses are also very cautious, after all, the current earth is relatively fragile, and cannot withstand too much energy.

Fortunately, all the humans and monsters on the earth have been transferred, so even if there is a big movement on the earth, it will not cause any impact, including those buildings and the like, even if they are destroyed. All of the strengths can be rebuilt.

At the level of the ancestral realm, to a certain extent, it is possible to speak and follow the law, and in a word, it can make mountains and rivers run, and the earth can split, and conversely, it can also make everything new and revitalized.

Especially with Nu Wa, who is proficient in the way of life, he is even more familiar with the road.

In general, after the earth is restored to its original state, it will definitely exceed everyone's imagination.


On the other side, Zhang Fan's figure at this moment has already come to an unknown light-year away from the earth, and it is considered to be in a central position.

At this moment, what he has to do is to ensure that the planets of life are not too affected as much as possible as the earth continues to grow larger.

Normally, even if Zhang Fan’s own power is very powerful, the impact caused by the continuous growth of the earth cannot be blocked by him. However, Zhang Fan himself is a part of the source of the stars, especially Zhang Fan masters "Universe" this kind of supernatural power against the sky.

It can be said that even if it is not due to the fusion of star-source fragments, Zhang Fan in "The Universe in the Palm" alone can directly envelop several cosmic nations, or even a wider range, with relative ease, and then to a certain extent. Protect it.


At this moment, a powerful aura burst out from Zhang Fan’s entire body. For a moment, it can be said that anyone in the entire universe who has reached the realm of Dao Sage can sense Zhang Fan’s aura. All of them leaked out of shock.

And at this moment, as the aura exploded, Zhang Fan also directly displayed a kind of magical power that had never been displayed, and that only the strong ancestors could use, that was the divine body.

Every ancestral realm powerhouse is like a world of law, capable of making himself bigger to a certain extent. Of course, the degree of this increase is also shown according to their own strength.

Normally, a strong person in the early ancestral realm has a body size ranging from 100 million to 1 billion kilometers, and a strong mid-term is between 1 billion and tens of billions, while a strong person in the late ancestral realm, in theory, At most, it reaches a range of one trillion kilometers, which is almost one-tenth of a light-year away.

After all, the energy required to maintain such a large divine body is also very huge.

At this moment, the area of ​​Zhang Fan's own divine body has already reached the range of one light-year, and it is even increasing. It can be said that many people in the universe are shocked when they see Zhang Fan's changes. How to say it.

That kind of feeling is like an ordinary person encountering a supreme existence in an instant.

Seeing Zhang Fan who seemed to be covering the entire starry sky, many people felt like they were an ant.

"I haven’t seen him for a while, and Zhang Fan’s strength has increased again, especially the strength of his divine body, which is far beyond our imagination. The strength of this divine body, if it weren’t for the fact that I knew he was only in the late ancestral realm, say no. Quasi will also feel very surprised.

After all, for a divine body that is more than one light-year old, the energy it needs is absolutely more than the height that can be reached by the half-sovereign state.

It’s just that I don’t know why he is showing his body now. "

At this moment, the movement here also spread to the Monster Race and the Machine Race. Many powerful people were also very surprised by the divine body that Zhang Fan displayed. At the same time, it is not clear why Zhang Fan would display the divine body at this time.

Could it be that you have encountered some powerful enemy?

Many people can't help but think in their hearts.

"I am Zhang Fan. I come from a planet called the Earth. For countless years, from the Earth, there have been many powerful people who have come out. This is our home.

It's just that, for some reason, the earth was sealed. Now, we plan to take action to restore the earth to its original appearance. The original size of the earth is not inferior to the Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing.

Therefore, I also intend to take action this time to ensure the safety of all the existence of life planets in all surrounding cosmic nations during the earth's recovery.

During this period, you can do what you have to do, and it will not be greatly affected.

After the earth is fully restored, those who are interested can choose to settle and survive on the earth. I believe that this place will soon become another holy place in the universe. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan's divine body was also increasing to about fifteen light years before it stopped, because Zhang Fan felt that it should be enough.

At this time, Zhang Fan also used his magical powers to make his voice spread to dozens of surrounding cosmic nations in an instant, and through these cosmic nations, the entire universe knew what Zhang Fan and the others were doing at the moment. Many people felt that Very shocked.

After all, an existence no less than Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing, there should be so much resources there, there are other existence they can't imagine.

Many people and many forces have even planned to move directly to the earth as a whole after the earth is really restored to its original appearance.

Many of these forces are second only to the Holy Land.

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