Star-source Legend

Chapter 1646: Chaotic channel

"As expected to be Tianzun, it is directly possible to create a time mystery with a ratio of 10,000 times. And an ancestral peak powerhouse, the highest is to create a time mystery of about 150 to 200 times. This is still necessary. Time has achieved something together."

Hearing what Tian Yun said, Zhang Fan felt very shocked at the moment.

However, thinking that it takes the shortest one billion years of effort to just integrate and improve himself, Zhang Fan feels big at this moment.

Because no one knows the real situation, one billion years is just a minimal judgment.

"Hehe, ten thousand times, it can be regarded as the limit of the current time mystery. Although the Dark Heavenly Sovereign is good at the dark one, but when he broke into the realm of the noble one, it was through the control of time to break through. At this point, Even the lord of the City of Hope is almost the same as the Dark Heavenly Lord.

Put your spaceship away, this time, let you see how the Universe Master flies in the chaos. "

Looking at Zhang Fan, Tianyun said with a smile now.


Waiting for Zhang Fan to put away the spaceship, the next moment, Tian Yun waved with one hand, and suddenly, Zhang Fan's body was surrounded by golden light. In the next moment, Zhang Fan found that he had left the place and arrived. In a passage that looks like a very special one.

"Teacher, where is this?"

At this moment, Zhang Fan also asked in a voice.

"Hehe, this can be regarded as an upgraded version of a space channel, called a chaos channel. Generally speaking, only those who have reached the level of the cosmos venerable can normally fly in the chaos.

Chaos in general is full of dangers. If you are not careful, you may be involved in some special space cracks. The tearing force that erupts from the space cracks in the chaos, even if It's that I can't hold on for too long now.

Therefore, the chaotic channel appears, which is like a spatial imprint, which can be reached in a single thought. Every Cosmos Lord has his own marks in many places in the chaos. These marks can enable him to use the principles of space to carry out long-distance teleportation. Both speed and safety are better than normal. The flight is much faster.

The specific application will be understood after you break through to the Venerable Universe. "

When Zhang Fan asked, Tian Yun also explained. These things, after Zhang Fan merged all the Star Source Fragments, needed a little bit of learning and proficiency.

"The teacher, in the universe, it is generally not easy to go to war, but through the soul body, unless it is in some marginal positions or special areas.

But in the chaos, is there such a limit? "

At this moment, Zhang Fan is like a good student who loves to learn and ask questions, and continues to ask Tianyun a little bit.

"Haha, Afan, the war in the chaos is unlimited. It can be said to be endless and endless. It is said that the universe you are in is already at the top of the universe, but compared to chaos, it is like It is the difference between a person and a planet, and it is even more exaggerated than this.

In particular, the space in the chaotic region is very stable compared to some universes, even if it suffers huge damage, it can still be repaired in a very short time.

Therefore, even if it is the existence of the legendary emperor's realm, using all the power can not affect the entire chaos. Therefore, in the chaos, you can fight freely.

Especially in the chaos, only the warriors of the ancestral realm can survive, and the entire chaos and the warriors of the ancestral realm do not add up. It can be said that most of the strong people in the entire chaos are concentrated on the city of hope. .

It is said that there is the center of chaos. The entire chaos is under the control of the City of Hope. After you break through in the future, I will take you to the City of Hope before we go to the Black Sky Territory.

At that time, you will also see the magic there. "

For Zhang Fan’s questions, Tianyun answered very patiently. For Tianyun, he now hopes that Zhang Fan can grow up quickly. After all, there is no second in the universe that can be as perfect as Zhang Fan. Swallow people who merge the origin of the universe.

"That's it, I'm really looking forward to it, hehe."

A little bit of vomiting, Zhang Fan's eyes were also glowing at the moment, looking very much looking forward to it.

After all, he had only heard of the City of Hope, but had not really seen it. Being able to become the center of chaos is obviously absolutely extraordinary.

In about an hour or so, Zhang Fan, led by Tianyun, also came to a huge black palace. It can be said that the height of the entire palace alone is more than hundreds of thousands of meters, and its entire area is covered. Almost catching up with a small city.

According to what Tianyun said to Zhang Fan before, this is because the Dark Heavenly Venerable usually lives alone. Otherwise, as long as he wants to, he can directly occupy many parts of the chaos. This is Tianzun’s. Deterrence.

In the City of Hope, the Dark Castle of the Dark Heavenly Lord is really a giant.

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