Star-source Legend

Chapter 1690: The role of energy body

"Hehe, it seems that the two of them should have no problem solving it, so let's just wait quietly.

The strength of these two abyssal demons is actually quite good, and the combat experience is obviously very rich. After all, the living environment here is very bad. It can be said that every abyssal demon that grows up does not know that it will be swallowed. How many similar people finally grow up.

At this point, the Abyss Demon is actually similar to the Chaos God Demon in the Black Sky Territory, the only difference is quality.

In the abyss of hell, it can be said that, like us humans, many demons can handle the power of many demons, perhaps even the most common Star Noble realm powerhouse.

The most powerful is basically comparable to or even surpassing the strongest in our universe, but it has never reached an existence that makes people irresistible.

However, in the Black Sky Territory, it can be said that the lowest strength of every Chaos God Demon has reached the Dao Sage Realm, and among them, the strength has reached the ancestral realm, and there are countless.

Of course, this does not mean that the abyss of **** is no longer dangerous. It can be called the forbidden place of our universe and ranks first. It may not be as simple as we thought. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan looked at his two daughters with heroic looks, and their performance was remarkable, and he was quite happy in his heart. Then he said to everyone.

"Yeah, after all, it is the first time we have come to the abyss of hell. It can be said that there has always been a legend here. It is said that people who died in the universe will come to the abyss of **** and become the abyss here. demon.

It can be said that the number of abyssal demons here is absolutely beyond our imagination.

Although you have Afan's help, it is difficult to guarantee that other situations will not occur. It is better to be cautious in everything. "

Old Xing nodded his head at this time, looking at everyone seriously reminding.

When everyone heard what Xing Lao said, their expressions were solemn.

Because, although this is only the first level of the abyss of hell, it turned out to be the leader of the abyss demon at the ancestral level.

As for the eighteenth floor of the Hell Abyss, if each level is increased in turn, the corresponding strength will increase, and even, maybe there will be a powerful existence beyond the ancestral realm, that is, the level of the universe, this is what The most worrying.



At this time, accompanied by a roar of pain and unwillingness, the bull demon who was fighting against Zhang Yuan was eventually directly penetrated by Zhang Yuan using the master magic weapon, and then fell on the ground. To live.

"Hehe, Xiaoman, you have to come on, your sister has already solved the opponent."

At this time, Zhang Fan also reminded Zhang Chuman, who was constantly fighting his goal on the other side.

"Second sister is so fast? If so, then I won't play with you."


Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhang Chuman also seemed very surprised at this moment. Suddenly, for the first time, his whole body burst out with a powerful aura again, and then, with a full-strength sword directly at the huge abyss demon in front of him .

Suddenly, a huge sword light with a length of tens of thousands of meters emerged directly, submerging the remaining leader of the abyss demon.

When the dust and smoke dissipated, it can be clearly seen that under Zhang Chuman’s sword, the abyss demon was actually divided into two, and above the ground, a powerful sword light cut out a bottomless line. , There are tens of thousands of meters long and hundreds of meters wide.

However, what surprised everyone was that after the death of these two abyssal demon leaders, although their bodies dissipated, a group of energy bodies that looked golden appeared in place, suspended in the air.

"this is?"

At this moment, everyone looked confused.

"Hehe, this can be regarded as the essence of these two abyssal demons. It can be said that if these two energy bodies can be absorbed, the effect of improving their own strength will be very obvious, and there will be no side effects.

This is why I brought you to the three forbidden areas. This is what the teacher I just recognized told me.

It can be said that the existence of the abyss of **** is, to a certain extent, in addition to maintaining the balance of the universe, it is also an excellent place for experience to rapidly increase its strength.

Xiaoyuan, Chuman, the two of you go directly to absorb this energy and see how it works. "

Seeing everyone very surprised, Zhang Fan explained with a smile at the moment.

In order to prevent Zhang Fan from losing too much time, Zhang Fan’s teacher, Venerable Tianyun, also went to the three major forbidden areas to find the remaining five star source fragments.

Regarding some of the three forbidden areas, Tianyun naturally also informed Zhang Fan a lot.

Among them, the most powerful of the abyss demon is the king of the abyss demon at the eighteenth level. Its strength is also very terrifying, at least comparable to the late stage of the universe, and the entire **** abyss, the abyss of the universe reaches the level of the universe. There are about ten of them, and when Zhang Fan knew about it, he was very shocked.

However, for some reason, the abyss of **** seems to be sealed by some strong person, and it is impossible to get out of the abyss of hell. Otherwise, it is estimated that the entire universe will suffer.

Among them, the abyss of **** is very special, that is, once the abyss demon is killed, a group of energy bodies will appear. If these energy bodies can be absorbed continuously, a person's strength can be continuously increased. And there will not be too many side effects.

Especially this kind of energy body can increase the strength of the soul body to a certain extent. When Zhang Fan knew it, he was very shocked.

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