Star-source Legend

Chapter 1641: Sky Cloud Communication

"Hehe, Yunxia, ​​I also want to be by your side forever. However, at this point, I am already involuntary. If I choose to give up, then before the real crisis comes, all of us will There will be no escape.

It was for you in the past, but now, we have to add our children. You are everything that I have always needed to protect. In order to keep everyone together, I have to face the difficulties.

Moreover, this crisis is not impossible to get through. As long as I can swallow and fuse all the star-source fragments, then it is very likely that I will have power beyond the level of the sage of the universe, or even higher.

Since there is a chance, then we can't give up. What I hope is that we as a family can live together forever.

I used to think that reaching the ancestral realm can be immortal. Later, with the improvement of strength, I realized that above the ancestral realm, there are half-sages, and the realm of sages, and there will be more powerful heavens and even legends In the realm of the emperor.

A flash is still higher than a mountain, since I can't choose, then I just set foot on the top. "

Naturally, Zhang Fan could also feel the resentment deep in Yunxia's eyes, as well as the changes in her mood. At this moment, she also comforted her.

"I know, Afan, I have no other demands on you. I chose to marry you because I loved you. If you are gone, then I have no meaning to live.

And now, we have our own children. So, no matter where you go in the future, even if you don't want me, you must stick to it for the sake of your children and return safely. "

Nodding, Yun Xia also leaned her head on Zhang Fan's chest at the moment, and said softly.

"Ok, I know."

Zhang Fan also held Yunxia in his arms and looked at the sleeping child in the distance from time to time.

At this moment, the two of them are also enjoying the rare purity.


Soon, a few days later, Xiaohui's growth rate can be said to exceed Zhang Fan's own expectations. In just a few days, the little guy has grown a lot taller, and he can even walk alone.

And Zhang Fan and the others also tested Xiaohui's body. It can be said that Xiaohui has a powerful talent in space and life. The only pity is that they did not inherit Zhang Fan's talent in devouring one.

But for everyone, this is already quite a surprise.

Especially the strength of the little guy, it can be said that it is steadily increasing every moment.

In the end, Xing Lao and Nu Wa also planned to unite and teach Xiao Hui personally. According to their estimates, it may take less than ten years for Xiaohui to enter the ethereal realm, and to enter the Taoist realm, one only needs to take a fruit of life to easily reach it.

It can be said that from the current point of view, Xiaohui's performance in all aspects is perfect.

And this has also led to the other strong people who are looking forward to the children who will be born after Zhang Fan.

However, sometimes this is the case and the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

Just as Zhang Fan was indulging in the good life, Tianyun also sent a message directly, that is, the time left for him is still a thousand years. After a thousand years, Zhang Fan needs to leave with him and start to devour Fusion Star Source fragments.

As for the three forbidden areas, he didn't need to go there for the time being, because Tianyun had already found five star source fragments from the eighteenth chain star field.

It can be said that this is also very good news.

But what Zhang Fan is most worried about at the moment is that Liu Ruyan and the three children in their stomachs have not moved yet. For a thousand years, if they are the same as Xiaohui, it takes tens of thousands of years to be born, then he It is very likely that you will not see the children after you in a short time.

After all, it will take a long time to fuse the Star Source Fragments. At that time, even if the fusion is successful, he will go to the Black Sky to help his teacher Tianyun find his uncle, Venerable Tianhua.

In the place of Heitianyu, Zhang Fan couldn't guarantee that he would come out safe and sound.

For a time, Zhang Fan at this moment also seemed very troubled. Especially this matter cannot be told to others.

"Afan, what's the matter?"

At this time, Xing Lao, who was staying with Zhang Fan, also saw that Zhang Fan's expression was not right, and asked very concerned.

"Xing Lao, because of some circumstances, I now have only a thousand years left for me. After a year ago, I had to leave. I can't tell you the specifics, but the remaining five star sources Someone has found the fragment for me, and if I merge, I need him to help protect the law.

But the three of Ruyan and the others have not moved yet. I am afraid that after I leave, I may not see the children at all in a short time, and even more dangers will be waiting for me afterwards. This time I leave. Be careful, I might fall. "

Zhang Fan didn't intend to conceal too much of Xing Lao, but he also didn't intend to disclose the news of Tianyun, after all, he did not get Tianyun's permission.

"That senior? If so, you really have to leave after a thousand years. I just hope that within this thousand years, the other three children can be born as soon as possible.

Then why do you talk to Yunxia and your parents after this incident? "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Xing Lao also guessed something, and at this moment he asked with a pity on his face.

"Hey, let's take one step at a time. Sooner or later, we will be separated. I just hope that before I leave, I can see my other three children. This is enough."

Zhang Fan also sighed at this moment, the whole person was not ready to tell others.

Originally, according to the previous plan, Zhang Fan planned to wait for his four children to grow up, then go to the three forbidden areas to find the remaining five star source fragments, and then contact his teacher Tianyun.

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