Star-source Legend

Chapter 1733: Suddenly realized

"Hehe, Xiaotong, your current strength has reached the late stage of the ancestral realm. In my opinion, you should stop practicing for the time being and improve your master chef level as much as possible.

You know, above the Nine Star God Cook, there is also the Super Star God Cook. This is your goal in the future.

You have already become an eight-star chef, and with your strength, becoming a nine-star chef is just around the corner. However, in my opinion, your mentality is not that stable, perhaps because your strength has increased too quickly. Therefore, before you become a nine-star master chef, you temporarily stop practicing and concentrate on improving your master chef skills.

Focusing on one thing is more beneficial to improve yourself.

As for the younger brothers and sisters, I have seen your talent, but with Tamron's help, I don't have to intervene. You will understand this later. "

Looking at Guo Xiaotong, Zhang Fan also rubbed Guo Xiaotong's head with doting, and said with a smile.

"Well, I listen to my brother, hehe."

Without thinking about it, Guo Xiaotong trusted Zhang Fan 100%, and said without hesitation at this moment.

Of course, in fact, Zhang Fan is worried about it in his heart, that is, his younger sister is too dependent on himself, so if you take the time, you still have to see if there is someone who is more interested in him.

Otherwise, it's not okay to always be a small child.

Zhang Fan always feels that his junior sisters are like his own daughters. However, not knowing why, thinking that his junior sister might marry someone else in the future, Zhang Fan felt a little uncomfortable and entangled in his heart.

For the time being, let's go with the flow.

In the next time, Zhang Fan also tried his best to train several of his apprentices, as well as trying to improve the strength of his relatives and friends. It can be said that with the help of Zhang Fan, the improvement effect of everyone is very significant.

However, if you want to rise to the realm of the Universe Venerable, you still need to look at fate and timing, you can't force it, you can only rely on yourself.

At this moment, Zhang Fan was staying in his room, contacting his teacher, Venerable Tianyun.

"Afan, congratulations. I didn't expect the effect of Star Source Fragment to be so good. It directly increased your strength to the peak of the entire chaos. When I got the news, I felt shocked. You just activated the communication command. Is there anything looking for me?"

After activating the communication token, Zhang Fan also got in touch with his teacher, Venerable Tianyun.

"This is all because of your training, teacher, otherwise I want to steadily upgrade to my current strength, which is simply a dream. Teacher, I am looking for you this time, and I also want to ask you, that is, can I take me with you? Family and friends of ah go to the chaos.

You should also be aware that in our universe, some people's strengths have already risen to the peak of the half deity, and they are only one step away from the venerable. This step seems easy, but it is very difficult to do.

I plan to take them on a tour of Chaos and increase my knowledge. Do you think it is feasible? "

At this moment, upon hearing his teacher's question, Zhang Fan also spoke out his plan.

"Afan, I don't recommend that you take them to tour the entire chaos now, because the current chaos is full of uncertainty. If it's just yourself, you don't need to say much about safety.

However, although you have got the inheritance of Cursed Tianzun, you don’t actually have much actual combat experience. It’s not so easy to go there if you encounter some old-brand powers in the chaos, and some terrifying lives in the chaos. Dealing with them, taking them, speaking straightforwardly, will only be a burden.

In my opinion, you have done enough and cannot rely on you to help every step. In this way, their future achievements are limited. My suggestion is to let them practice step by step before the real crisis is resolved. Stabilizing their mentality is the most important thing.

Moreover, now the universe has returned to normal because you reset the origin. If you want to leave the universe, your own strength must reach the cosmos venerable. You can go out by yourself, but they will not be the same as before. If you take them to Chaos, you will be resisted by the entire universe.

In the end, once you force a breakthrough, your strength will cause the universe to be hurt again.

So, everything is to let them improve on their own. Treat them with self-confidence, instead of blindly choosing to help them take shortcuts, which will only harm them. "

Hearing Zhang Fan's plan, Tian Yun also expressed his own thoughts at the moment, causing Zhang Fan to fall into silence.

"Perhaps I thought too much myself, or ignored the most original things. Thank you teacher, I know what to do.

By the way, teacher, are you confident about breaking through to the realm of heaven now? Did Uncle Ye go looking for you? "

After a short while, Zhang Fan also suddenly realized, but also immediately asked.

"I don’t have the luck of yours. However, as early as an epoch, I was able to try to break through to the realm of Heavenly Sovereign, but because I spent time creating magical powers, I ended up delaying a lot. In the midst of high-intensity busyness, so in sum, I have had too long to practice properly.

Your Master Ye has already notified me that for the next period of time, I will retreat and attack the realm of Heavenly Sovereign. After I leave the customs, let's set off before and head to the dark sky. "

Tianyun also answered directly.

"Yeah, I believe you will succeed, teacher. I'm here waiting for your good news."

Nodding, Zhang Fan is also full of confidence in his teacher at this moment.

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