Star-source Legend

Chapter 1659: Sister-in-law status

"Brother is coming back? Hee hee, great, I will prepare now."

At this moment, Guo Xiaotong, who was sitting on the sofa doing nothing, heard Zhang Fan's mother say that the whole person was jumping three feet high.

It was the first time to go to the kitchen to prepare food.

"Speaking of it, since Afan left, we have not got together very well. Ling'er, you go call Tenglong, and by the way, inform the seniors of Shenxiao Daomen and Liu Yun.

Xiaoman, you go to contact your Uncle Hong, and invite invincible seniors by the way.

This time, everyone got together. "

Zhang Shun was also looking at a beautiful woman and Zhang Fan's daughter, Zhang Chuman, and told him.

"Yes, father."

"Okay, Grandpa."

The two also replied separately.

As for this Ling'er, it is Zhang Tenglong’s partner, and Feng Ling'er, Zhang Fan’s old acquaintance, used to like Zhang Fan for a while, but later as the gap between the two parties grew, the relationship between each other There is not much contact.

Zhang Tenglong also met Feng Ling'er during an outing. More than 30,000 years ago, the two officially married and became husband and wife. In normal times, Feng Linger has always lived in this castle with Zhang Fan's parents and a few wives.

Soon, as the two left, many of Zhang Fan’s acquaintances received the news with the cosmic network. The first time, either took the teleportation array, or some people just stayed in the Supreme City. Among them, directly came.

It was about half an hour before and after, the huge palace was already full of people. These people were all close to Zhang Fan. Of course, they all had more or less relationships with each other.

"Hehe, I know the news of my return, Master, you will definitely be tempted to tell everyone. It's been a long time since it has been here."

At this moment, a voice that made everyone very familiar also emerged. Then, a purple-golden light flashed, and suddenly Zhang Fan appeared in front of everyone.

"I naturally have to inform you about the news of your return. This is not a trivial matter. There is no news after one hundred thousand years of leaving. We are all worried.

This time, when you come back, it happens to be for everyone to get together again. To be honest, this kind of situation is rare in these 100,000 years, that is, when Tamron got married, everyone got together. "

Cracking the sky also said with a smile at the moment.

"Huh? Xiaolong, are you married? When did it happen? Who are your siblings?"

At this time, Zhang Fan was also very surprised to hear that his younger brother was already married. He also looked at Zhang Tenglong and asked.

"Haha, Afan, it's me."

At this time, Feng Ling'er also walked out with a smile and said.

"Uh, Feng Ling'er? You actually came together? Haha, it's really unexpected. I'm a big brother, I'm here to congratulate you.

These are two fruits of life, just treat them as my wedding gift to you.

With these two fruits of life, I think Feng Ling'er should be strong enough to ascend to the ancestral realm, and Tamron, I also discovered that you are now in the middle of the ancestral realm, and this fruit of life is enough to raise you to the ancestral realm. Later, even the peak. "

Seeing that it was Feng Ling'er, Zhang Fan seemed a little shocked at first, but soon recovered, and at the same time took out two fruits of life and handed them directly to Feng Ling'er.

"This, this is too expensive, Afan, I can't ask for it."

Feng Ling'er looked at the purple fruit exuding the rich vitality in front of him at this moment, and now he also declined.

"Yeah, brother, you have given me a fruit of life before. You should keep these for yourself. You need these treasures more than I do to enhance your strength."

Zhang Tenglong also walked closer at this moment and spoke.

"Hehe, if it were before I left, these fruits of life would indeed be able to play a role. However, these things have not been able to play much effect on me now.

Because, I am now a cosmic Venerable.

So, you are welcome, just accept it.

These fruits of life, although I am not many, but I can still get these two. After waiting, brother is teaching you a powerful magical power, just two fruits of life, some can't handle it. "

Looking at his brother, Zhang Fan also spoke at the moment.

"Huh? Brother, you have already become the Venerable Universe? My God."

And when he heard his brother personally say that he was already a Cosmos Venerable, Zhang Tenglong seemed shocked at this moment.

The others couldn't help getting up one by one, their mouths open, their eyes filled with consternation.

The news is so shocking.

That is the Venerable Universe, at least, many of them have only heard of the existence of the Venerable, and now they have seen one with their own eyes, and they are still acquaintances of everyone.

As for Zhang Fan's four children, they all felt very proud at this moment, as if they themselves had become Cosmos Venerables themselves.

"Hehe, it's a good luck to say it. This time I came back, mainly to deal with some things that I didn't have time to deal with before. First of all, I plan to remove the Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Emblem Star, Demon God Star, and Mechanical Star and the original The planets or continents that belonged to the star-source continent were gathered together, and finally merged with the earth little by little. I believe that eventually the earth will transform into the only original planet.

The so-called one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, each universe can only have one original continent, otherwise if things go on like this, the consequences will be disastrous.

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