Star-source Legend

Chapter 1732: Family arrangement

"Yes, Master."

At this moment, Qing Yu, Bai Li, Zhu Rui, Xuanlong, and Li Chenglong also responded with respectful expressions, which made Zhang Fan's face a bit of satisfaction.

"Our universe, looking at the entire chaos, is the top-level universe at the forefront, the Three Thousand Dao, theoretically can accommodate the birth of at least three thousand noble-level powerhouses.

However, due to various restrictions, the entire universe is very rare in the highest-end combat power, and even many epochs have passed, and even a powerful person at the level of the universe has not been born.

Today, everything in the entire universe is restored to completeness. At least, I hope that everyone present can break through to the ranks of the Cosmos Venerable in the future, because it is necessary to be the Venerable Universe if you want to stand on the chaos, otherwise, you will be in the chaos Even the basic chaos channel is unusable. It can only be carefully explored in the chaotic periphery area close to our universe as before.

My purpose is, if this time the great crisis is resolved, then in the future, the powerhouses of our universe can spread the entire chaos and blossom. "

Zhang Fan immediately looked at the others and said, making everyone's eyes full of expectation.

"Afan, how long will you stay here this time?"

At this time, Old Xing also asked.

"I don't know, I may have to go to the Black Sky Realm at any time. Therefore, during this time, I will try my best to spend time with my family and give guidance on your practice, so that everyone can have a good understanding of how to break into the realm of the Venerable. Certain understanding and sentiment, in this way, even after I leave, you can still have the strength to break through on your own.

In any case, before I leave, I also hope that some of you can reach the realm of Cosmos Venerables, so that I can leave with confidence. After all, our universe is a sweet pastry without certain strength. After I leave, It is difficult to guard against those who might be interested in our universe in the chaos. "

Shaking his head, Zhang Fan also replied at the moment.

Subsequently, after discussing with each other, they left one by one, and in the end only Zhang Fan and his family were left.

"You kid, this time you left silently for so long, without even a bit of news, which is nothing but worrying."

No outsiders, Shen Qiong looked at his son at this moment and said with some blame.

"Hey, it's my fault. This time I just planned to retreat for several thousand years. I didn't expect that 80,000 years have passed directly. However, the harvest of these 80,000 years is very great. At least, this time I went to Heilongjiang. Tianyu's grasp has increased a lot.

Mom and Dad, since I have chosen to take on all this, my time is not mine, but everyone, the entire universe and even the chaos.

I believe that in the future, our family can definitely live happily together forever. "

Looking at his mother who was very complaining about him, Zhang Fan also seemed a little guilty at the moment.

"We know that this is your choice, but no matter what you do, you must remember that our family will always stand behind you. Every time before you do anything, you should tell us something like this. , At least we can get some comfort in our hearts.

Always leave silently, no matter who you are changing, you can't worry about it. If it hadn't been for you to come back suddenly, I would even think that you might have gone directly to Heitianyu. "

Zhang Shun also spoke at this moment.

And Liu Ruyan and others, Zhang Minghui, also nodded at the moment.

Of course, in the entire Zhang family, perhaps only Zhang Shun and Shen Qiong dare to talk to Zhang Fan like this.

"Yes, it's all my fault, Mom and Dad, don't be angry, don't worry, if I leave this time, I will definitely notify you. Let alone these unhappy things, now that I have reached the late Tianzun stage, then Some arrangements need to be prepared in advance.

I won't talk about your situation in Tamron, and you can completely break through afterwards.

Ruyan, Qianqian, Suoya, Yunxia, ​​the strength of the four of you now has reached the pinnacle of the ancestral realm. Perhaps you think it is enough, but in my opinion, it is still far away.

The talents of the four of you are all very good, so before I leave this time, I also intend to see if all four of you can be directly promoted to the realm of half-sovereign, so that at least it can increase safety.

Minghui, Yuanyuan, Chuman, Aheng, the strength of the four of you is about the same as your mother now. I had a way to forcibly improve you. However, you are still young. In my opinion, you should practice steadily and practically. It will be good for your future.

Therefore, I will not take the initiative to use my own abilities to improve your strength. During this time, I will take you around the universe or even the chaotic region to increase your knowledge and make your mentality more stable.

All of you have to remember that for a warrior, the most important thing is the state of mind, followed by strength.

If the mood is strong enough, then your strength can be improved without scruples. "

Zhang Fan also rushed to admit his mistake at the moment, and at the same time watched everyone tell his own arrangements.

"Then brother, where are Ling'er and I?"

At this moment, Guo Xiaotong also looked at Zhang Fan and asked directly, Xiao Yuan's face was full of expectation.

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