Star-source Legend

Chapter 1631: Initial plan

"Hey, thank you Senior Nuwa, I am embarrassed to give so much five-color clay directly to me, but these five-color clay are so helpful to A Ling, I'm not welcome.

A Ling just told me that I can give you another fruit of life, because the five-color soil needed for the successful planting of this branch is not much. The remaining five-color soil can be further developed after A Ling absorbs it. Many flowers may bloom and bear fruit again.

Moreover, Senior Nuwa, you are right. I have communicated with Aling before. He said that this branch, even if it eventually grows up, is equivalent to his branch and will be under his direct control. of.

Moreover, even if it develops to the extreme, it will always be one level lower than him. This will never change, because theoretically there can only be one tree of life. "

Zhang Fan smiled and put away the five-color soil at this moment, and then replied.

"Oh, by the way, Ah Ling is the tree spirit bred by my tree of life. I named him Ah Ling, which is more cordial."

Zhang Fan also said to everyone immediately.

"Indeed, if there are many such important existences as the Tree of Life, it would be incredible. Sure enough, any treasure that is against the sky can only exist alone and cannot coexist.

On the surface, we have cultivated this tree of life. In fact, it still belongs to the branch and is suppressed forever.

Of course, even just being able to reach the pinnacle of the ancestral realm is already terrifying. Moreover, Afan will have the opportunity to reach an unimaginable level in the future. At that time, I believe that the mother tree of the tree of life in Afan universe will eventually be It is very possible to reach the state of the venerable or even higher. At that time, this branch may eventually reach a higher level, which is enough for a universe.

Now, let's make arrangements to successfully survive this cut stem, and wait for its development to stabilize before making plans. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Nuwa also said directly.

Subsequently, under the joint action of everyone, the cut stem was successfully transplanted. Subsequently, Zhang Fan also directly poured a part of the five-color soil into its root position.

Immediately afterwards, under the combined strength and perfusion of Zhang Fan and Nu Wa, this branch successfully took root in the ground, and it was increasing crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

An hour later, its speed of ascension gradually stagnated, and at this time, this branch had already become a tree of life with a height of tens of thousands of meters, and its roots radiating tens of thousands of miles around it.

"It's incredible. I believe that with enough energy support, this tree of life will continue to grow smoothly until it reaches its limit. Moreover, if this is replaced by other plant life, I think, in Afan and Nuwa Under the joint efforts of cultivating, it can directly grow up in a short time.

With the existence of the tree of life, to a certain extent, the potential of the earth has surpassed the 10,000 yuan immortal emperor emblem star. I am also considering whether to establish a branch of the Universe Alliance on Earth, or even directly migrate the Universe Alliance over. "

At this moment, seeing the tree of life towering into the clouds in front of him, Cracking Sky also spoke directly.

"Master, after all, the earth has just recovered. My plan is to let it slowly recover for a period of time, and temporarily close it to the outside world, because I currently have a preliminary plan. If this measure can be implemented successfully, for the earth, for It is a change for the entire universe.

As we all know, the Star Source Continent was broken, and eventually it was divided into the current mechanical family of metal stars, Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing, and the Demon Star of the Demon Race, including some small planetary continents.

My idea is that after I find all the Star Source Fragments and merge them, then my strength should reach the Universe Venerable or even higher, then I can rely on my own powerful power to make the Star Source Continent heavy Gather, and let it blend perfectly with the earth.

At that time, there will be only one super holy land in the entire universe, that is, the only continent of this hospital, and that is the earth.

Whether it is humans, monsters, or machine races, they can survive on the earth without infringing upon each other. The entire universe is truly connected, without generation gaps, and in harmony with each other.

After all, the purpose of each martial artist's cultivation is to reach a higher level, blindly fighting, and ultimately only dragging each other, no one can truly improve.

Our eyes should look at the chaos beyond the universe.

In the near future, many powerhouses in our universe will spread to every corner of the chaos. "

Hearing what Leap Tian said, Zhang Fan also directly stated his plan at this moment. Of course, this was also made temporarily by Zhang Fan after seeing the situation of the earth.

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