Star-source Legend

Chapter 1647: Dark Heaven

"Haha, Afan, this is just a temporary residence of the Dark Heavenly Sovereign. In the chaos, there are not a hundred such places, there are dozens.

Go, let me in.

This time, if you want to merge and swallow smoothly, you still need the guidance of the Dark Heavenly Lord. Of course, because of my relationship, the Dark Heavenly Lord is your uncle. "

At this time, Tianyun also spoke to Zhang Fan.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan followed Tianyun into the black palace.

As soon as he entered, Zhang Fan felt a powerful mental idea enveloped him, making Zhang Fan feel very small. The strength of this idea is beyond Zhang Fan's thinking.

"Haha, yes, the genius who can walk on the Devouring Avenue is really extraordinary. No wonder Tianyun has always praised you."

At this moment, a deep voice also sounded, and then, a middle-aged man wearing a black robe, who appeared to be about forty, appeared in front of Zhang Fan and Tianyun.

Although the black robe man did not release any aura at this moment, it still made Zhang Fan's mind tense.

No way, this is a Tianzun-level existence that is much stronger than his teacher Tianyun. Looking at the entire chaos, all universe-sage-level existences are super strong enough to rank in the top ten.

"Later student Zhang Fan, saw Uncle Ye."

At this moment, Zhang Fan was also very respectful to the Dark Heavenly Lord.

"Hehe, did you even tell him my last name? It seems that this little guy has a lot of status in your mind. However, overall, the potential of this little guy is indeed extraordinary. After all the origins are integrated , Then his strength has a great possibility to surpass you and me.

Not much to say, I was ready before you came to the Time Secret Realm, everything, after you have successfully swallowed the source and merged, it will not be too late.

I think he should have told you some things about Tianyun. Some time ago, I also went to the entrance of Heitianyu, and found that the seal over there was already unstable, and it might be broken anytime and anywhere.

Therefore, I also had to let Tianyun bring you here in advance.

Although many powerful players in the chaos united to strengthen the seal once again, once the chaos gods and demons in the black sky domain appeared king, the seal would not last long. At that time, no one in the chaos would be spared.

The "Xuantian Devouring Soul" you practiced is extraordinary. According to my speculation, it is probably created by a super power at the emperor level, or it may have been born of chaos, otherwise it will not have So obvious effect.

Although you have already swallowed some of the original fragments yourself, it takes a lot of effort to swallow all the original fragments, which is also full of uncertainty.

After all, the universe you are in originally belongs to a top-level universe, and the source of its power is beyond the imagination of many people.

For those of us, it is possible to temporarily merge a universe with our own small universe, but if you want to absorb its origin, at least I have not heard of anyone who can do it, even the lord of the City of Hope This kind of super power close to the emperor's level is impossible to achieve, and this is why Tianhua once again separated this universe from its own small universe.

With your talent, if you can truly integrate and swallow the origin of a top-level universe, your strength will reach a new height.

During your fusion and devouring time, Tianyun and I will guard by your side to ensure your safety. I just hope that you will succeed in the end, so that the pressure on the two of us will be much less. "

Looking at Zhang Fan, the Dark Heavenly Sovereign spoke at this moment, and the whole person seemed very kind.

If this were seen by people in the chaos, it would definitely be shocked.

After all, in the eyes of many powerhouses, the Dark Heavenly Lord has always been indifferent and full of mystery. Of course, this is also because of Tianyun.

The Dark Sky Venerable didn't have a few friends in the chaos, and the real one was life and death, and only Venerable Sky. And Tianyun is the younger brother of Venerable Tianhua, and for Dark Tianzun, Tianyun has grown up step by step by himself.

Therefore, the person that Tianyun values, Dark Tianzun is naturally not too indifferent, after all, from the perspective of generation, Zhang Fan is regarded as his nephew.

Be regarded as his own.

"Thank you for your uncle's importance, I will not let the teacher and you down."

Zhang Fan also said solemnly now.

"Hehe, don't put so much pressure on yourself, let everything go with the flow. Moreover, from your body, I feel the power of destiny. Obviously, some things may be destined in the future.

Before I saw you, I might still have doubts about you. After seeing you now, I think that if you can't even succeed, then it means that the entire chaotic catastrophe is destined to be impossible to pass.

Let's go, enter the time mystery with me, and then start to improve. "

Looking at Zhang Fan, the Dark Tianzun also said with a smile at the moment.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan followed the Dark Tianzun and his teacher Tianyun towards the arranged time secret.

In the very center of the palace, there is also a light gate that looks extremely dark, which looks like the mouth of a devil. However, Zhang Fan knew that this was because of the power of darkness possessed by his uncle Dark Heavenly Sovereign.

It can be said that except for the color, everything else is very normal.

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