Star-source Legend

Chapter 1694: Reason for detention

"Hehe, the main purpose of my visit this time is to confirm my own conjecture, and I also heard that there are good opponents here, and I, because the training time is relatively short, in order to improve my experience in combat, so, too I plan to come and have a look, and your appearance has surprised me.

I didn't expect that a forbidden place in the universe that even the venerable does not have, there is a powerful existence close to the level of the celestial venerable. This is incredible.

At the same time, I also brought some of my relatives and friends to come here to experience and improve. This is the reason why I came here. Later, I will go to the Eighteenth Link Star Region and the Misty Star. "

Without concealing it, Zhang Fan also looked at Turner in front of him and said.

"It turns out that if you want to improve your experience in battle, then you are looking for the right person. I have been sealed here for several epochs. It can be said that there is no fun at all here. Not to mention finding someone who can talk to me. In short, it is very lonely.

However, the strength of the person I offended back then is Tianzun. Unless my strength can break through the realm of Tianzun and surpass him, basically I will stay in the abyss of **** forever. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Turner also nodded, then said.

"Turner, I don’t know what happened that year, and you were directly imprisoned in this place for such a long time. Moreover, since it is a powerful existence at the Celestial level, if you offend him, it will basically be dead. And that senior just imprisoned you here, I think, you should also have some connections with each other?"

Zhang Fan looked at Turner and asked at the moment.

"Yeah, you're right, the strong Tianzun who imprisoned me here can be regarded as one of my elders to a certain extent. At the beginning, because I was eager for success, I not only swallowed a treasure that he owned. And, I also intend to merge this universe with my own small universe.

And I didn't expect that the power of the rules of the universe would be so powerful, I think even the existence of the City Lord of Hope at the level is probably unable to handle it.

Especially, I don’t even know that this universe has become a possessive thing, forcibly merged, it can be said that it is a repeated offense, and then being imprisoned here, it is a kind of training, but this kind of training Time is too long.

I thought it would be enough to detain me for tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years, but I did not expect that these three or four epochs have passed, and there is still no sense of letting me go.

As time passed, I became calm, and pointed to some of the abyssal demons here to improve their cultivation, like the remaining nine abyssal demons that you found that reached the level of the venerable. All of them finally broke through with my guidance and help.

This is what I am most proud of.

After all, it is extremely difficult to cultivate a cosmic master, and with my strength, I have directly cultivated so many, which makes me feel very proud.

As for the breath of mine you feel, it is actually what I did deliberately. Otherwise, how can I maintain my majesty, and the environment here, I feel like I moved from the black sky, very suitable for evil People, or those with evil auras cultivate and improve, so I also simulate this aura all the year round to ensure that they will not be rejected here.

Although the three or four epochs are very long, my strength has been improved from the initial stage of the universe to the latter stage, which has already made me very satisfied. "

At this moment, Turner also looked at Zhang Fan and said.

Of course, Zhang Fan didn’t believe in some of Du Yu Turner’s words. After all, the contact time between the two parties was short, and he was not a newcomer. If he only relied on other people’s words to believe in others, then It's too silly.

"Hehe, I know that you can't believe me just by relying on what I said. Of course, I didn't expect you to believe me. You will understand this later.

And, if my guess is correct, are you going to swallow one? Otherwise, it is impossible to be so relaxed. After all, the environment here, especially the eighteenth layer of Hell Abyss, is very special and full of aggressiveness, but you are calm and calm, even I feel that the energy is just after getting close to your body. It is as if encountering a natural enemy.

And I happened to know a Chaos with good strength before, but I think that Chaos is not as good as you when it swallows one. It's really surprising. If you can step into the realm of Tianzun by swallowing one, then at the same level, you are the most powerful besides the person who masters the way of destiny. There is no doubt about this.

Let's not talk about it, let's go, I will show you around the eighteenth floor. Although the environment here looks suitable and bad, there are some places that are good.

I'll accompany you afterwards, otherwise you will come in vain? Haha. "

Turner himself knew that no matter what he said, it was impossible to believe it directly, so he also said immediately.

As for the future, he believes that after Zhang Fan leaves the abyss of hell, he will definitely inquire about his situation with others, and then everything will come to light.

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