Star-source Legend

Chapter 478: Changes at home (part 1)

After more than three hours, Zhang Fan's special plane also landed at the private airport of the Star City Warriors Guild. After that, Zhang Fan walked out with a relaxed look.

Subsequently, under the leadership of an airport staff member, Zhang Fan went directly to the airport exit.

"Huh, it feels good to be back in Star City."

Seeing everything familiar outside, Zhang Fan took a deep breath, his face also leaked an intoxicated look.

"Hey, Uncle Yun, I'm back to Star City on vacation, and I'm at the exit of the private airport of our Martial Artist Guild. Can you help me call a car to take me home."

At this moment, Zhang Fan also took out the communicator and contacted Yuntian as soon as possible.

"What? You kid, don't let me know if you want to come back, wait a while, I'll be there soon."

When he heard that Zhang Fan had returned to Star City, Yun Tian, ​​who was far away in the office of the director of the Martial Arts Guild, also stood up with excitement and said directly.

After that, I hung up the communicator, and for the first time, I walked downstairs to the Martial Artist's Guild. On the way, I had already notified the special driver to wait in place.

Ten minutes later, Yun Tian came to Zhang Fan's front.

"Haha, kid, get in the car, I'll take you home first, as for the two of us, there will be time to get together later."

Looking at Zhang Fan, Yun Tian also seemed very excited.

"Hey, I'm bothering Uncle Yun. When I stay with my family for a few days, I'll go and look for you."

Zhang Fan also said with a smile.

"After going back this time, there will be unexpected surprises. It was because you were in the academy before, so I didn't notify you. Now that you are back, you can just catch up."

Yuntian also pretended to be mysterious, which made Zhang Fan also a little confused and expectant.

"Uncle Yun, won't you go in?"

After more than a child, Zhang Fan and the others came to the parking lot outside the Shengshihuating community.

"No, it's fine when you come to the Martial Arts Guild to find me when you have time. You just came back, so stay with your parents."

Yuntian waved his hand and said.

"Yeah, all right, Uncle Yun, I'll go back first, and I will look for you in two days."

Having said that, Zhang Fan and Yun Tian waved their hands and walked towards the gate of the community.

"Afan? It turned out to be your kid? After all, I haven't seen each other for three years, right? Well, yes, I have grown taller."

As soon as he walked to the door, a familiar person came by unexpectedly. It was Chu Jiang, the security captain of the Shengshihuating community.

"Yeah, Brother Chu, it's been three years. It's really kind to see you. The feeling of going home is really good."

Looking at Chu Jiang, Zhang Fan also seemed very happy.

"Hehe, go in, your parents are there, and the boy Li Nian is also there. Today is the weekend, and they didn't go out."

Smiling, Chu Jiang also said to Zhang Fan.

"Okay, by the way, Brother Chu, this is a gift I specially prepared for you. I have been away for so long and the house is safe and sound. Thanks to Brother Chu for your care. Please accept it."

At this moment, Zhang Fan's hand flashed, and a bottle of genetic medicine also appeared in his hand.

"This is a genetic medicine? Don't let it, Afan, this is too expensive. My job is a security guard, and it is my duty to protect this community."

Seeing the genetic medicine Zhang Fan took out, Chu Jiang was also a little surprised and hurriedly refused.

He is no stranger to genetic medicine. The cheapest ones are hundreds of thousands and millions. Those are the most common basic restoration medicines. Some of them can help improve their own strength. Tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of global coins.

The bottle of genetic medicine Zhang Fan took out was unique and precious at first glance. This was originally his duty, and naturally it was the first time he refused.

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