Star-source Legend

Chapter 1671: Qiankun Furnace

Because of the need to refine the barrier-breaking pill, everyone had to temporarily postpone their plan to go to the three forbidden areas this time.

Specifically, after the barrier-breaking pill is refined, the effect of everyone taking it.

According to Zhang Fan's own estimation, in the time mystery, outside time may only take half a day or even a day to succeed.

"Afan, this is an alchemy room I specially set up. It can be said that a lot of my hard work has been devoted here, especially this alchemy furnace. Long before the tribal melee, I hid it in a special Once I die, it may take a long time for this alchemy furnace to be discovered.

Because he is regarded as the most proud treasure in my life, except for the spear of the starry sky.

Do you know why many people on our human side call me the emperor teacher? That’s because I relied on this alchemy furnace to become the first nine-star alchemist in the entire universe, and what I like the most is to train the children of the next generation. Your master splits the sky and they are all cultivated by me. And under the guidance, finally achieved something.

With such a relationship, even after so many years, they still treat me as their teacher. This is what I am most proud of.

Now I add you, haha, my life, except for not breaking through to the universe, I feel a little regretful, basically it is considered complete. "

Soon, Old Xing took Zhang Fan to a huge palace that was several thousand meters high and occupies a very wide area.

In the very center of the palace, a huge gossip furnace is also standing in the center. It is full of various patterns, and there are many kinds of secret texts that overlap each other, but they seem to be integrated.

With Zhang Fan's feeling, the level of this alchemy furnace had at least reached the level of the strongest treasure.

"Older Xing, this alchemy furnace is very unusual. I don't know how you got it? This kind of alchemy furnace, I think, even for some venerable existence, it is considered a kind of treasure. ."

After observing the entire huge alchemy furnace for a while, Zhang Fan also looked at Old Xing and asked.

"Hehe, this alchemy furnace, I named you the Qiankun furnace, I obtained it accidentally in the chaos. I can't know the specific quality, because I don't know what material it was made of, but This pill refining furnace, no matter what kind of pill is refined, will increase the success rate of at least three levels, which is very scary.

I may not be very clear about this in the past, but I can know from some classics that above the nine-star alchemist, there is also a superstar alchemist, which is a higher-level existence. In my opinion, the superstar alchemist , Perhaps only the realm of Tianzun can hope to achieve it, and this alchemy furnace is likely to be an alchemy furnace made by a superstar alchemist at the Tianzun level.

For the purpose of experimentation, I used the starry sky spear to stab this alchemy furnace with all my strength. As a result, no trace was left on it. Even the huge rebound force made me suffer serious injuries.

Today, this Qiankun furnace is the number one alchemy furnace in our entire universe, and it is much better than the gossip furnace owned by the Gods of Heaven.

This is also the reason I told you before that I have the confidence to refine the barrier-breaking pill, and everything is because of the special nature of this Qiankun furnace. At that time, with my colorful torch, it will be enough to increase the success rate by half. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Mr. Xing also said with pride. To put it bluntly, Qiankun furnace is Xinglao's iron rice bowl, and even Xinglao's most proud treasure. This is Zhang Fan. If you are someone else, Elder Xing will never let him enter his alchemy room.

"If it is really an alchemy furnace of the Celestial Venerable level, it is really amazing. Of course, Elder Xing, I hope this alchemy furnace is really ownerless, otherwise, if its original owner finds it, then Can't resist it."

Zhang Fan was also shocked at the moment.

After all, anything, once related to Tianzun, is absolutely different.

"Hehe, originally I was also very worried, but this pill furnace is already recognized by me, so it means it is an unowned thing. Obviously, its previous owner should have died or taken the initiative. Remove it. Plus, hundreds of millions of years have passed, and I think there is no need to worry too much."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Mr. Xing also said with a smile.

"Yeah, since it's a matter of no owner, there is nothing to worry about. Then Xing Lao, let's start now. You can arrange what you need to do. I don't know anything about alchemy."

Nodded, Zhang Fan also handed over the burden to Mr. Xing at this moment. The appearance that I didn't know anything made Mr. Xing very speechless.

"Hehe, because the materials needed to refine this barrier-breaking pill are all too amazing, and the energy and energy required are beyond my limit. So, all you need to do for a while is to stand on my side. Behind me, if I find that my energy is not enough, I will instill energy directly without interruption, so as not to waste my previous efforts.

There are tens of thousands of blood of different monster races, plus miscellaneous materials, and many top-notch treasures. Every step of this must not go wrong, otherwise, even if you can start all over again, People feel extremely irritable and tired, which will affect the success rate to a certain extent.

For the time being, wait a while, I need to study the specific refining arrangement of the barrier-breaking pill. Afan, in order to save time, you can simply arrange a time mystery all around, just cover the palace. As for the time ratio, one thousand times is enough. "

Old Xing also looked at Zhang Fan and said immediately.

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