Star-source Legend

Chapter 1693: Abyss Demon King


Zhang Fan was also surprised to see that the two people were in unison at this moment. However, Zhang Fan was still not in his eyes. At this moment, Daugs's behavior was disrespectful to him in Zhang Fan's eyes.

Suddenly, for the first time, the boundless aura of horror erupted directly from Zhang Fan's body, and it immediately enveloped Dougs and Solo.

In this breath, Zhang Fan also has his own powerful devouring power. It can be said that Dougs and Solo feel as if he is facing his own king, no, even more terrifying than his own king. .

Under the suppression of Zhang Fan's powerful breath, it can be said that both of them felt as if they were going to be torn apart, and it was very painful.

"My lord is forgiving, my lord is forgiving."

Knowing Zhang Fan's powerful strength, in order to save their lives, the two of them didn't care about the dignity of a strong man at this moment, and directly asked Zhang Fan to stop in a terrified manner.

Just relying on the aura makes the two of them unbearable. If this is really done, it is estimated that the two of them will die.

Those who know the current affairs are handsome, they are quite clear about this.

"Hmph... if it wasn't for your usefulness, I just started sending you on the road directly. This time I came to the abyss of **** for no other purpose. I just want to talk to your king and discuss it.

Be acquainted and show me the way, otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless. "

Zhang Fan also gave a cold snort at this moment, directly expressing his intention.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, our Hell Abyss could still have a human being as powerful as yours. I remember the last time I saw a strong human being, it was three eras ago."

At this moment, a voice came from a distance, and immediately afterwards, a bloodthirsty, tyrannical, fierce aura also emerged directly.

Soon, a figure appeared directly in front of Zhang Fan and the others.

This is a middle-aged man wearing a blood-red long-distance runner. His figure is tall, more than three meters tall, and he looks very strong, especially his eyes, as if he has experienced countless reincarnations.

And when this person appeared, Zhang Fan's heart also became a little wary for an instant, and he could feel the dangerous breath from the opponent.


At this moment, seeing this person appear, Dougs and Solo also directly transformed into human forms, kneeling on the ground and bowing, appearing to be very respectful.

"Huh, two rubbish, they don't want to stay in their own territory, and they cannibalize each other here. It is really embarrassing to let others see the jokes for nothing. Go away, there will be another time, you know the consequences. One. It’s nothing but a **** fruit.

At this moment, the man looked at Dougs and Solo, and snorted directly, making the two of them tremble uncontrollably.

"Thank you Wang for forgiving, we will leave now."

At this moment, hearing that this person did not hold them accountable, both of them were relieved in their hearts, and then left directly.

They know very well that this is also due to the appearance of the human being before, otherwise, under normal circumstances, even if their king does not kill them, there will be no good fruit for them.

In the entire abyss of hell, the king is supreme.

"You are the Demon King of the Abyss? Your strength is extraordinary. I didn't expect that the Hell Abyss has so many powerful existences at the level of cosmic sages, and your strength surprised me even more."

At this moment, looking at the person in front of him, Zhang Fan also spoke directly.

"Hehe, it turns out that you are a guest, and your strength is good, and I can feel that you are still very young. This is the most shocking thing. At such a young age, you have the strength close to the Tianzun level. If you enter the chaos, you don't know how many people will be shocked."

Looking at Zhang Fan, the Abyss Demon King also said with a smile at the moment.

"Oh? It seems that you also know something about Chaos. Moreover, although your breath is not so comfortable, I know that this is what you showed deliberately, right?

I think you are not transformed by the Devil of the Abyss, and it is possible that you are also from Chaos. Is that right? "

Hearing what the Abyss Demon King said, Zhang Fan also proved his judgment at this moment.

"Hehe, speaking of it, I'm just a criminal. And the abyss of hell, although I am the supreme being, but I have stayed in the abyss of **** for at least three epochs, and I don't know when this day It's a head.

Speaking of it, you are the second human strong man I have seen in so many years. A strong man came before, but after finding a few things, he left in a hurry. After I got the news, so did I feel very sorry.

My real name is Turner, don't know how to call you? "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, the Abyss Demon King also said somewhat self-deprecatingly, and also told Zhang Fan his name.

"My name is Zhang Fan."

Zhang Fan also answered directly at this moment.

"Zhang Fan, a very good name, I don't know what happened to you when you came to the abyss of **** this time?"

Nodding, the Abyss Demon King Turner also asked directly.

This is what he cares most at the moment. After all, a strong man who is not inferior to him came to the abyss of hell. If he had no purpose, he would not believe it.

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