Star-source Legend

Chapter 479: Changes in the home (medium)

"Hehe, Brother Chu, just take it. I have already regarded you as my own family. This bottle of genetic medicine should have a great effect on your breakthrough. Your strength is high. Does it mean that my parents are safer? I am considered an investment.

If you don't accept it, I will be very sad. "

Zhang Fan also said with a smile.

"This, then all right, thank you, Afan."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Chu Jiang didn't know how to refuse. After thinking about it, he accepted it.

Of course, it is not surprising that Zhang Fan can see that he is about to break through. According to Li Nian's previous statement, the place where Zhang Fan goes to practice is comparable to the existence of the Holy Land, and his current strength is definitely more than he does not know.

Seeing Chu Jiang accept it, Zhang Fan's face also looked very happy.

The genetic medicine he gave to Chu Jiang, a bottle of which also requires 100 points in the academy. If converted, it is worth 100 million. It can have a very good effect on the warriors in the internal organs.

When he saw Chu Jiang just now, Zhang Fan saw that Chu Jiang had already reached the pinnacle of the viscera realm, and with his medicine, it was enough to break through to the martial spirit realm.

"Then Brother Chu, I will go in first." Zhang Fan said immediately.

"Yeah, okay, go now." Chu Jiang nodded.

After that, Zhang Fan entered the community with a look of expectation and walked towards the cultivation villa.


Take out the door card, swipe at the door, and suddenly, the door of the villa opens directly.

"Afan? Are you back? His dad, you come out quickly, Afan is back."

As soon as Zhang Fan walked in, Zhang Fan's mother who heard the movement at the door was very excited, and then said aloud in the direction of the kitchen.

"Afan is back?"

At this time, the voice of Zhang Fan's father Zhang Shun also came from the kitchen.

Immediately afterwards, he ran out quickly.

"It's good to come back, it's good to come back. This trip is three years. The disadvantage is that Mr. Xu often informs us of your news. Otherwise, we don't know what your situation is.

Well, he has grown taller, has become a young man, and has matured a lot. "

Zhang Shun, who ran out, looked at Zhang Fan who was changing a little, walked to his close relatives, patted Zhang Fan on the shoulder and said, his eyes were slightly red, and he looked very excited.

And Zhang Fan's mother, Shen Qiong, couldn't help but shed tears at this time.

"Why cry? It's a big joy when the child comes back. Come on, Afan, you can talk to your mother first. It's noon right away. I will quickly make you your favorite food."

Glancing at Shen Qiong, Zhang Shun also said directly, and then went to the kitchen to get busy.

"Come on, Afan, sit down quickly and let my mother take a good look. For three years, since childhood, you have never left us. Although during this period, thanks to the care of the Martial Artists Guild, we are all very relaxed. But when you are not there, it feels like something is missing."

After letting Zhang Fan sit down, Shen Qiong also took Zhang Fan's hand and said, looking very excited.

"I also miss you very much. When I left, I thought I could contact you in the college, but I didn't expect that any contact with the outside world was not allowed there.

Coupled with Gulan Academy's own rules, it was finally three years, and I went home on vacation as soon as possible. "

Looking at his mother at this moment, Zhang Fan was also a little excited.

"Afan, haha, did your kid come back suddenly?"

At this moment, suddenly, Li Nian's voice came from the stairs. Then, Zhang Fan saw Li Nian and a beautiful woman walking down.

The woman was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt on the upper body and a pair of black looser pants on the lower body, looking very capable.

"Yes, after three years, the students will be back. By the way, Brother Li, who is this?"

Nodded, Zhang Fan also looked at the woman next to Li Nian and said.

"Hehe, he is your sister-in-law, named Hu Min. A few days ago, we were already registered for marriage."

Hearing what Zhang Fan asked, Li Nian replied with a smile, with a happy smile on his face.

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