Star-source Legend

Chapter 1640: Powerful talent

"I thought about it a long time ago, if my son, then call him Zhang Minghui. The movement caused by this little guy before is not small, the golden light is bright, like a star. What do you think? As for the nickname, just You can call him Ahui or Xiaohui, simple and straightforward."

Zhang Fan considered it for a while and said aloud.

"Minghui, Minghui, OK, just Zhang Minghui. This name sounds very comfortable."

After hearing Zhang Fan's name, Yunxia made a decision after reciting it twice.

"Haha, Xiaohui, did you hear the name your father married you? Gao unhappy?"

Zhang Fan was also looking at the child in his arms at the moment, very happy.

Perhaps it is because he knows that he has a name, and the child is smiling again now, very cute.

Moreover, the most gratifying thing is that this child just cried for a while when he was just born, and at the moment he doesn't cry or makes trouble, and looks very quiet.

"Okay, Afan, the child is still young and it is not suitable to meet strangers. Let him rest. After two days, he will meet everyone officially.

Xia'er, you and your child have a good rest, remember to call us whenever you have anything. Let's go, Afan, let's go out first. "

At this time, Nu Wa also said aloud.

"Yunxia, ​​then you and your child have a good rest, I will go out first."

After talking to Yunxia, ​​Zhang Fan and Nu Wa walked out of the room.

"How about, Afan, is my grandson very good?"

At this time, the room was already full of people, especially Zhang Fan’s parents. At this moment, they wanted to rush in. Of course, they also knew that the child was just born and it was not suitable to meet them too early, so they had to Suppressing the expectations in my heart.

"Hey, Mom and Dad, my child, that must be unique. You will know the details after two days. Let me tell you about it. Of course, I can tell everyone that my child's name is Zhang Minghui. , His nickname is Xiaohui, and now his strength has reached the peak of the Xingyang realm, but he will not use this ability yet."

Looking at his parents, Zhang Fan also sold it off, and said directly, making everyone stare there too.

However, knowing that Zhang Fan's child was born with the strength of the pinnacle of the Star Sun Realm, it can be said that everyone was shocked.

Because this is the first time for human beings, even if it is a powerful race like the Titans, the newborn blood is strong, and it is very good to have the strength around the star-moon realm when it is born.

Only after slowly becoming an adult will you know the true potential.

It can be said that Zhang Fan's child was born at the top of the pyramid, and there is no comparable existence at the same age. Of course, Zhang Fan's other children who are about to be born say otherwise.

"It took Afan more than 50,000 years to break through to the ancestral realm and reach the level of the first person in the universe. I am looking forward to whether it is possible for Xiaohui to come to peace in a shorter time than Afan when he grows up. He is about the same level as it is now. Once it can be achieved, it will be epoch-making, and it is equivalent to the appearance of more patron saints in our entire universe.

Let's go, Xiaohui was just born. Those of us who are elders, let's have a big meal first, relax and celebrate. "

At this moment, Old Xing looked very much looking forward to it.

Afterwards, everyone also celebrated for Xiaohui's birth, and it lasted until the early hours of the next day to rest one by one.

As for Zhang Fan, he sneaked into Yun Xia's room, and while helping Yun Xia recover as quickly as possible, he silently looked at her child without moving.

In the morning of the next day, Zhang Fan was also Xing Lao from his sleep, and immediately found Yun Xia lying on the bed, staring at him tenderly at this moment.

On the side, Xiaohui was still in a sweet sleep, drooling, and she looked very cute.

"Are you awake long ago?"

Holding Yunxia's hand, Zhang Fan asked very gently at this moment.

"Hehe, I also just woke up for a while. Then I saw you sleeping soundly. To be honest, I haven't been so relaxed for a long time, and, without this little guy making trouble in my stomach, I feel relaxed now. Many, plus your help to recover, and taking a fruit of life, now I am basically fully recovered, and even my strength is one step closer than before."

At this moment, Yun Xia also slowly got up, looking at Zhang Fan and said.

"Hehe, anyway, it's still hard work for you. Our children, it's not easy to come by. These ten thousand years have been really troublesome. Now this little ancestor can finally give up.

In this way, after the other little guys are born and grow up, I will collect the remaining five star source fragments. At least, I want to see the children grow up healthy. "

Zhang Fan also said with a smile now. And Yunxia, ​​after hearing what Zhang Fan said, although she felt a little uncomfortable and reluctant in her heart, he knew that this was the only thing Zhang Fan could do at present.

Since he became the first person in the universe, and the three major tribes all support Zhang Fan so much, then Zhang Fan needs to bear a large part of the responsibility for the safety of the entire universe.

It is very rare to be able to accompany them continuously for 70,000 years.

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