Star-source Legend

Chapter 1630: Five-color soil

"A Ling, I think you should have heard the conversation between Mr. Xing and the others just now. Do you think that using a piece of your branch, can you successfully cultivate it on earth again?

And, will this affect you in any way? If it doesn't work, I will go out and reject them. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan was also standing in front of the huge tree of life and said softly.

"Master, it's just a branch and it won't have any effect on me. Moreover, there is a very stable and fast way to let it grow, that is, after planting it, directly let it merge with a life fruit, It can shorten its development period.

However, I have to tell the master that any tree of life that is transplanted from me and cultivated successfully will be controlled by me, which is equivalent to my clone.

Another point is that no matter how it grows, it will never truly surpass me, and at most it will reach the peak of the ancestral realm. And because I have absorbed a lot of the origin of the universe, my strength will continue to improve as the master you improve. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, suddenly a figure appeared directly.

This is a handsome boy who looks fifteen or sixteen years old. Around him, a green halo is also emerging, and, behind him, there are a pair of wings, which looks like an angel.

And this young man is also the tree spirit born from the tree of life owned by Zhang Fan.

"That's good, in my mind, you are the most important. Of course, the reason for transplantation is also because the earth has this need. Although I am your master, to me, you are like me As a child of, it can be said that you appeared under my testimony and developed slowly.

I will not do anything that is not good for you.

Of course, I remember that you told me before that a tree of life wants to grow up, so if you help, I believe it will be much faster.

So, after a while, you can take a branch and leave a mark of you on it. In this way, I believe that the tree of life can grow up as quickly as possible. "

Nodding, Zhang Fan also said directly.

"Thank you, master, I was born because of the master, no matter what the master requests, I will not refuse. Master, wait a moment, I will take the branches first.

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Shuling was also very moved. After speaking to Zhang Fan, Shu Ling disappeared.

After a minute or so, Shuling dragged a branch with a thickness of several hundred meters to Zhang Fan.

At this moment, the branches and trunks were full of vitality, even, because they were cut directly, Zhang Fan could even see the green life energy flowing out like blood.

"Master, this cut stem is relatively good. It contains rich life energy, and it has been strengthened by me. It can be said that as long as it is not transplanted into the dead, it can survive."

At this moment, the tree spirit also looked at Zhang Fan and said.

"A Ling, you have worked hard, then I will go out first, and then come in to see you later."

Nodding, Zhang Fan also looked at the Shuling and thanked him. Afterwards, Zhang Fan returned to reality with his thoughts. In the next moment, among everyone's pleasant expressions, Zhang Fan also directly took out the hundreds of meters long branch.

"The tree spirit agreed. This branch can be grown. Senior Nuwa, I know that you have a very rare five-color soil in your hand. I hope you can take out some to help the branch of the tree of life. Successful cultivation. After all, I know that the five-color soil, for all plant life, is the most precious treasure, very important.

Don’t you know that in myths and legends, based on you, the most famous is Nuwa patching the sky, and the material used to patch the sky is this kind of five-color soil, and even legends are that you use five-color soil for humans. Created, hehe. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan also looked at Nuwa and said.

"You kid, those are all legends, but the five-color soil is indeed a kind of treasure. For any plant life, a grain of five-color soil is enough to reduce its cultivation for tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands. year.

For hundreds of millions of years, there is not much left of my five-color soil. Most of them are used to cultivate the life-giving vine, the protector plant of our gods, and the rest, I hope it can be useful. "

Angrily glared at Zhang Fan, Nuwa also said aloud. Then, a light flashed in her hand, and a jade bottle appeared, and then she threw it to Zhang Fan.

"There are probably a few cubic meters of colored soil in this bottle. For new plant life, generally about half a cubic meter of colored soil is enough to play a role. The rest, you can make the life in your small universe If the tree absorbs it, I believe it can make it mature further, just treat it as a gift to you from my elders.

The location here is located in the very center of the earth, and the energy is also the most abundant. Here, I believe that the tree of life can grow up quickly. At that time, we will set up some powerful magic circles here, and believe that it can make it smooth. growing up.

After countless years, the tree of life will be reborn again, and, counting Afan, our universe has two trees of life. For us warriors in the ancestral realm, the existence of the tree of life can guarantee The probability of our fall is much smaller.

However, if I guess it is correct, this branch will eventually grow to the pinnacle level of the ancestral realm. If you want to break through to the venerable level, you probably have to seek the consent of the original master, right? "

After giving the five-color soil to Zhang Fan, Nuwa also looked at Zhang Fan and asked.

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