Star-source Legend

Chapter 1741: Wan Ling universe


At this time, Zhang Fan also directly summon Wuying out with a thought.

"My God, Master, your strength is really too strong. It's only a day and a half before you have arrived in the Ten Thousand Spirits Universe. I guess this speed will never be reached."

At this moment, Wuying also seemed very shocked when looking at the Wanling Universe not far away.

"Hehe, it's nothing. You still think about how we should stand. I just felt that there are more than a dozen noble-level existences in the entire Ten Thousand Spirits Universe, and at least four of them have reached the middle noble stage. , With your strength, plus the few members of your spirit swallowing clan now, I can hardly rest assured to let you go back alone."

Waved his hand, Zhang Fan also looked at Wuying and said.

"Master, I am already grateful for your being able to bring me back to the Ten Thousand Spirits Universe. Leave everything to me. If I can't even stand on my feet, then I don't deserve to follow you."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Wuying also appeared very firm at the moment.

However, Zhang Fan could see that Wuying was actually under tremendous pressure in his heart at this moment. As Zhang Fan said, his own strength may be able to survive, but the entire spirit swallowing clan has too few personnel, and they have been away from the Wanling Universe for several epochs. The specific changes are basically unchanged. How clear.

If he went back in this way, in Zhang Fan's view, it was tantamount to looking for death.

"Well, since you are my person, and time is still abundant, I will follow you for a while. I have promised before that you can live safely in the universe of all souls for your spirit swallowing clan.

Moreover, there are so many noble-level existences in your universe, and I am also very interested. "

With a smile, Zhang Fan also spoke directly. After that, there is no room for Wuying to say more. Zhang Fan directly took Wuying and used his powerful power to forcibly penetrate the barriers of the Wanling Universe and entered the Wanling Universe. among.

As soon as he entered the Wanling Universe, Zhang Fan felt a completely different one, but it was stronger and purer than the universe he was in, and there was a lot of energy flooding the four directions.


Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan also directly released his spiritual thoughts with all his strength. In an instant, all corners of the entire universe were directly covered. Suddenly, everything in the entire Wanling universe was completely unobstructed by Zhang Fan.

"No wonder it is called the universe of all souls. Your universe is very magical. A book, a pen, and even a leaf have their own spirituality. If the chance is good, they can all be transformed into life.

Moreover, there is a huge potential for life energy in the entire Wanling universe, which is beyond my expectation.

Wuying, where is the clan of your spirit swallowing clan, take me there now, and after I arrange everything, I also want to travel around the entire universe of spirits, and maybe it can inspire me in some places. "

Through the powerful power of thought, Zhang Fan also felt the magic of the entire universe of all souls at this moment. At this moment, Zhang Fan put away the power of thought, and said Wuying who looked at one side.

"Okay, Master, you follow me."

Nodding, Wuying also looked at Zhang Fan and said. After that, he took the initiative to lead Zhang Fan, and headed towards the location of the Spirit Swallow Clan.

"Master, there is the clan land of our spirit swallowing clan, but I don't know whether our clan land still exists after such a long time. I am worried that it is possible that our clan land is already occupied."

Ten minutes later, Wuying also took Zhang Fan to a super planet that seemed to be no smaller than the earth. Wuying called it the Wanling Star, and it was also the origin planet of the entire Wanling Universe.

And the spirit swallowing clan, many epochs ago, was the absolute overlord of the entire universe of all spirits, and the location of its own clan was naturally located in the center of the entire spirit star.

This is a rolling hilly area. At this moment, Wuying also pointed to the location of a plain covering a very wide area and said to Zhang Fan.

Under Zhang Fan’s investigation, I also felt that there was a very powerful and concealed protective mask, which isolates everything from the outside, making it impossible to see what’s inside. However, for Zhang Fan, it couldn’t be easier. .

"Wuying, your worry is correct. The inside is indeed occupied. What is more surprising is that the people who occupy your clan land are actually a group of dwarves who seem to be only over one meter tall, and the number is not very large. , Probably only two to three thousand.

However, each of these dwarves looks very strong, and at least two of them have reached the rank of the nobleman. One of them is also one of the four mid-term strongmen I told you. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan also told Wuying about the situation inside.

"It turns out to be the Yordle? There is nothing to worry about. The Yordle is the follower of our clan at its peak. Before our clan came out of the all-spirit clan, it was arranged to help us swallow. The spirits guard the safety of the clan.

However, I did not expect that after several epochs, the Yodels would actually be born at the venerable level, which was beyond my expectation.

I hope they can still remember the original agreement, otherwise, you can't say to trouble the host. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Wuying seemed very surprised at this moment, but he soon relaxed.

Of course, after several epochs, Wuying couldn't guarantee whether the Yodels would still abide by the original agreement with their Spirit Devourers.

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