Star-source Legend

Chapter 1658: a kind reminder

"It just so happens that you are back. I still have some things to deal with. You will come back after about a thousand or two thousand years. You will stay here during this period of time to accompany your family. When I come back, you will travel to Chaos again. Right."

Jiang Yun also said to Zhang Fan immediately.

"Hmm, yes, you can go to your own business, anyway, this period of time will trouble you."

Hearing what Jiang Yun said, Zhang Fan naturally had no reason to refuse.

After all, people can't stay busy with their own affairs, just keep their family members empty, not to mention that now he himself has returned.

"Hmm, I hope that by the time I come back to see you, your mental cultivation has already improved. Go and meet your family. To be honest, your children, even me, are a little tempted, then Talent, looking at the young generation of the entire Chaos universe, is enough to rank in the forefront.

In this way, you can tell them that if any of them can rank first in strength among the four siblings before I come back, then I will personally build them a suitable weapon that the nobles can use, and give them one. This is the magical power I have realized. "

Nodded, Jiang Yun also said immediately.

"Hehe, then I will thank you for the children, Venerable Magic Soldier, I don't even have myself yet."

Zhang Fan also said with a smile now.

"By the way, I would like to remind you before leaving, that is, you can directly fuse piece by piece instead of directly condensing the original origin continent first.

The origin continent and the origin continent are like black and white, yin and yang oppose each other, and forcibly merge together. If one is not careful, it is likely to have a counterproductive effect. The power that bursts out of it will not cause you anything. Threat, but the lives in it are not so safe.

It happens that the Origin Continent is now scattered into pieces, so if it slowly merges, the repulsive force will not be too great, and it is considered to be within your control.

You have to pay more attention to this. I will leave first. "

After Jiang Yun reminded Zhang Fan, he immediately disappeared.

For Jiang Yun, let alone guarding for 100,000 years, even an era can be endured.

The reason for leaving was also because he had received a message from his boss, the Dark Lord, that he needed to go to the City of Hope to do something. The Dark Heavenly Lord was not at ease if he changed his job to others.

"Senior Jiang Yun’s reminder is very important. Otherwise, if I really repel the Star Source Continent when I really regain it, it will be catastrophic for the earth or the life on the other three planets. ."

Although the power of the Venerable is beyond the universe, the power of Noda's universe sometimes surpasses the Venerable of the universe to a certain extent.

Therefore, in order to protect the safety of his relatives and friends, Zhang Fan naturally would not take risks easily.

After that, Zhang Fan stopped thinking about it, and went straight to the place where his family lived.

One hundred thousand years, although it is very short for their current strength, but for Zhang Fan himself, he has not really been used to being separated for millions of years or even longer.

Therefore, in his heart, Zhang Fan actually missed his family and friends very much.

Especially in the Time Secret Realm, the time ratio has reached 10,000 times, which means that Zhang Fan has cultivated for a full billion years, and this billion years can be said to be very tormenting for Zhang Fan himself.

This time, it is clear that it is to improve the mood, but it is actually for relaxation.

Of course, this was the last rare time he relaxed, because the situation in Hei Tianyu was not so stable, and it could be broken anytime and anywhere.

And once the seal is really broken, it means that his uncle Tianhua should be dead or alive, and then his teacher doesn't know how sad it will be.

After all, if a strong person of the Tianzun level dies, unless a powerful presence in the realm of the emperor makes a move, it is impossible to resurrect successfully. What's more, the chaotic gods and demons in the black sky area are also proficient in devouring one. The soul cannot be retained.

In Zhang Fan's view, being able to give him ten thousand years is already taking a big risk.

Therefore, he himself couldn't stay with his family during this period of time, but needed to find a way to improve his state of mind, so that he could continue to integrate the Star Source Fragments and always promote himself to the extreme.

"Quick, hurry up and call everyone back. The Lord of Heaven Splitting told me that Afan will be back soon. Xiaotong, take out your best craftsmanship and let your brother taste it later.

This child is a hundred thousand years after leaving, and it is silent, which is really worrying. "

At the same time, in the center of the Supreme City, there is a very huge building suspended in the air, which looks like a castle.

In a huge palace in the depths of the castle, at this moment, Zhang Fan and his family are all gathered together, including Guo Xiaotong, who also returned to the earth from the primitive universe some time ago.

Now Guo Xiaotong has reached the pinnacle of Dao Sage realm in strength, and the level of Qi Shen Chu has reached the pinnacle of seven stars.

It can be said that from its entry into the primitive universe to the present, it only has a total of hundreds of thousands of years. In such a short time, from the three-star kitchen, it has achieved the seven-star peak, especially its own strength has not fallen much. It can be said that as long as Guo Xiaotong breaks through the ancestral realm, he has the opportunity to touch the legendary realm of the nine-star divine chef, and this realm is Guo Xiaotong's master, and Du Ming has always been very yearning for it.

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