Star-source Legend

Chapter 1669: Recognize reality

"It turned out that Master Zhang Fan came here. It is a great honor for you to come to our Qinglong clan."

And when Zhang Fan and his party approached the range of the Qinglong clan, the Qingfeng of the Qinglong clan also greeted the many powerful people of the Qinglong clan. Behind the Qingfeng clan, they were directly killed by Zhang Fan in the trial of the three clans. Qing Ming also looked at Zhang Fan with complicated expressions.

"Hehe, the kid took the liberty to come and harass, and I hope Senior Qingfeng will not mind."

Zhang Fan also smiled and replied at this moment, the whole person also seemed very polite.

After all, no matter how powerful his strength is, he is a guest from afar, not to mention that he and the Azure Dragon clan do not have many contradictions, this time he came to take the initiative to get blood.

"Master Zhang Fan doesn't use the name Senior Senior, but I know that you have now become the Venerable Universe. In your human terms, that is, the expert is the first, and this is a matter of course.

I wonder if Master Zhang Fan came to our Qinglong clan this time. "

Qingfeng also went straight to the subject at this moment and asked. As for the news that Zhang Fan is the Venerable Universe, as the leader of the Azure Dragon clan and even the entire monster clan, and Zhang Fan did not deliberately let everyone conceal the news, it is normal to be able to detect some news.

The strength of Zhang Fan before that shocked them. Now they are the legendary Venerable Universe. It can be said that once Zhang Fan is offended, their Azure Dragon clan will not have the slightest possibility of resisting.

Therefore, Qing Feng was also a little worried at the moment, especially when he looked at Qing Ming behind him, thinking of the Tribe Trials many years ago, Qing Feng looked plain and unpaid, but he was really worried.

"This time, one is to appreciate the scenery of the monster race, it is to recognize the way. After all, I have always wanted to visit the various races before. Of course, I also have one thing I want Senior Qingfeng for your help this time. .

That is, I need a small portion of the blood of the pure-blood descendants of the Qinglong clan. Of course, I need a small portion of the blood of all the races of the entire Yao clan, not just the Qinglong clan.

I will visit the top ten races one by one. As for the other races in the future, I hope that Patriarch Qingfeng can help. As a reward, I will pass on some of your insights about my personal cultivation, which should shorten your entry to half. For the time of the noble state, and, I will give you two extra life fruits as rewards, Senior Qingfeng.

I don't know, what do you think? "

Zhang Fan also directly stated his purpose at this moment.

"Master Zhang Fan, what you said is my heart. Of course, I am willing to help. However, if I take the liberty, I don't know if you need so much blood from the monster race. What is it for?

Of course, if you can’t say anything, you don’t have to tell me. "

Qingfeng couldn't not agree to Zhang Fan's request, because it was a rare opportunity to please Zhang Fan. However, Zhang Fan needed so many races and blood, and Qingfeng was also very curious about the specific purpose.

"Haha, it doesn't matter what I said to you, that is, I plan to gather the blood of ten thousand demons, and then cooperate with other treasures to improve the blood of several of my friends, including Xiaohuo, Xiaojin and the others are the same.

Because their blood is not enough to make them go further. "

Zhang Fan also said with a smile now.

"So that's the case, if that's the case, then I'll take a trip myself this time."

Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Zhang Fan said.

"Hehe, thank Patriarch Qingfeng. Time is running out, so I have to go to the Baihu clan to visit Senior Baidi and several other seniors, so I won't stay much.

When Senior Qingfeng you have collected it, I will come back to the Azure Dragon clan.

Qing Ming, don't worry about it. I won't settle accounts after the autumn. After all, you were killed by me once. However, I still want to remind you that at all times, you must have a heart of self-restraint. Some people are not something you can provoke. You need to practice honestly, improve yourself, and carry forward the great dragon clan. made. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan also planned to leave first. Before leaving, he watched Qing Ming reminded him, and then he took the crowd and disappeared directly into place.

"Qing Ming, Zhang Fan is not something you can offend, because the gap between you is getting bigger and bigger. Let alone Zhang Fan, just his children, now you are probably not an opponent.

As he said, if you want to keep your eyes long and you can't catch up with his footsteps, then start in front of your eyes. We, the Azure Dragon clan, currently have the highest level of blood. In the future, you will have the opportunity to touch that level, everything, for the future of the Azure Dragon clan, do you understand? "

After Zhang Fan and the others left, Qing Feng also turned around, looking at Qing Ming with a serious face and said.

"Yes, ancestor, I understand. I used to be naive and impulsive."

Hearing what his ancestor said, Qing Ming also nodded and said, but, from the depths of his eyes, the look that flashed away, and the purple fists that were about to be clenched, one could see that Qing Ming's heart was very Struggling.

However, after knowing that Zhang Fan was already a Universe Venerable, even if he was not reconciled, Qing Ming knew that he would never surpass Zhang Fan.

Some people are destined to always be dazzling, and he is just one of the stumbling blocks for Zhang Fan to reach the peak.

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