Star-source Legend

Chapter 1670: Breakthrough Dan

And Zhang Fan, after leaving the Azure Dragon clan, went to the other top ten races of the Yao clan one after another, and said his own requirements.

For what Zhang Fan put forward, all the patriarchs directly agreed without hesitation.

After all, Zhang Fan doesn’t need them to do anything. It’s just to provide some blood, especially Zhang Fan will take action to directly replenish the loss. It can be said that this is a very easy thing to get closer to Zhang Fan. The patriarchs are not. The fool, naturally, spared no effort to help, and also actively gave Zhang Fan some precious treasures from all races.

Of course, Zhang Fan himself is not the kind of person who takes advantage of it and leaves. For the top ten clans, Zhang Fan has given them a gift to their patriarch. Among the gifts, the most important thing is that Zhang Fan’s ability to break into the half-sovereign state Feeling, it can be said that the patriarchs are like a treasure.

With the help of the top ten races, it took less than a day. The blood of the tens of thousands of different races of the monster race was collected and handed over to Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan also had to feel the call of the top ten races of the monster race. force.

After everything was in place, Zhang Fan immediately led everyone back to the Supreme City, followed by retreat and began to make potions.

To help Hong Lie, Hades, and Xiao Jin Xiaohuo, who have strong bloodlines themselves, further improve their bloodlines. To a certain extent, external forces cannot interfere.

However, Zhang Fan's strength has now reached the pinnacle of Venerable Universe. Normally, he can use the power of his origin to continuously help several people strengthen and improve their bloodlines.

However, Zhang Fan also knows from the Dark Sky Venerable and his teacher, Venerable Tianyun, that the power of the source is actually limited. Once he waits for the power of the source to be released in the future and let it be restored, then the matter will be reversed. , To a large extent will conversely limit their own improvement.

If you want to get rid of this, you need a barrier-breaking pill.

This is a kind of miraculous pill to break down barriers, and it can also be said to be a kind of miraculous pill to break the shackles of oneself.

Once the refining is successful, to a certain extent, it will even be enough for a warrior in the late ancestral realm to directly promote to the half-exalted realm or even higher. It depends on the quality of the refined medicine.

Although Zhang Fan himself had not personally refined the pill, Xing Lao himself was very good at alchemy, and if he controlled it with a powerful force on the side, the success rate was still good.

"The difficulty of refining this barrier-breaking pill is not generally great. It is worthy of being created by a strong person at the Tianzun level. The blood of the ten thousand monsters, plus various other treasures, can be said that this pill is even for Existence at the venerable level has no small effect.

Afan, this barrier-breaking pill, because it is the first time it is refined, it will be very difficult. Fortunately, you have collected a lot of essence and blood, and each of them can be divided into 100 parts, which gives us a certain degree Exercise opportunities.

However, there is one thing that you have to be psychologically prepared, that is because of my strength, even with your help, even if the barrier-breaking pill is successfully refined, it can only play a role under the nobleman. , And even how much blood can be improved, or how much a person can improve, is unknown. "

After returning to the Supreme City, Zhang Fan also went directly to Xing Lao's residence. Hearing what Zhang Fan and him said, although Xing Lao was eager to try, he still needs to remind Zhang Fan to avoid disappointment in the final result.

"It's okay, Elder Xing, I think the blood I collected this time should be enough. If it is not enough, I will run again. I believe the demon clan will still give this face.

What's more, I am very aware of your old alchemy methods. This point, even many cosmic masters may not be able to match you. The fire of your soul is as if it has undergone a mutation. It is not only powerful, but also has a very magical effect on alchemy.

My main purpose this time is to improve Hong Lie's bloodline, and at the same time, see if there is a chance to use this barrier-breaking pill to let you go further. In this way, in the future trips to the forbidden area, at least everyone can have a certain amount. Degree of self-preservation. "

Hearing what Elder Xing said, Zhang Fan waved his hand at the moment and said.

"Well, if this is the case, it shouldn’t be too late. I’m going to prepare now, and we’ll start refining barrier-breaking pills in a while. To be honest, I have heard of all kinds of pills in the universe. But this is the first time I have heard of this barrier-breaking pill that can improve blood or life level.

If we can really succeed in refining, then we will have a very powerful hole card in the future. The improvement of the back children will take it to the next level, and we will encounter those with good talents and powerful bloodlines. For people, this barrier-breaking pill can shorten the time it takes to cultivate to a certain extent, allowing it to win at the starting line. "

Nodded, Xing Lao became more excited as he thought about it, and then directly led Zhang Fan to his alchemy room.

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