Star-source Legend

Chapter 1740: parting

"Thank you, brother, for your warning. I will keep it in my heart. Brother, these are some of the things that I bring you that interest you, especially the fine wines and delicacies. It is enough to keep you drinking. More than a hundred thousand years.

And this time, if it goes well, I estimate that it will only take tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, to return. Once I can’t return, someone will come here every time. Here is something for you, brother.

This is the only thing my brother can do for you.

Not much to say, brother, take care, hope you and my brother will have a goodbye. "

Zhang Fan also looked at Turner with a grateful look at this moment, and at the same time gave Turner a space ring, and then disappeared in front of Turner as soon as his figure moved.

"Brother, take care too."

Looking at the direction Zhang Fan was leaving, Turner was also muttering to himself with complicated eyesight at the moment.

I don't know why, Turner always feels that Zhang Fan's journey to Heitianyu will not go so smoothly this time. It can be said that Turner is actually very worried in his heart.


After returning to the earth, Zhang Fan also bid farewell to everyone, including the monster clan, many powerful monsters also took the initiative to come to the Supreme City to bid farewell to Zhang Fan.

"It's time for me to leave. During my absence, Xiaolong, I will leave everything to you."

After bidding farewell to the others one by one, Zhang Fan finally returned to his residence. At this moment, Zhang Fan's family are all together, and Zhang Fan's parents are even more difficult to conceal their inner dismay, eyes moist.

At this moment, Zhang Fan also watched his brother Zhang Tenglong command.

A few days ago, Zhang Fan directly took his brother Zhang Tenglong secretly to the chaos to make a breakthrough. Now, it can be said that his brother’s strength has reached the early stage of the Universe Venerable, which is considered to be above the earth except for him. The most powerful person outside.

Of course, others are not clear about this situation. Hearing what Zhang Fan said, everyone looked at Zhang Tenglong with a little surprise.

However, this is the secret between him and his brother. Zhang Tenglong is considered an invisible guardian. He will not easily reveal his strength until the most critical moment.

"You little guys, remember to practice hard and don't be lazy after I leave. You are all grown up now, and it's time to take on certain responsibilities.

Always remember what I said specifically to you before.

It's getting late, I should start, goodbye. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan also looked at his children and said. In the end, Zhang Fan also looked at his family deeply. Then, with a thought, the whole person disappeared in place.

And this time, leaving with Zhang Fan was the Spirit Swallowing Clan. As for Dougs, Zhang Fan stayed behind to protect the safety of his family.

The prohibition that I used before was also taught to my younger brother Zhang Tenglong, so there is no need to worry about any problems with Dougs.

"Wuying has seen the master."

After leaving the earth, Zhang Fan made a circle around the earth before releasing Wuying.

At this moment, looking at Zhang Fan, Wuying also seemed very respectful.

"Haha, Wuying, now I am also planning to go to the City of Hope, and before going to the City of Hope, I plan to send you directly to the All Souls Universe. After you settle down, I will go to the City of Hope and my teacher. They meet.

Do you know the coordinates of the universe? "

Looking at Wuying, Zhang Fan asked with a smile now.

"Master, although I was born on the earth, in the memory and inheritance of each of our soul-swallowing people, there is a specific location in the universe of all souls. Please see, this is the location of our universe. It is quite far from where we are now.

Of course, with your master's strength, it is estimated that it will take a few days to arrive. "

Nodded. At this moment, Wuying also had a thought. Suddenly, a reduced version of the chaotic star map appeared in front of Zhang Fan. At this moment, Wuying also pointed to a dot on the star map and said.

After Zhang Fan took a look, he also compared the position of the Ten Thousand Spirits universe described in the memory inheritance he got from the cursed Tianzun, and found that it was completely consistent.

"Very good, then I will now put it into my little universe, and after the Wan Ling universe, I will release you."

Nodded, Zhang Fan also spoke at this moment. Then, with a movement of his mind, Wuying was directly received into the small universe.

In the next instant, Zhang Fan's whole person turned into a stream of light, and headed towards the direction of the universe like a lightning.

Because the curse of Tianzun left a space imprint, Zhang Fan directly used his own powerful strength to forcibly construct a chaotic channel at the moment. It can be said that in terms of speed, the entire universe cannot be found to be comparable to Zhang Fan. man of.

Under normal circumstances, it takes three or four days to travel from the edge of the universe where Zhang Fan is to the Ten Thousand Spirits Universe, at the speed of the power of the late Tianzun.

Remember, it only took a day and a half for Zhang Fan to reach the edge of the universe.

Under Zhang Fan's exploration of the power of mind, it can be clearly seen that the size of the entire Ten Thousand Souls universe is much worse than the size of their universe, at most only equivalent to one-third of their universe.

However, from the Wanling Universe, Zhang Fan also felt the aura of a dozen strong men who reached the rank of the Universe Venerable. In terms of comprehensive strength, the Wanling Universe was much more than the universe he was in.


At this time, Zhang Fan also directly summon Wuying out with a thought.

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