Star-source Legend

Chapter 1627: last step


At this moment, as Zhang Fan’s divine body reached its extreme, Zhang Fan also directly displayed "The Universe in the Palm" in an instant. Suddenly, a huge palm that seemed to contain the entire universe was also directly emerging, the rules of horror. The power surrounds it, and the powerful aura radiates. Although it has not caused any harm to anyone, it still makes many people feel that their souls are suppressed.

Afterwards, among the dumbfounded expressions of many powerhouses and many warriors who watched the live broadcast through the Universe Network, Zhang Fan’s big hand suddenly grabbed, and suddenly, including Shenhui Universe Kingdom, there were a total of five around. This cosmic nation seemed to be forcibly made smaller, directly supported by Zhang Fan in the palm of his hand.

In the most central position, a blue planet exuding vitality is also getting bigger a little bit.

"Sure enough, the palm universe can not only be used to attack, but also has a very powerful control ability. With the palm universe, it seems that my consumption is very high, but because I have most of the star source fragments, so My own consumption is much smaller than others.

I can't resist it, it's a big deal to take a fruit of life.

I hope everything goes well, and I am also very much looking forward to what the earth will become after it is restored to its original state. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan also thought in his heart.

"Afan's own energy is really shocking. That's four or five universe nations, directly relying on the strongest supernatural powers, they are all in their hands to a certain extent.

To a certain extent, if Afan wants to destroy these four or five universe nations, it is probably within a single thought.

From now on, we can also start to instill more strength. "

Feeling the changes in his surroundings, Hong Jun also said aloud at this moment, and his heart was relaxed a lot.

After all, even if only Hongjun himself is able to restore the earth to normal, after hundreds of millions of years of changes, the environment of the cosmic starry sky has changed. If the earth is rashly restored, many living planets may be Under the collision, they will be destroyed or even disintegrated directly.

And the true size of the earth radiates at least three or four cosmic nations. With Hongjun's power, it is impossible to protect it at the same time. Even if you add other people, you will not be able to avoid it perfectly.

"Hehe, where Afan's identity is, any impossibility will become possible. Come on, now is not the time to be distracted. Increase your strength and restore the earth sooner."

Old Xing also said with a smile at the moment.

Everyone nodded, directly mobilizing the energy in the body again and continuously injecting it into the earth.

As for Hong Lie and others, they also stayed in Nuwa's pubic universe, waiting silently.

As time passed, everyone in the entire universe knew that a super planet no less than ten thousand yuan of the Saint Emperor emblem star would soon appear, and there would be another holy place for mankind, even, It can be regarded as yet another center of the entire universe.

From the beginning of the news, to now, one month has passed. In this month, it can be said that the size of the earth now is no less than ten thousand yuan of the immortal Saint Emperor emblem star, but it is shocking. Yes, the earth at this moment is still getting bigger, as if it is endless.

The most shocking thing for everyone was not the size of the earth, but Zhang Fan displayed a powerful method in the middle, which directly forcibly transferred all life planets and many stars in all cosmic countries except the earth to the universe. Everywhere, let it spread out and merge with other universe nations.

This also guarantees that within the scope of the original four or five cosmic nations, it will become the only existence like the Wanxian Saint Emperor Huixing.

Of course, this was also Zhang Fan's sudden thought. After all, to maintain such a large divine body, it was too exhausting for himself. The short time was fine, even Zhang Fan couldn't bear it for more than ten days.

Now that the four or five cosmic nations are scattered all over the cosmos directly and successfully performed, it can be said that Zhang Fan himself is relieved.

At this moment, Zhang Fan had joined the ranks of Hongjun and others as early as halfway, instilling energy into the earth.

With Zhang Fan's participation, it can be said that the earth's recovery speed has accelerated a lot.

It can be clearly seen that the folding spaces have already been manifested at this moment, and finally successfully integrated into the earth. The small spaces may be only a few miles in size, while the large ones may not be less than an entire high-level. Star field.

"Everyone, you can stop. The current earth has completely returned to its normal size, and the last step is to directly activate my original mark.

At the moment of activation, a powerful shock wave will erupt from the earth. The magnitude of this energy will be beyond imagination because the earth has been sealed for too long. Therefore, before this last step, everyone needs to unite. Together, they release an energy mask, covering the entire earth directly to block the shock wave.

Afan, I guess you have to bother to stare this time. If the shock wave fails to stop, it is estimated that you will still have to take action. "

At this time, Hongjun also stopped the movements in his hands, and said as he looked at everyone.

At this moment, although everyone had enlarged the divine body to the extreme, compared to the huge blue planet in front of them, the huge divine body of everyone was still the size of an ant.

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