Star-source Legend

Chapter 1691: Eighteenth Floor of the Abyss

"It turns out that this is the case. In that case, we will not only be able to practice here, but also our own strength will increase steadily as the abyss demon killed.

However, Afan, I think, there is definitely no such lucky thing in the world. I think, if these energy bodies want to absorb, there must be requirements? "

For what Zhang Fan said, everyone felt very surprised, but Hades felt that there must be other restrictions.

"Hehe, Hades guessed right. There are indeed limitations. That is, the energy body absorbed must be at the same level as itself. Of course, this level does not mean that it must be at the same level.

For example, a powerful person in the Dao Sage realm needs to absorb the energy body produced by the abyss demon in the Dao Sage realm. In this regard, even the abyss demon only has the early Dao Sage realm, and a person has the Dao Sage realm. The peak will not conflict.

Of course, more powerful ones are naturally unbearable.

Moreover, the energy body here, according to my estimation, cannot be absorbed continuously. After all, things must be reversed. This kind of energy body looks pure, but it contains some abyssal demon breath. If it absorbs too much , Needless to say about its own impact.

All of you, the purpose of coming here this time is to absorb up to ten energy bodies produced by the abyss demons of the same level, which is enough. Of course, in order to ensure that you can play a role in experience, I will not interfere easily, everything can be trusted, only you.

The next time is up to you. I will wait for you at the entrance of the seventeenth floor. Next, how to act and how to improve myself, everything is up to you.

The only thing I can do is to ensure that no abyssal demon that reaches the rank of the venerable will threaten you. "

Hearing what Hades said, Zhang Fan said with a smile now.

"Afan is right. This is a very rare opportunity for experience. The first few layers are given to you young people, and the remaining ones are given to us old guys.

Everyone must kill at least ten abyss demons, and I suggest that the abyss demons killed should be at most a small gap between themselves, otherwise, there will be no experience.

After Xiaoyuan and Chuman have absorbed the energy body for a while, let's start directly. "

Hearing Zhang Fan's suggestion, Cracking Sky also seemed to agree with him at the moment, watching everyone speak.

And everyone naturally knew that what Zhang Fan and Leap Tian said was completely normal.

Zhang Fan took them not to visit and experience life, but to let them experience and improve themselves. Therefore, if you want to really play a role, you still have to rely on yourself instead of just getting something for nothing.

"Very well, since you all understand what I mean, then I will not do anything about the next actions. You can arrange it yourself. At this point, Mr. Xing, Master, you guys can help watch, don’t let them Reckless form.

I don’t want to take action to bring some of you back to life at the end. "

Seeing everyone, after Zhang Fan reminded him at this moment, the whole person immediately disappeared.

For everyone, the experience of the many abyssal demons in the abyss of **** can play is very obvious.

And when Zhang Fan himself came to the abyss of hell, he was naturally not playing around. His goal was the abyss demon on the eighteenth floor of the **** abyss with the strength of the cosmic venerable level, and even the king of the abyss demon.

Although his strength has increased very rapidly, and now he has reached the peak of Venerable Universe, Zhang Fan is considered a newcomer in the way of fighting at Venerable Universe level and many other aspects.

Therefore, Zhang Fan will not miss such a good opportunity.

The range of the Hell Abyss can be said to be wider than one layer. To a certain extent, according to Zhang Fan’s own power of mind detection, it is also found that if all the Hell Abyss is added together, the area will be at least one third. The universe is big, and the most rare thing is that the suppression power of Hell Abyss is actually very powerful. To a certain extent, even with Zhang Fan’s own strength, the most powerful attack can only affect tens of millions of miles, as if here. Born to be a specially built battlefield.

"Since this is considered by many people to be the place where life in the universe came after death, is it possible to really build a place of reincarnation here?

On this point, I will discuss with Yan Ping in the future to see if this is possible. If it is really successful, then the entire universe will truly surpass other universes and realize self-circulation. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan also thought in his heart, and then Zhang Fan shifted his attention to the other side.

Zhang Fan has already arrived at the eighteenth floor of the Hell Abyss. It can be said that on the eighteenth floor, the horrible suppression power alone cannot be resisted by most people.

The entire eighteenth floor, on the surface, looks no different from the first floor, and the theme is gray.

However, in the eighteenth floor, the energy contained in the air is highly corrosive, and also has a strong aggressive and **** aura. Under Zhang Fan’s exploration of the mind, various powerful abyss demons fought each other, Devour, evolve, improve.

All the time is full of killings.

Moreover, Zhang Fan also discovered that the depths of the abyssal demons that exist on the eighteenth floor of the Hell Abyss are very powerful. No weaker than human beings in the realm of Taoism.

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