Star-source Legend

Chapter 477: Vacation (below)

"Don't worry, Grandpa Gu, I know."

Zhang Fan also nodded. For these, from the recent forum of the Gulan Private Network, Zhang Fan also has an understanding.

"Hmm, Nuo, this is a communicator I specially prepared for you. It contains some contact information of the high-level Martial Artists Guild. Whenever you encounter outside, you can contact the person above it as soon as possible, and, With this, we can also have a more detailed understanding of your position at any time. Once you are in danger, you can directly contact anyone, and the strong will rush over as soon as possible."

Nodded, Furukawa moved his hand and took out a silver communicator that looked about six inches in size and gave it to Zhang Fan, which looked simple and atmospheric.

"Thank you, Grandpa Gu, I know."

Zhang Fan took the communicator and found it was very comfortable to the touch. After opening it, he also found that many people's contact information appeared on it, and even the position and address were directly indicated.

Among them, there is even President Nalandi's contact information, which makes Zhang Fan also amazed.

"Yeah, then you go back early and stay with your family and friends. I will also have to take Qianqian back home later. If you have time, you can go to Kyoto to find Qianqian and the others."

Nodded, Furukawa also said to Zhang Fan.

"Okay, you must visit Grandpa Gu at your house when you have time. Then, Grandpa Gu, I will leave first, and I will be back a month later."

Seeing Furukawa nodding, Zhang Fan turned and left Furukawa's office, and walked towards the exit of the space where Gulan Academy was located.

At this moment, in front of the light curtain at the exit of the space, Gu Qian and Liu Yun were also waiting in place.

"Didn't I not let you send it? Why are you here?"

Looking at everyone, Zhang Fan also said directly.

"Hey, this is just a matter of course. After you leave, we will leave together tomorrow. You must remember to go to Kyoto to find us when you have time."

Liu Yun also walked up to Zhang Fan at this time and said with a smile.

"That's for sure, you go back quickly, by the way, remember not to go to the wilderness easily. Recently, the outside world is relatively uneasy, and animal tides will erupt from time to time.

Zhang Fan also nodded, and then reminded him.

"Afan, you have to pay more attention."

Gu Qian also stepped forward at this time, looking at Zhang Fan with a gentle expression, and said softly, looking very sad.

"Let's go back."

Smiling at Gu Qian, Zhang Fan looked at everyone and said something, then turned around and stepped into the light curtain.

A few minutes later, Zhang Fan also came to the exit of the military base outside.


At this moment, suddenly a figure appeared in front of Zhang Fan, it was Long Yun.

"Grandpa Long is good."

Zhang Fan also hurriedly said respectfully.

"Haha, I haven't seen it for a while, and my strength has reached this level. It's very good. I believe Furukawa should have told you something. Remember, don't run around after you go back. It's not peaceful outside. Stay in Star City. Be with family and friends and come back early."

Looking at Zhang Fan, Long Yun's relatively indifferent face also leaked a smile, and said gently to Zhang Fan.

"I understand, Grandpa Long, don't worry."

Zhang Fan also promised.

"Well, the car is already waiting, let's go there early."

Long Yun also nodded and said, and immediately afterwards, the alloy door that had been closed also opened directly.

"Goodbye, Grandpa Long."

After bidding farewell to Long Yun, Zhang Fan walked towards the place where they had arrived in the memory.

After passing, I saw a very beautiful car staying in place.

After getting in the car, in more than half an hour, Zhang Fan arrived at the airport where he stopped when he first came to Gulan College.

After proving his identity with the staff, Zhang Fan entered a relatively small plane under the leadership of the staff.


With a roar, the plane took off directly, heading towards the direction of Star City.

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